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Friday 13 June 2014

Greater things than these, you shall do! But, what about your family as a collective? If you are seeking approval from God, you won't mind if your young cousin feels good about her music recitals for which she trained very hard and you won't compete for the approval of the old grand lady by the bayou!

It is rumored that a 1/4 black medical graduate who could pass for a white person in 1970's America was abused by his family after graduation as they decided that they would feel more comfortable with him emotionally if he was just a bus driver. He had never failed to save a life or provide an appropriate diagnosis. He had graduated 3rd or 4th in his class from the top.Most of the family had relied on a Louisianian half black grandmother for approval who, in her own emotions, struggled with personal shame since she had children before she was 17. All of her children were divorced or separated except for two of them. What was most upsetting is the fact that the grandmother signed her home by the bayou over to a white female politician from Dakota( she may have been part native and West Indian) who was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist. The politician was sure to ask the grand woman since she could appreciate that she was helping the grandmother overcome her greatest malady or achieve her greatest goal which was self-acceptance. 

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