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Sunday 19 February 2017

So, your father says he is not sure of what he did and that he is not sure if he is your father. Well, you could claim Psalms 82 and after all of the Babylonian and Assyrian occupations it helps as Jesus said.

So, your father says he is not sure of what he did and that he is not sure if he is your father. Well, you could claim Psalms 82 and after all of the Babylonian and Assyrian occupations it helps as Jesus said.  It is good to honor the people who raised you and figure out that is best to be a humble calf and get as much education as possible when possible. This is because the humblest calf sucks the most milk.  At least if you claim God as your father you have something to honor.  You will not be perfect but you will have a sense of covering while you smoke cigarettes, rob banks and rip people off in the cover of the church and then you can say congregationally at church once or more a week that you take forgiveness for your murderous deeds and words and then you leave church to do it again only to see that there is less community and less society due to all of your terrorizing in the cover of the church and to what end except that eventually you will see that you are in the Book of Eli (movie) and that you will have to dust off the cover of the bible one more time and re write the magna carta to give yourself the cover of a law abiding community that respects human life, human dignity and property.  Some of you may have a genetic propensity to receive honor from people but we can't take your dirty disease so don't ask anyone to suck again. Just take a sausage, write clean, innocent people on it rub it on your nose or just squeeze it. The people will kill you since you really don't think you are the residue of the House of Versailles hiding in the Church and that you want to see people revere you in some kind of absolute authority. Your dirty frickin disease makes the whole, entire continent of Europe infertile and may the truth be told, some of you got it from Thai and Filipino converts who were sex workers in Thailand and other parts of Asia before they emigrated to Denver or Denmark.   They are nice nail ladies Monday to Friday but they are giving you death with their mouths and other orifices; just for $40.00 and sometimes you get a 2 for 1 special if you call early.  This is because a mind is a terrible thing to waste.  Did you know Catholic clergy pay parking Tickets in Europe.  They also go to jail for murdering nice people.  But, they can kill bad people who don't quit hurting the church and church congregants; no one else. Apparently, this is so.

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