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Monday 27 February 2017

So, why would God have given power to the white people over all the black peoples if they were the first to provide the world with the certain technologies as seen in Egypt and to be a cradle not only for civilization itself but also the word of God in its transmission to the rest of the world?

So, why would God have given power to the white people over all the black peoples if they were the first to provide the world with the certain technologies as seen in Egypt and to be a cradle not only for civilization itself but also the word of God in its transmission to the rest of the world?  The reason is the African in  the south had sixty children and was willing to show the world how he could be great and terrible in that, once a year, he would would cut of the head of his greatest warriors. IN THE NORTH, THE LAND TURNED TO LED AND TURNED THE HABITABLE LAND INTO SAND. THEY CHOSE TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE WIFE AT THE TIME OF RAMSES PHARAONIC REIGN.    THE PHENOMENA OF HAVING TWO WIVES BEGAN AT THE TIME THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL SEPARATED INTO TWO KINGDOMS.

So, you should not want to show people your powah in cutting off de head of your warriors. All it does is bring de power of de Great God upon all your peopole! When you see de big gun deh brought to shoot everybody in sight who came for a battle, you see they were all dead!  Then they say, "..Now,I showed you my power! Here is a bible; do not forget as we will not forget! Your son could have played on the Boston Celtics or on the Arizona Patriots but you won't let him go. He's dead! Look!" 

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