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Saturday 25 February 2017

So, the Native peoples of North America have realized that the English,  Native Mongols who attempted to settle and keep North America decided to consider the American Independence only a battle; that they would never really let them be independent in spite of any constitution or F-111 bomber.  The native Picts are vassals who only sought to make others vassals; other natives. The only answer for these other natives was to get wool from Rome or produce their own. This is in addition to writing your own stories and project them across the entire earth.    The Pict Mongols, however, ended up being a conduit for a more insidious and determined sub community  that not only took this approach in seeking to kill all the Picts in England, Ireland,  Scotland and Wales but also in Europe in places like Germany in the Black Forest and also Burgundy.

The presence of this sub community obviously of tremendous insidious influence, influencing people as conduits who are also victims of this community is quite evident.  The issue is that the emerging culture or people are not to feel too independent from the headship of this sub community or it seems seek to not only be politically independent but spiritually independent with any distinct notions of a God in the political stratosphere where the people may led to a greater ecumenical, prosperous, happy and living existence. It seems this sub community lives on suffering and seeks a certain kind of dependence in the people so that the people would give this sub community some kind of fearful reverence in this sub community's capability for martialing death and terror.

The natives in North America know what it is like to have adherents  of this community teach them for 12 years in school that they must kill themselves and who made children witness the extermination of other children in front of them; exterminated only for being rude. This transpired for more than ten generations in a quiet fascism that his behind a great religiosity of some kind so that they would have enough social authority to do whatever they wanted; even rob a bank or poison people. This is not to spot light the issues with the Catholic or Anglican missions in North America involving travesties and cruel and unusual treatment or punishment committed against Natives but someone noticed recently that the issue may have been color and nothing else as Chinese people are physically identical to North American natives in every respect except for two shades of complexion with the Northmerican mongols being two shades darker due to environmental diet with no jelly fish to enjoy but chestnuts and lots of red bloody flesh from Bison and deer meet.   It seems, however, that a computer company has taken the mind of an old Native Orphan school director(it was really an upstate Indiana regular mixed high school and she was also a director of a few public schools. She was in Minnesota as an Anglican Psalter for many years at $20000.00 per year. She got very angry and decided to poison the water with literal nickel; a five cent piece) who was actually raised in an Orphan school in Jamaica as a child as a native mongol Arawak who always had a slightly tanned or Mediterranean complexion.  The mind is wired to mobile android networks by the company that makes the "E phod" device, Asparagus(TM),  in the hopes of bringing a sense of traditionalism and balance in the belief that it might help to create an environment of ecumenicism and magnanimity since she had many black students who did quite well under her supervision where she had a book from MLK(Martin Luther King) in her desk and a dirty video since she said it would feel too old otherwise. She also had  the saliva of Charlton Heston in a little water bottle because he was in the Ten Commandments and the teachers followed the line. The school had good results and the Black and Native students did quite well in the tutelage but the White kids were put through in spite of whatever they did or failed to do because she needed to keep a job and was afraid. The real truth is that she saw it worked to disable them before in the West Indies in that they would have a false sense of confidence and did not add fast enough at the grain and livestock markets or at the banks. The Banks took properties and the door was open for a more sober community that drank less moon shine and white rum.  The white creoles started coming to America around 1854 and the Chinese came to the West Indies to help fill the gap where international business could not  cover what was now open to recording and photography for the first time. "Eat, drink and be merry" is not an economic policy but it could work in the lawlessness they favored as scalawags.  It is just not good for business and the shipping of goods. She only had grade 8 education.    The issue is that White native people who survived many generations of this torture that must have been perpetrated against the Pict Mongols and other native peoples all over Europe by the sub community do whatever makes them feel acceptance with the subtlest of cues.  You could make them move out of their house and sit on a bench across the road...for acceptance. But, you might have to offer them enough money to make them go. They will take a great discount with the chime that tells them the fateful decision is for their acceptance. As such tribalism and competition among the West Indian Island communities was puerile and vain during and after the end of colonialism. You are not serving yourself or regional interests or any church to hold a white or black native back by cutting a grade  You take 10% of a grade or 6 inches off the triple jump results.  You want to feel American but the Americans do not engage in this subterfuge.  You say you want to be able to do it; that you want the little black kid  from Northern Indiana to be old and you were an athletics official for State High School Athletics.     There was a Catholic church before Rome's involvement. But, Rome saw this growing body of people who were writing and communicating in an allegiance to a Rabbi Jesus and the spirit of God as come kind of threat so they apostatized and infiltrated as they could with little success since
the Romans knew Judaism and had many Rabbis throughout Rome who were consulted by Senators, Centurions and Emperors since it is the perpetual peace of God.  But, Jesus was a reformation in that He restored the purpose of the word and was recognized by Centurions and other Rabbis for his re-visitation of the purpose of the word.  The pattern is that by ten generations, you will have killed yourself and the need for battles will be over. You will give it all away as an open people who are just turned inside out. The sub community says thank you for your generosity since you know now who you are after ten generations of abuse and programming( you don't have any lineage, name or family but you can be a puppet and we can see the pattern; that John Wilkes Booth is surgical type of Pinochet if Pinochet was a weapon for this sub community in obeisance to a Dead Rome and Allende was Abraham Lincoln; not that we don't know how to run a grocery store or an America Incorporated but they  need to know if you are trying to be independent?  Who do you think you will be?  Do you think you will leave us? Do you think you will not show the obeisance?  The issue is that the sub community is comprised of mostly dead people in some kind of suspended life state as maintained by people with the IQ of grave robbers. They are all dead!  Ask Father Coyne who was born in Jamaica but taken to Ireland by his father and who was put through the acid washes to make him more white and less Arawak. He is a devil; not a George H. W. Bush.     The irony is that this sub community is using southern Amerindian Creole Arawak natives as socio-economic soldiers involved in socio-economic warfare; akin to gorilla warfare.  They say they speak better English and you believe it because you have been singing that you don't need the education or the thought control; that the teachers might leave you alone. But, they don't really have any education and set themselves against graduates, black and white who complete high school in North America, Europe and in England.      

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