There was a woman who had a daughter. The mother was Black West Indian. Her daughter looked a little Indian as the mother ate a lot of curry during the pregnancy. The mother didn't want an Indianish daughter so she said "thank you" to the staff at the hospital and told them to bring her back in five minutes. The daughter was switched with another planned to kill the father who adopted her and also planned to kill the mother once the mother kicked her out. The Indianish daughter was adopted by a Bahammian family called Hacksaw. She was put in school at 4 years old and started at Grade 2. She met her real brother at 16 years old. She was 12 but officially 16. Her adoptive mother was a sex addict and watched sex 3 hours a day. She also told the adopted daughter to have sex with her adoptive brother. She looked 16 but was given growth hormone for her hair and her biological father introduced his DNA to her at five years old so that she would grow up. In 2015, she was offered an opportunity to save someone who turned out to be her brother. She agreed and then she was given LSD that caused her to change her mind under suggestion. She was given $20000.00 per month on LSD and molested by a Steven Bonville and a Steven Pencer who was Bajan and gave her more LSD and told her with her biological father also involved that she had to go and steal the cash of the young man who is her genetic brother. She traveled as ordered to a tiny Island nation and was met by people who brought her to a steam bath, wine club and hotel. The staff told her the door is old and won't lock but that they would fix it in the morning. She paid by credit card and left her stuff in a locker at the front of the hotel as told. The following morning, she was told she did not understand enough of old West Indies and that she could go anywhere she wanted.
She was picked up by someone at the front of the hotel who took her wallet and who said he would also show her what it is to go up in the West Indies. He turned her into a domestic and a sex worker on LSD. She was eventually allowed to leave the Island of Ocho River but with only one leg. She did survive. She was dismembered and sold as food in the hills of the tiny Island as hair growth food meat at $10.00 more than beef but it could not help the hair grow since she was full of disease but it is the same part of the world from which her mother originated in the hills. All they needed was growth hormone. The story is over.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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