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Thursday 15 December 2016

So, the point of education is to know what is good; not only for society but to know what is good or bad for yourself.

So, the point of education is to know what is good; not only for society but to know what is good or bad for yourself. If you do not care for yourself, then put your wife and children ahead of you.   Even if you are racist, is it not better to do what will bring you money and an income? You have more money to be racist and to dissociate from that which you say you detest.   You could fly to Whitesville where there is a large white minority although you are Black. But, if you put your skin first your imaginary white identity before the cash, ask yourself if your skin can buy food?  You could be Black with an afro and say you need to be White and have decided that you will not hand a pen or a book to a student in a class who is Black even though you were told that if you do, you would get a scholarship and a job offer.  The black kid was going to get one also.  You decided to say that they should ask someone else or that you do not work for free or that they should ask someone Black.  You must think of what is best for your self. If it is about Pavlov's hierarchy of needs, what is best is that you do what will give you more money or a stable income. Otherwise, you are not white or black in either case. You are in the centrifuge of an identity struggle.  You need to see your soul congeal so that self preservation is not only, in your mind, the obvious answer but the only answer. Do you understand?   White people would hand the black student the book. Then, they would buy the Mustang. In fact, the offer had nothing to do with race. It was just an opportunity.  There is always someone whiter. You could be the whitest like a redhead. Redheads are Northy people. That is the only place where you see them in abundance; the whiteist of the white unless you are a troglodyte.  You have troglodytes that come with various hair colors but they have their unique classification.  "White" or "Black" is for humans.  The troglodyte is not capable of doing anything except seeking acceptance from a man.  They are always trying to find a man; a better "Jesus" so to speak but they would have killed him because of his profound humanity, patience and comprehension of the troglodytes self -hatred.  They are more "belly" than "brain" and the school teacher told you that you had a special visitor who always felt awkward and who eventually was removed from the school in any event if they did not write "God" on the bottom of their shoes.  School should be free so that you will know 'God' is the final answer. Isn't it the case that the benevolence of free school feels like God so that you will be free from tuition so that you will know and harness your faculties to the benefit of ultimate stakeholder; that is society?   They seem to want to hit things and beat things but when the beating stick becomes an Atomic ICBM, it is time to count the cost. Come round and mosey over here so I can tell you a story.  They are also cannibals. But, they can be told what to do for acceptance.   Even though troglodytes are not as human, they still get the blessing of Isaiah 61 since He came to set the captive free, to bind up the broken hearted and to heal the sick. Unfortunately, the parable of the four seeds tells us the attrition rate is quite high in the ministry of Isaiah 61. Judas, son of Mephibosheth who betrayed Christ demonstrates this.    But,  you must continue to do the work of being salt and light and hand the book and the pen to someone as you think of yourself not only in the communicable benefit of ministry that we treat people's vehicles on the side of the road as we would wish our vehicles to be treated.  Listen carefully.  Tu Ecoute'!  A five year old kid born in 2017 thought the vehicles on the road were a parts source where you just take any windshield you want; any door handle.   You say how " they own it if it is in my eye sight on the side of the road?  How do they own a trademark if it is in my eye sight?  Can't I just kill and take it?"   The people who think about killing and want to take it; that is a MENACE TO SOCIETY!    They resist individuality and say you are a "boy" if you do not react to their troglodyte self expressions of criminal damage. But, at least a boy who resents being asked to join trogolodyte Neanderthal pecking order1. dances that involve criminal damage is better than the troglodyte since a boy is human; not animalian  The troglodyte kills what he does not understand and he understands little since he sees education as a threat to his or her existence.  Ministry though; it makes you feel Good as you share with any being on the planet.  The Queen is a troglodyte.    With ministry you feel good!   You feel good!    The bridge is over however. The bridge is over.    It is cut.  There is no time or energy to be expended except in the protection of civilization and that protection is a color blind equation.  Obalmy failed this test and lost his unique reproduction.   He wants you to fail too so that you might be equal and he will have company in misery; not white!

So, the point of education is to know what is good; not only for society but to know what is good or bad for yourself.  Even if you are racist, is it not better to do what will bring you money and an income? You have more money to be racist and to dissociate from that which you say you detest.  You could be Black with an afro and say you need to be White and have decided that you will not hand a pen or a book to a student in a class who is Black even though you were told that if you do, you would get a scholarship and a job offer.  The black kid was going to get one also.  You decided to say that they should ask someone else or that you do not work for free or that they should ask someone Black.  You must think of what is best for your self. If it is about Pavlov's hierarchy of needs, what is best is that you do what will give you more money or a stable income. Otherwise, you are not white or black in either case. You are in the centrifuge of an identity struggle.  You need to see your soul congeal so that self preservation is not only, in your mind, the obvious answer but the only answer. Do you understand?   White people would hand the black student the book. Then, they would buy the Mustang. In fact, the offer had nothing to do with race. It was just an opportunity.  There is always someone whiter. You could be the whitest like a redhead. Redheads are Northy people. That is the only place where you see them in abundance; the whiteist of the white unless you are a troglodyte.  You have troglodytes that come with various hair colors but they have their unique classification.  "White" or "Black" is for humans.  The troglodyte is not capable of doing anything except seeking acceptance from a man.  They are always trying to find a man; a better "Jesus" so to speak but they would have killed him because of his profound humanity, patience and comprehension of the troglodytes self -hatred.  They are more "belly" than "brain" and the school teacher told you that you had a special visitor who always felt awkward and who eventually was removed from the school in any event if they did not write "God" on the bottom of their shoes.  School should be free so that you will know 'God' is the final answer. Isn't it the case that the benevolence of free school feels like God so that you will be free from tuition so that you will know and harness your faculties to the benefit of ultimate stakeholder; that is society?   They seem to want to hit things and beat things but when the beating stick becomes an Atomic ICBM, it is time to count the cost. Come round and mosey over here so I can tell you a story.  They are also cannibals. But, they can be told what to do for acceptance.   Even though troglodytes are not as human, they still get the blessing of Isaiah 61 since He came to set the captive free, to bind up the broken hearted and to heal the sick. Unfortunately, the parable of the four seeds tells us the attrition rate is quite high in the ministry of Isaiah 61. Judas, son of Mephibosheth who betrayed Christ demonstrates this.    But,  you must continue to do the work of being salt and light and hand the book and the pen to someone as you think of yourself not only in the communicable benefit of ministry that we treat people's vehicles on the side of the road as we would wish our vehicles to be treated.  Listen carefully.  Tu Ecoute'!  A five year old kid born in 2017 thought the vehicles on the road were a parts source where you just take any windshield you want; any door handle.   You say how " they own it if it is in my eye sight on the side of the road?  How do they own a trademark if it is in my eye sight?  Can't I just kill and take it?"   The people who think about killing and want to take it; that is a MENACE TO SOCIETY!    They resist individuality and say you are a "boy" if you do not react to their troglodyte self expressions of criminal damage. But, at least a boy who resents being asked to join trogolodyte Neanderthal pecking order1. dances that involve criminal damage is better than the troglodyte since a boy is human; not animalian  The troglodyte kills what he does not understand and he understands little since he sees education as a threat to his or her existence.  Ministry though; it makes you feel Good as you share with any being on the planet.  The Queen is a troglodyte.    With ministry you feel good!   You feel good!    The bridge is over however.   The question is not who are we but who are they since we practice the Brit Milah and we need more of it in the home environment and in our socio-economic infrastructure that involves schools, public administration and also businesses.  It is a terrorist who blocks the Brit Milah, breaks all the rules and commits criminal offenses in the court under the guise of officialdom so that he or she will ask whether you respect how they feel; not whether you respect the law while he holds a Roman trinket in his hands or a small Amerindian artifact.  You say "It is written.  Thou shall not bear false witness contrary to the Queen's peace in the Queen's Court. Use a dictionary if you do not know the difference between "bare" and "bear".  Take two seconds during the exam to confirm.  Sometimes the question is not how much you write but whether you are well presented and literate.  But, if you are Black in a polemic world with Troglodytes who took over the "trinket" for the authority and caused the dark ages with the apostatizers2, then  you should be humble and hedge against their illiteracy and their fear of humanity; more than race.  The answer is Jesus and the Jews had the same complexion as the Assyrians and the Babylonians; so we understand. The issue was intention and the quiet agreement of ten rules for peace; the ten rules of communal living.   Ask Michael who stole a book from Upper Kinetica Reform School and then pretended he was a graduate but that they forgot him."  This is the Polemic.  That is the terrorist. The bridge is over.    It is cut.  There is no time or energy to be expended except in the protection of civilization and that protection is a color blind equation.  Obalmy failed this test and lost his unique reproduction.   He wants you to fail too so that you might be equal and he will have company in misery; not white!  The last answer is that humanity is an intention.  The Brit Milah is an intention; an intention to live by ten commandments of communal living and to herald a society that assists in this endeavor with communal quiet. See Thomas Hobbes for more .  Those of faith, regardless of the faith,  may call it sanctification or being a child of God.  Ask the three wise men about men and beasts.  Maybe you. as less than human, are trying to find a better man or maybe you mean a better hybrid human who would join you in your intermittent digression to neanderthal degeneration. You can't help yourself. But, God; he can help! This is probably true for most of us. Make a commitment.

1. Pecking order or peck order is the colloquial term for a hierarchical system of social organisation. It was first described by Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe in 1921 under the German terms Hackordnung or Hackliste and introduced into English in 1927.[1]- see Wikipedia. Click the links.         

2.    110s*111 Pliny the Younger, govenor of Bithynia, writes in a letter to the Emperor Trajan that to his surprise, the Christians are not guilty of any of the vices they are rumoured to engage in. He executes Christians who would not apostatize.

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