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Saturday 31 December 2016

So, you need to know that believing in Messianic Judaism is to be a follower of the way. You are certainly a Jew who accepts Christ as the Messiah. You also accept that the "second coming" is not required to die for the sins of the world. Read Hebrews 9.

So, you need to know that believing in Messianic Judaism is to be a follower of the way. You are certainly a Jew who accepts Christ as the Messiah. You also accept that the "second coming" is not required to die for the sins of the world.  Read Hebrews 9.   Christ's work is final. You do not accept His blood as final and then trample on His blood, seeking another sacrifice.   All this would mean is that you are resigning your salvation as based on Christ's sacrifice and also the peace of that salvation. Have you maimed your children? Have you taken an unusual divorce? Did you wrongfully accuse someone, hoping to steal their home before you could cajole the victim of the wrongful accusation to put your name on the property? Is there legislation that would have made you an immediate recipient of the home if you were the victim's wife but you did not speak to anyone who would assist your genuine intention to kill someone for their home?   Maybe society is "Jesus" and you are killing the Brit Milah as you deny Christ's sacrifice that is the peace that laid the foundation for 100's and thousands of years of commodious living. You should not worry about falling or worry  about sin since everybody sins but you must forgive yourself and not allow anyone to torment you about a fall.  Adam fell but he also got back up and the Lord gave him Seth.  Know your claim of faith is genuine and as it is genuine, you will not argue with yourself or your conscience that tells you something is no good for you. It could be that your conscience is telling you the consumption of nuclear water is bad for you. They sell it in some shops as it may help to kill unusual diseases. But, it will also take your hair usually and your teeth but you may live. You could argue with yourself and suffer the accordant lack of peace and it shows when you are arguing with yourself.  turn that youtube video off.  Are you Messianic or Catholic?  You will not die of boredom if you do turn off the video but presumably as a Catholic, you could acknowledge the video as a sin then deny your conscience as God given  that it is a sin and then do whatever it is anyway.    But, wouldn't that be rebellion against God in denying your conscience     to have a sin; that you may have a sin? Do you throw up?  Do you have bumps on your back?  Do you have metal in your head where you shot yourself  in being told to keep the sin?  But, it is obvious that if you do, you do not love yourself and you will probably feel like it; as if you are in a continual struggle. It could be that you argue with yourself or the Holy Ghost about that nuclear water or a tv show that for some reason, who know why, is no good for you. So, why argue? There is another tv program that you will certainly enjoy and with which "yourself", your mind, your conscience and the Holy Ghost has peace. Thank you! Enjoy the program!

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