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Friday 9 December 2016

Issac had an older brother. from a different womb. What is his name? He also had some other siblings from the womb of Keturah. Laicite is equivalent to socio economic felicity and quiet while allowing and protecting the faithful expressions of believers in the Un Dieu. This entails legislative enforcement in all spheres of life above and beyond the right of appeal or complaint.

Issac had an older brother. from a different womb.   What is his name?  He also had some other siblings from the womb of Keturah.
Laicite is equivalent to socio economic felicity and quiet while allowing and protecting the faithful expressions of believers in the Un Dieu.      This entails legislative enforcement in all spheres of life above and beyond the right of appeal or complaint.  Cousins should work together and play nice.  It is an uncommon  experience to come into faith that drives you to attend any place of worship one day a week. You are the salt and light of the world regardless of the language in which you worship.  It is beautiful. It is miraculous.  Do you believe in the one God in the year 2016?  Do you worship? Do you live in a recognition of your service to mankind as salt and light even as  you walk, dress, speak and emote?  Thank God.  We need salt and light.  Do you want to be a politician?  I am just a consultant and an English academic lawyer.

Merci Mon Dieu!

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