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Thursday 20 April 2017

So, Mephibosheth this your finest hour! Father stopped at Calais but if he had not, the English would have had the same Participatory remuneration as the Europeans at 500.00 pesos or Francs a month. But, you pulled out before the orgasm and the fulfillment. Are you afraid they will build townhouses in Green Park if the people eat or do you want to see Dickens around you as if Dickens is the only prescription for English culture? Do you watch BBC? Do you see the world? Look at the buns on the Beach in Brazilero. AAah! Worthy of a Kingdom eh mate! Are you not entertained? The head of the Extra Terrestrial Army will hold the country for a regent until you are sure. Your lack of personal peace manifesting war on the people is over. The people will have Wettin's wisdom and the participatory remuneration as this is our finest hour. Participatory remuneration is just a shake of the wrist to get the energy flowing in the perpetual motion machine using an automatic watch as an analogy. Put enough in to get the energy flowing and the sale and money being earned in a Solomon economy. I am sure the first King of Israel would agree. In the alternative, you could shake your wrist to...uh self flagellate ..."aaaaaah!" and have a war and build lots of bombs and b-29s and then come back tonthe only answer that a troglodyte would deny that he might see himself make a pair of shoes and build the vehicle so he can see how how good he or she is....get a hobby and carve wood totem poles or 8 make bag pipes by hand and that would always be appreciated....while you have a war and shake your wrist to....look at objectifying instead of impregnating and feeding the children.

So, Mephibosheth this your finest hour!  Father stopped at Calais  but if he had not, the English would have had the same Participatory remuneration as the Europeans at 500.00 pesos or Francs  a month.   But, you pulled out before the orgasm and the fulfillment.   Are you afraid they will build townhouses in Green Park if the people eat or do you want to see Dickens around you as if Dickens is the only prescription for English culture?   Do you watch BBC? Do you see the world?  Look at the buns on the Beach in Brazilero. AAah! Worthy of a Kingdom eh mate!   Are you not entertained?  The head of the Extra Terrestrial Army will hold the country for a regent until you are sure.  Your lack of personal peace manifesting war on the people is over. The people will have  Wettin's wisdom and the participatory remuneration as this is our finest hour.  Participatory remuneration is just a shake of the wrist to get the energy flowing in the perpetual motion machine using an automatic watch  as an analogy. Put enough in to get the energy flowing and the sale and money being earned in a Solomon economy. I am sure the first King of Israel would agree.  In the alternative, you could shake your wrist to...uh self flagellate ..."aaaaaah!" and have a war and build lots of bombs and b-29s and then come back to the only answer(machine made bread and vehicles) that a troglodyte would deny or a Mephibosheth who wants to keep everyone focused on him as he holds the lever of death and life...that he says "I got the power"...  that he might see himself make a pair of shoes by hand and build the vehicle by uh hand... hand hand he can see how good he or she  is....get a  hobby and carve wood totem poles or 8  make bag pipes by hand and that would always be appreciated....while you have a war and shake your wrist to....look at objectifying instead of impregnating and  feeding the children.  


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