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Monday, 25 February 2013

You can`t always get what you want...

Any rockstar can tell you this and the Rolling Stones had time to write a song of the same title.  Here, listen to this:

Sometimes leavesland on the ground, are used in sod or they burn.  There are options to their ultimate end. This is so with the human soul as in Heaven or Hell. Ask Ian Mccormack.  Here; watch this:  Read James where  He said He will supply your needs; right? 
Will you raise your hands in rebellion like Satan did when He says no to your request?  You want a God who is a soda machine and the answers to your prayers appear in the machine`s windows.  Get a soda machine and bow down.  Here is 50 cents for your can of refreshment.  But, God wanted relationship. Who knows what He is going to say or how He will answer.

You may have wanted to be farmer or fisherman and applied to fisherman school only once.  You had the natural gifting but were a little shy with fish blood. Sometimes people apply ten to twelve times to get into fisherman school.    The end  result is that you applied only once and did not get in and never applied again but God did say ask, seek and knock and if you read deeper with your studying and with no time to speak to the trophy children in your house, you will see that in the Greek it says, Keep asking, knocking and seeking.  Now if you have a cousin your age or younger in the same position who wants to get into fishing, Jet Li, or farmer school you might say `let me join the devil and work against that person, brother or relative since I did not get what I want, they should not. I want them to know how it feels.`` This is your attitude. Are you crazy?   You are just like those people in the wilderness who did not believe the promise or an Abel who just did not believe or one of those four seeds that fell by the wayside or a brother of Joseph who could have sought God for something as did their father Jacob and no matter how small or grandiose, you could thank God for your own personal vision in Jesus the Christ.  John the Baptist was quite a celebrity after all with his unique diet at  Cortez had a vision and so did Max Lucado and you were so desperate being angry with your mother and God that you sought approval from any orphan girl in your home town who wanted you to serve them and so you did and don`t be upset because you are still studying and running from your self in how it sounds and you feel as delighted about your predilections as  ever and with men like you around, there will never be a shortage of orphan girls desperate for a touch from an old man so enjoy yourself and we thank you for not killing us when we were too young to really see through you but you confessed your murderous intent in 2003 when you said you had these visions. Thank God no one called the police never know.  Everything around you looks like a goat`s penis standing up like the highlighter in your hand to underline your identity in the book of Jude; right? 

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