Everybody loves a beach but even in paradise, you want to know that there will be some equity, justice and balance in treatment. Your wife will not keep a secret with your neighbour and you will not hear her say that her employee is her partner while you, as the husband, are the official partner. That is not a nice wife or woman.
Cast Away is another take on paradise and so long as good memories of your wife are with you while you work hard and go away during Christmas, love endures. You should have gotten on that plane so you can have enough faith to write a ``Purpose Driven Living`` in that wilderness experience. Rick Warren wrote a similar book I think. It is a good bible study manual and by the time you get to the 10th or 11th chapter, you will realise that it is a good Spiritual kung fu manual sitting beside the bible but you won`t really learn anything until you spar. In other words, you have to go outside and live as in be alive and get out of the house where you will see you need the Holy Ghost to tell you your purpose. God saved you and enabled you to come back and tell the tale. It is a worthy nomination at the Academy Awards with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and Mary ( I forget their last names) on the award committee; genius! Now why does every American woman over 46 have breast cancer anyway or their cousin down the road of the same age ? A Monkey`s brain is a terrible thing to waste and even more so, those genius human problem solving brains so let`s not waste. Forget Wilson pornography and love your wife. She speaks and needs a little touch like your I- phone. Wilson in the movie is a controllable object that responds just the way you want sitting on the shelf of your uh um...cave. Here, watch this. Now, stop enabling your dunce children to break all rules of civility as supported by your Commodus connections to make her feel good about herself when she burns the dictionary in front of her principal and some how the principal agreed with her. He was afraid of this dunce child's disease being in the office water cooler somehow for another year. It's just that your father sits beside the Wizard of Oz eating half-eaten twinkies stored in a Mason jar, murdering people contrary to the Queen's peace and is relentless. From then on, anyone who had the answer at the tutorial table in Ambulance and Architecture school was a "bully" ,she said, but they prepared and weren't afraid of the plain meaning of words as the goal was not a "win" but to respect the seat of learning and order as it is. Her sister failed a course or two in law school, took a semester off, and loved to redact or adulterate the word of God and the Koran and laugh about it while saying " I want to know" in an East London accent one day and a West London accent another day. Now, the Wizard is working on a larger telescope more powerful than Hubble with smaller incisive side cameras in your phone and cable box knowing how sensitively you seek his imputed douse of approval covering shame in his tennis courts and church halls. It's just Science or fiction. Her favorite tv program was All my Children. Anyway, back to the real point here which is the hot, sandy beach representing paradise for $199-all inclusive at Speedo and Algonquin Bay; a woman still wants and respects a faithful man no matter how hot it is outside on the beach or how hot she gets when she forgets to make some ice and read her woman`s bible. There are lots of football players doing little acrobatic tricks on the Say Yo Paulo Braillero beach so she chose your intelligent self because you understood this( a faithful man-si? comprende!) unlike your older brother who has a degree in everything and thinks everybody wants his woman only because maybe she is really not his( maybe the wrong or too many big girl posters standing on waterfall with bananas in hand in home office draw) since you keep all the orphan girls happy that approach you while they covet you and resent her right in front of your face in the church foyer or at the neighbor`s barbecue. Who needs that really? Fidelity is not to be equated with weakness on the beach because you still need to know that a 2 for 1 deal will be honored where its hot and hot sun won`t melt every rule or order in your heart and mind. That was your neighbor`s wife showering behind you in the public beach shower and you were man enough not to look through the lattice as a school boy would. Port Royal was a good international port in the 1600`s but like New Orleans, God had to relieve it of its bead collecting women who do not pastor or run bible studies that were angry with their natural fathers and the thieving pirates who only feel good about themselves if your new shoes are one day older then their new shoes( this being their sole preoccupation; occupation; get it ?) and Port Royal sunk into the sea leaving a nice beach unfettered by all that negative evil feeling stuff- all in the name of..... They did have children and then they moved to some spanish place with eight rivers and opened two churches. The end.
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