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Friday, 22 February 2013

Not having the attitude that I have already attained it...

Some people buy the perfect "everything" and wish to produce that perfect carved and crafted feeling within themselves as well but "you were fearfully and wonderfully made."   You will be sold an image of what everybody allegedly wants.  It changes from time to time but right now the Brazil butt videos seem to be helping people approach their desired images and curvatures of perfection. You are a work of art. A wise man once said art immitates life. Another wise man said man is a social animal.  He also said that getting angry is not soo hard but getting angry for the right reason at the right time and to the right extent is not so easy. So, lets find a way to treat others as we wish to be treated. It is cold out there. Say something nice at the cash register like "my love" or "my daughter" or "friend" or "bro" or "doll" or "fellow charter or bill of rights loving citizen or fellow equal human" who can read a free newspaper and do a cross word puzzle or word search.

Apparently, they will be coming out with some new stuff to help with our tans, happy social human feelings, and brazil butts in the soya sauce, tofu and other soy based products that end up in the food chain through animal feed.  You will have your butt and easy tan and a "Star Trek" or "love your neighbour" feeling for everyone deep down inside. The engineer was Scottish and one of the first mates was Eastern European. Warf was an Alien Basketball player with black vocal chords and really nice to everyone in submissive yet common sense tones to remind everyone that he was just doing his kindest best but did not want to end up in a white hole or black hole in space where there is no purpose or life.

Also, if you have any ex girlfriends or boyfriends let them know that they can do or become whatever they want without considering how you feel as you are indifferent; really!

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