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Monday, 11 February 2013

Ms. Crabtree

Its good to have a teacher that champions hard work and excellence; especially when you are about 12-13 years of age.  I had a teacher like that in science class and my silent hope was that my projects would be given a fair chance to speak for themselves. She was of English heritage and helped to furnish my desire for the hypothesis.  I employed this desire to great result and took every science class at advanced level following that positive early experience where I rendered a B at least on my science project of my final year in school.  I was a member of the band, playing the trombone and our most beloved award winning song at band competition was Pachelbel Canon.  I ran track that year as well and won all of my events at the regional track meet which included competition against my former school.  It was a memorable time but gladly my teachers allowed effort to speak for itself and the result, whether empirically  and objectively right or wrong, rendered the empirical and objective result.  There would always be some subjective element but not to the point of the unjust.  Otherwise, the point of their hope and expectation in the lessons would be lost. If they could see you could do the work and there was potential, there was no end or goal achieved in holding one back but to let them go so that they could grow with all the tools in an uncut toolbag being provided. They followed the lesson and got the result and the teacher was honoured and would be honoured again.  There might have been another boy in the class from some other family anxious about the results and who got the better grade and a parent wanting to understand why.  There was probably a text book somewhere and an instruction sheet to follow. One student followed the pattern tortuously(intricately) while the other was simple and unveiled.  You knew what was there and there was only one story to be seen.

What is unique about the Kennedy Assassination in Dallas is that no one was tried.  The Warren Commission confirmed many facts and left many unanswered. Much of the story appears in the movie JFK with Kevin Costner. We spent a lot of time studying this in high school in addition to the fact that Kennedy chose his own grave a few weeks before being shot.  There was a trial for the attempted assassination on Reagan and for the assassin who killed Kennedy's younger brother. In spite of this, he was honoured greatly.  The Gumby cartoon that teaches the virtue of being flexible had new seminal beginnings about that time when Dallas Mckennon was the voice of Gumby during the years 1961-1963.  In Canadian history class, we studied the big elephant effect of being situated beside a large country. Canada was always depicted as a mouse in many of the political cartoons and never as a master in his own house. We suffer from this historically as a former colony with a strong emotional and cultural umbilical  cord that some resent as it contrasts with the everyday reality of the values stoked by the Texas rib eye and New York rib eye values on menus and in our shopping carts. Why is it not a Idaho Rib Eye steak? Some say that 9/11 was just a civil war and a bit of a power shift from north to south.  You never know except that the F-16's were as late as the 3:10 to Yuma getting out of the gates.  But, they never had to be used before in that format of domestic aerial invasion apparently. It is just hard to shoot down a passenger plane that might have children on it as well. They are essentially Judeo-Christian values in the shopping carts or menus so its usually pretty good to ensure everybody feels included since not everybody is Judeo-Christian and therefore a melting pot(American) or a multi-cultural mosaic is required; melting in a pot vs. stitching the disparate and unique yet constituent elements together. Education was once the great leveler but it might be risky slap and tickle handshakes now.   Then there is the Gangs of New York typography of society that  says you have to find a team out there because it's a jungle. Sammy Davis Junior had a team. He was Jewish.  You could just be a citizen and a nice one that minds his own business as well. That is usually pretty good. There is no reason why it should not be. You  would have common sense to buy Tide before Sunlight as Tide is three times more efficient according to consumer and laboratory surveys.

I had a teacher who taught accordingly. Her name was Mrs. Cowie. She was also my Vice Principal in the first two years of my high school career wherein I obtained an A in French and English in the first semester while there.  My other results were noted and by my third year my love of history was evident with B's and A's in history at the former advanced(now academic) levels.  I still ran track and played soccer but only as a defender since the older boys patted me on the back and said maybe after they graduate I could play striker. Yet, I was a rep-team striker for my town and so we played. The teacher was honoured and would be honoured again.  This is a thank you.  

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