There seems to have developed a culture of anger toward fathers for what seems to have brought, due to certain inappropriateness, an instinctual sense of anger. What about a culture of forgiveness toward fathers? You don't have to know everything but you should be able to enjoy a slice of Papajohn's pizza. He did not decide he would be your father but God did so in honoring your father in Forgiveness, you are honoring God your heavenly father. Read Psalms 22. As joint Heir's in Christ, we rest on the anvil of God's word.
The question is not how much authority you have because everybody has some authority if in the household of Christ since you are all a part of one body and each part plays its distinctive role and function. See Romans 8:1-5. Also, if submitted to the authority of Christ, you will have no difficultry showing up to have a chat with a good pastor and the pastor will know whether you have come in peace because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. It's true that, out of the mouth of babes comes forth wisdom. This does not give them the authority to tell you where to buy the family soap or how to buy your roast on a 2 for 1 deal at the local grocer. It means that you should not be stifling what God is and if they are grown, just remember that you did not write their University undergraduate exams or their high school science exams. In fact, you did not tell them how to please the boss that was promoted for their hard work. So relax then and thank God because they could be dining with those other people that you judge all day long anyway for reading books and wanting to be at peace with what God put on their heart; whatever it is. Everybody has a little authority in Christ including the choir members and no one is telling you what to do. You are the pastor or on the pastoral team that sits on the rostrum but if you see a young woman or man doing what they are told by a pastor and sitting attentively, taking notes every Sunday, he is going to be picked for some Pastoral training and there might be a distant relative who grew just as quickly in that church who will decide what classes he should attend and with whom. He or she may also call quite a bit to see how he or she, the youngish member with the gift of helps you said or administration, is doing and that's great. If that is all, be excited and if God provokes him or her to share a scripture that comes to mind during the bible study don't worry because he made you look good and you can let him know that you are watching his progress with great interest because he doesn't know contritely what you are talking about. He just wanted to do what God put on his heart and hand out some bulletins, put away the chairs after church or order the pews and participate where God laid it on his heart. He also used to sing...a little. But, then someone might have felt it was a bit tight with all them there solos to have. Cain and Abel and Mary and Martha are quite profound as to who would have the uh spotlight but everybody in Christ has the spotlight. You are a city that is set on a hill. You are a light unto the world; right? See Matthew 5. Don't forget the brothers who both wanted to sit beside Jesus in glory; get it? But, you have all the glory you need. You are a joint heir so what would he have you to do today? Just smile and have a piece of gum for a friend if nothing else and just be in Him. What you have to do is right in front of you and there is more. Just, hold on and be prepared to give that answer and feel good. He or she makes you look good and he buys cologne on discount at the cologne warehouse. He thanks God and studied to show himself approved since he was a good and young 14 years old. So, let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Watch man Nee was a Kung Fu master only for self defence since Christ told His disciples to bring a sword when they go out and many a footballer feels like a God faring man who just enjoys God's green earth on a Saturday afternoon. That is all. So, pass the ball. Matthew 24 says that and end shall come but no man shall know the hour, day, inning or whether its in the first, second, third period or 1st down or 2nd down. But, we can see the signs. Our job is to be salt and light and if we are doing our job, then when shall the end come? You have the answer. Now the bible says that the enemies of God hate God. It also says to beware if all men speak well of you. Now God is love and life. See Romans 8. Here is a question? If the enemies of God hate God, does this mean that they hate life? In all those romantic 1970 zombie movies, what you you see? You see dead people hating and coveting living people. I don't know about you, but there's lots of crazy stuff going on as seen on those talk shows and CURSLF or CNN so I decided to check out one of those zombie kits being sold on the community-net ( formerly internet) for $19.99 from some ex teacher now living in a bunker in Idaho. Oh well. Starships were made to fly. One good thing is that there are plans for a Holiday Star Galactica so we can appreciate this water based planet and the only one all seven billion of us can enjoy...for the time being of course. There is apparently another water based planet 2 light years away and it takes ten years to get there so don't worry. Ok? Some men will invite you to join their habit, way of life or sin so that they can feel better that you joined them. But, Proverbs 1 says that if sinners entice you to watch this or look at that or go there or do this, do not consent. Coco Chanel was a heavy cocaine user and a bit of a thief says Van Cleef and Arpels but Vanderbilt and DKNY tell another story of originality and lots of cocoa beans in the chocolate swiss mocha lates. It's just a bit less stressful and you don't have to run from people designed to keep you happy as part of their job function and away from sex-addicted wolves in official looking sheep's clothing who try to make you bend and wrongly accuse you while they break all the rules to tell you they are in control. But, are they? How mischievous is that after all?
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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