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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Cornelius Hand Book-coming soon from Navpress as submitted we trust...the book's contents are taken from the posts here. Watch this space.

Cornelius was apparently the first gentile to believe in Christ.  But what about the Ethiopian Eunuch or the woman at the well? She was a Samaritan.  Christ remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and only in disobedience or disharmony would we wish to start that road of doubting. Mary said that with God, all things are possible. So, lets believe we can have a great creme brule' prepared by an African chef on a cruise of the Mediterranean or the Caribbean. It is good to eat from an African chef. Isnt it? He is also part Dutch and was born in South Africa. You can tell he is part dutch in that he feels submissive and will say he is wrong even though he really isn't every now and again just to ensure the boss still feels like the boss in his bossiness.  There is nothing wrong about that except when he followed all the rules and should not be used to cover someone else's shame or mismanagement.  What about the number of oranges on the fridge shelf? Tobey ( I mean Kunta) saw four on the shelf this morning; 2 on the top shelf and 2 on the bottom shelf. 2+2=4. But, it is hard to argue with people who can change your name on a computer from day to day or your address. Tobey was told to say there were five oranges and he took one home at lunch. While this is not true, Tobey felt everyone was begging him to agree for someone's sense of superiority. It must be the same person who put a hole in his salt shaker nefariously and insidiously at night because they just had to feel superior in their role as having 1/4 more Dutch genes than Tobey( I mean Kunta).   His name was Tobey at work but Cunta Kente at home. Tobey also saw six black and white local boys beaten by the cruise ship security so even though the president of the cruiseline was mixed race, Tobey was not sure what to expect sometimes since the cruise ship cops were breaking into cabins as well. Tobey applied to be a Cooking Judge anyway since it was going to help his dutch side feel better about quite a bit since he kept on getting compliments from the passengers about his work.  Tobey ( I mean Kunta) was a good guy and not a bad soccer mid-fielder. 

Cornelius' Handbook as I have called it is an opportunity to share a living journey.  Cornelius was a disciplined man who had to follow a personal and public code.  The public code was Roman law  of course and this was followed in his daily life.  This involved wagon and chariot stop signs at the four corners or the roundabout.He was a military administrator of 100 men.  The next site for everyone to enjoy is called the (.co is a new domain.)

Now, there is not a shadow of a doubt that men and women are equal. Look at how they play the piano beautifully as either sex or gender as you might put it. Feelings and emotions aside, you have good female and male cooks who can get the ratio decidendi correct in the said  recipe; I mean in every bake-off competition.  There is only one right answer but possibly different ovens and different onions from the garden. But both creme brule's ,if the recipe is followed, shall render the same result. There is no reasonable prospect of burned cake if left in at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20- 40 minutes on average in the everready oven. 

Also, there is always away to communicate something. You could just hope your colleague will know when you took a piece of gum out of his pocket and since he is alive, he should feel the loss of value in his pocket with one less piece of gum.  But, he was taught it is better to give than to receive and he is alive alright. He is not living for shoe polish shines or your shoes or the person standing beside you on the subway train. He is living for Christ. He will forgive your rain soaked shoes so stop judging everyone in your self-rejection and masechism.  Leave another husband because he does not spread the bed like your mother taught you.  It is obvious you love her a lot.  You keep on loving her and rejecting every male who can't get her formula right. 

You could also just say, "..young person, I see promise in your applications to have a trial on  a parking ticket for which you are not at fault. It was a stupid ticket. Why don't you come on Monday and take my suggestions for your future. Everyone else will drive the bus and trains on time from now on and respond to emails and faxes as per normal. You are really important to all of us as a mixed race(everybody is pretty mixed race by now and has a 50/50 chance of being a descendant of Abraham)  dictionary reader.  Your millionaire retired teachers on cancelled pensions are begging for this as well. Also, when you get  the other job I have in mind, just stay close to me for at least 7 months filing papers and stand two steps back here where they won't get confused about who is signing the autographs because not everyone can understand that you can read as a graduate of 30 schools including your primary school where you can at least write"...the boy loved God and did not want to be sexually abused by a woman old enough to be his mother or aunt."   I know the scar on your face is harsh but rub some creme on it and things will move faster.  You understand."  That was not soo hard.  That is how my soccer coach explained it to me. He was a good coach and then I played every game and full overtime like a good boy would.  I also play the piano blind folded with the same desire.

Now the Queen  of the Congo understood this and explained it accordingly to her security service.  She loved her husband very much and would take a member of the security force to her chambers every now and again.  She said"..Ah Ah, I am de Queen of de village if you do not undastand me or want my vagina, I will show you my powa!"  Her husband was her husband and the security service member just had uh..a little sex.   She was once asked to watch her husband have sex with another woman on video. Her husband thought it was just healthy since he could not have been hired to be a cocold.  What was good for the Queen was good for the gander. She set fire to her best and endeared  big house called Skyfellin and could not remove the anger and resentment in her heart as she played it over and over in her mind as she saw her husband do what the dogs and cats do so seamlessly. It was just sex but it hurt so much to watch. This bitterness turned in to maleficent, murderous resentment and she started putting cameras on every corner of her town and then the next town in her village.  It was quite shocking.  She was the Queen voyer.  She was also the head of the church of the Congo and when old enough, she took advice to forgive this loving husband who would have died quite early if he did not respect her pattern of behaviour but more importantly himself as God's child. He was not hired nor called by anyone to be a victim of verbal or emotional abuse.What was good  for the gander is good for the Queen. It is just sex. But, the Queen's heart said otherwise but she had to keep up with the expectation of a Queen and take men when she fancied them, they said.  That was the Congo.  She should have seen how Queen's respond in Morocco; so nice and  they aspire to Proverbs 31.

Watch the Queen with Helen Miren.  It's genius. 

I look forward to your feedback on the book. 

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