Some time ago, not long after Jim Crow laws in the south were designed, a woman called Harriet beecher Stowe worked with Ida B. Wells on a phenomenal idea that involved a Supermarket that catered to their communities and any one else who happened to enjoy their values. Ida had a store and local shop and wanted to branch out nation wide. Sears Roebuck got Wind(Wind Mobile TM) of the idea and provided her with a special bank account and order account with number 18774604884. She was doing ok but the idea was that she should keep her progress small yet fruitful. She did quite well and made a tremendous footnote with her able, thorough and also accurate presentation. She said often. "..We did it!" RESPECT brands was her brain child and she wanted to work with Aunt Jemima on the idea. Aunt Jemima though got a national deal marketing her own recipes with General Foods. It was quite lucrative and Ida sold the products in her stores. It turns out that Ida was the common law wife of Uncle Ben so the family was doing well. They fed everybody and made sure to teach their children that when farming, you need to leave some for future generations. Their logo was a bitten peach. Eat the peach!
Ida recognised quite soon though that technology on the cotton gin was moving quite quickly and also on spatulas. Everybody loved you for the new one. But, they were updated every six months with new wood or rubber not unlike today with technology being updated every six months. Everybody today loves you for the newest stuff. But, if people only respected you for the newest stuff, your respect had a six month life cycle. Ida called this the worship of Mammon and called Sears Roebuck right away to speak to the product clerks named happily Mr. Williams and Mr. Sonoma. They decided to make their stuff mostly out of steel and this included industrial strength utensils and materials made mostly out of steel. They sent her some of their prototypes right away and she hid them. She used the old stuff in public though, deciding not to worry about what other people think and so long as it was clean and functional, it was good for every day use as these Roebuck items were unique and to be cherished. She only needed a few. They did rust in due season though and she learned that the clothes or any item of said quality could never really make a man or a woman; nor could any garment. She then remembered an old well dressed preacher from the Mason Dixon line who fought for the south only out of loyalty since he had five darkish mixed race sons and two daughters that he educated and raised well in Sunday school. He believed Lincoln was right as he saw his big backside and hairy arms in everyone of his children. The war was the first baseball world series or superbowl. Everybody had a brother or a cousin on the otherside. They were good children who ended up working at Clark-Emory University in Atlanta. His wife was Ida's third cousin it turned out. He said that you have to render your heart before God and not your garments. Everyone looked at him and googled their eyes when he said it. It was a revelation of scriptural exegesis. He also said that his first experience with Christ was of the heart and he had not even read the genealogy of Christ or Noah or anyone yet or anything about Lot being the father of the Moabites. His heart told him the simple truth; that the fear of God is wisdom and that doing unto others sincerely as he would have them do unto him was the whole point behind everything God had asked him to believe and accept in Christ. If he could stay faithful to that goal everyday, that is all God required of him. The pedantries of faith and who killed whom and who murdered whose husband or who spoke to Boas could be added in time but those nuances of scriptural fact would not suffice as salvation without a heart that feared God and committed to loving a neighbour as one loved himself. People who focused on these facts alone (these facts alone) without a commitment to treat others how they wish to be treated are always involved in contests of knowledge some where with someone, forgetting that God knows all and they walk devoid of the spirit (read Jude). This was echoed in the teachings of her favourite St. Erasmus. He was honored in the remembrance of his hard work but his hard work was a teaching on grace; that it is by grace that we have been save through faith, not of works. It is a gift of God so that no man or woman can boast. All Saints echo this teaching somewhere and while we celebrate and ask others to do so, you can never see how much guff they had to put up with dealing with saboteurs and doubters who tried to marry them and rob them of virtue with plague ridden saliva in the water from the hills of St Jean de Baptiste or who robbed the temples of the monasteries; those pitiful knights of infamous limp wristed reputation( many of them at any rate). It is certainly true. Because of this, she also frowned upon any prototypes such as oestrogen leaching plastics from Mr. Williams that did not respect life and it reproduction although it might have been a cheap way of storing preserves. She told him to send her the non-leachy plastic since it only cost .05 cents more per bottle to produce. Otherwise, she would tell everybody to sue as it made her children masculine yet overly concerned with their afros and reduced their bone density with too much left-right brain movement that chased the fertile girls away. The milk in the plastic baby bottles set their usual program in the wrong direction from birth and they chose the wrong dolls and toys quizzically. She had to feed her boys lots of lentils so that they could heal and find a girl ( they just gravitated after that) who would want to steal their seed and then run away to have the baby. This is how the story was told.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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