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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

I used to think in technicolour...

After thinking in technicolour when it comes to humanity, I started to think about football goals, passing and vibrations. I learned this watching he seamless passes of NBA players. I thought about the different ways in which a Scottish girl does her dishes as contrasted with her Scandinavian colleague. They used slightly different utensils. One used a J-cloth and soap or a sponge with a green pad. The other used a tubular liquid soap dispenser with  with a sponge at the end. The end result is that the dishes were clean for both.  I enjoyed living there. I had white girl hair on all my clothes after leaving the bathroom. It would stick to everything like spider webs. They wore usual Mitchum for women deodorant and showed the capacity for language, debate and discussion. They also seemed to appreciate a respect for jazz music and classical and had a reasonable sense of humor.  I was chuffed really and they seemed to respect faith in relationships. I thought they were all adulterers who wanted just sex after grade 13. I learned this  notion of adultery in their community from watching All my Children.   They seemed to be fascinated by other people's spouses in these shows and a chance for a glancing look of approval or a lustful beefcake look( the look that says " wish you could have me and you can't resist but you have a wife; right?"    I helped take out the garbage, washed my own plates and made sure to lock the door behind me after watching tv and helped them practice their kinesiology.   read into it; go on then? I also attended Campus Crusade for Christ and they never got to see me naked although they watched All my Children.   

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