New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Thursday, 28 February 2013
Mars bar? Sure but a settlement on Mars? Ok. But, can I portage?
I have all the evidence I need to say Mars as a planet is not growing or at least there are no signs of vegetation. The martians made sure it was dead before they left and came to earth to make amends for their previous failures. Look at it that way. Hindsight is always 20/20. There will be a massive class action suit against that government on behalf of every citizen for the next Mars mission scheduled for 2015.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Life and circumstances are changing and so should the rules of life that govern your modicums of behaviour in the social sphere. If the rules or constitutional documents do not change to reflect the new imperatives above and beyond freedom such as long-term environmental and energy policies, then there is divergence that leads to irrelevance and irrelevance leads to vacuums of influence. As such, we can avoid one of many horrible apocolyptic fates as depicted in numerous movies where freedom is the ultimate victim. Get updated on your child's new homework and tablet bibles running on Google android 4-coffee moca bean version.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Has someone asked what are you like or who are you? You said ``I am what I am.``
Has someone asked what are you like or who are you? You said ``I am what I am.``
By that you mean to say you are a heterosapien or a surfer or artist, skydiver, musician, preacher, sculptor or teacher but definitely a communicative and social heterosapien.
Now Whitney Houston got your parents a divorce and you always wondered why you could not trust. You keep on saying you can`t trust; you F--l(choose your letters). You have been singing ``How will I know if he really loves me? I say pray with every heart beat..`` Well, just marry the good and genuine male friend. It wasn`t soo hard after all and you should have been worshiping God with every heart beat. Can you make romance and the idea soo great in your head that you will hate God when you frustrate yourself in it ? When you find your good friend, remember that his arms will break off when you pull too hard. He is not a Ken doll.
By that you mean to say you are a heterosapien or a surfer or artist, skydiver, musician, preacher, sculptor or teacher but definitely a communicative and social heterosapien.
Now Whitney Houston got your parents a divorce and you always wondered why you could not trust. You keep on saying you can`t trust; you F--l(choose your letters). You have been singing ``How will I know if he really loves me? I say pray with every heart beat..`` Well, just marry the good and genuine male friend. It wasn`t soo hard after all and you should have been worshiping God with every heart beat. Can you make romance and the idea soo great in your head that you will hate God when you frustrate yourself in it ? When you find your good friend, remember that his arms will break off when you pull too hard. He is not a Ken doll.
You can`t always get what you want...
Any rockstar can tell you this and the Rolling Stones had time to write a song of the same title. Here, listen to this:
Sometimes leavesland on the ground, are used in sod or they burn. There are options to their ultimate end. This is so with the human soul as in Heaven or Hell. Ask Ian Mccormack. Here; watch this: Read James where He said He will supply your needs; right?
Will you raise your hands in rebellion like Satan did when He says no to your request? You want a God who is a soda machine and the answers to your prayers appear in the machine`s windows. Get a soda machine and bow down. Here is 50 cents for your can of refreshment. But, God wanted relationship. Who knows what He is going to say or how He will answer.
You may have wanted to be farmer or fisherman and applied to fisherman school only once. You had the natural gifting but were a little shy with fish blood. Sometimes people apply ten to twelve times to get into fisherman school. The end result is that you applied only once and did not get in and never applied again but God did say ask, seek and knock and if you read deeper with your studying and with no time to speak to the trophy children in your house, you will see that in the Greek it says, Keep asking, knocking and seeking. Now if you have a cousin your age or younger in the same position who wants to get into fishing, Jet Li, or farmer school you might say `let me join the devil and work against that person, brother or relative since I did not get what I want, they should not. I want them to know how it feels.`` This is your attitude. Are you crazy? You are just like those people in the wilderness who did not believe the promise or an Abel who just did not believe or one of those four seeds that fell by the wayside or a brother of Joseph who could have sought God for something as did their father Jacob and no matter how small or grandiose, you could thank God for your own personal vision in Jesus the Christ. John the Baptist was quite a celebrity after all with his unique diet at Cortez had a vision and so did Max Lucado and you were so desperate being angry with your mother and God that you sought approval from any orphan girl in your home town who wanted you to serve them and so you did and don`t be upset because you are still studying and running from your self in how it sounds and you feel as delighted about your predilections as ever and with men like you around, there will never be a shortage of orphan girls desperate for a touch from an old man so enjoy yourself and we thank you for not killing us when we were too young to really see through you but you confessed your murderous intent in 2003 when you said you had these visions. Thank God no one called the police never know. Everything around you looks like a goat`s penis standing up like the highlighter in your hand to underline your identity in the book of Jude; right?
Sometimes leavesland on the ground, are used in sod or they burn. There are options to their ultimate end. This is so with the human soul as in Heaven or Hell. Ask Ian Mccormack. Here; watch this: Read James where He said He will supply your needs; right?
Will you raise your hands in rebellion like Satan did when He says no to your request? You want a God who is a soda machine and the answers to your prayers appear in the machine`s windows. Get a soda machine and bow down. Here is 50 cents for your can of refreshment. But, God wanted relationship. Who knows what He is going to say or how He will answer.
You may have wanted to be farmer or fisherman and applied to fisherman school only once. You had the natural gifting but were a little shy with fish blood. Sometimes people apply ten to twelve times to get into fisherman school. The end result is that you applied only once and did not get in and never applied again but God did say ask, seek and knock and if you read deeper with your studying and with no time to speak to the trophy children in your house, you will see that in the Greek it says, Keep asking, knocking and seeking. Now if you have a cousin your age or younger in the same position who wants to get into fishing, Jet Li, or farmer school you might say `let me join the devil and work against that person, brother or relative since I did not get what I want, they should not. I want them to know how it feels.`` This is your attitude. Are you crazy? You are just like those people in the wilderness who did not believe the promise or an Abel who just did not believe or one of those four seeds that fell by the wayside or a brother of Joseph who could have sought God for something as did their father Jacob and no matter how small or grandiose, you could thank God for your own personal vision in Jesus the Christ. John the Baptist was quite a celebrity after all with his unique diet at Cortez had a vision and so did Max Lucado and you were so desperate being angry with your mother and God that you sought approval from any orphan girl in your home town who wanted you to serve them and so you did and don`t be upset because you are still studying and running from your self in how it sounds and you feel as delighted about your predilections as ever and with men like you around, there will never be a shortage of orphan girls desperate for a touch from an old man so enjoy yourself and we thank you for not killing us when we were too young to really see through you but you confessed your murderous intent in 2003 when you said you had these visions. Thank God no one called the police never know. Everything around you looks like a goat`s penis standing up like the highlighter in your hand to underline your identity in the book of Jude; right?
Holiday Star Galactica-$3000.00 for a 2 day orbit on...your choice of all-inclusive charter carrier or regular airline that is...
You never know how much you miss home or how beautiful it is until you step outside or take a flight hovering over that lovely uh uhm...beach! What about appreciating your entire planet? There really is no where else to go. Enjoy it and appreciate it now. This is an on-going idea and one that will help everyone in the human community make more meaningful, prosperous and long term decisions.
It is a U.N. hope for a world heritage station to support the vision of human ingenuity, survival and management of resources and the biosphere. You can be heavenly minded and with earthly good. It was the duty God gave to Adam to be a good steward and sometimes you need to see your Employer`s (God`s) perspective on the entire project. It is a benefit of vision that our ancestors did not have some time ago.
There is a lot of solar power to drive lots of electric engines for I- phones, xbox and playstation while on the two day orbit and to enable fuel cells up there. There aren`t any aliens to worry about and no armies of androids to run from the earth and build a battle star ship in some emergency where you lament earth as a lost and forgotten home. Abraham has children and descendants that are as numerous as the sands on the seashore and as ethnically diverse as every nation in the human community. Sze Sze!
Sunday, 24 February 2013
That person you are holding as a spouse is ultimately God's child.
How can you covet God's child? Be thankful for the time and for as long they consent to stay with you. Read 1st Corinthians 7. So relax if they get a little covetous of other people's spouses on the cruise and ask you to hug you or look at you like that uh that one or to wear the cologne like uh that one. It could be that they have been trained to just shop. But, she shopped you and she will remember again her prayers once you stand beside that other one in the coffee or buffet line and she feels in her memory the last time she uh called your name while washing your clothing or making that appreciative cup of tea. She never did that before for anyone else or at least not soo often and you just eat lots of carrots. It's more than a back rub. You change light bulbs and seem to understand. You also seem to have the right height and size feet for her image addiction. It is a very fine balance and its best to appreciate that fine balance since the other guy might have 20 % of something anybody could offer but your spouse has the full fat 80% that is irreplaceable. You will appreciate it after you forget while letting go and God re-assigns him to some distant cousin five kilometres away. So, read Matthew 19 and do not covet God's child because as soon as you do, you find that you are without your real comforter; the Holy Ghost. Abraham and Moses showed us that nothing God gives us will be allowed to proceed our personal relationship with Jehovah to, in effect, be in idol in our lives. God must have His suzerainty in our lives. Solomon was warned about having one too many wives that would turn his heart away from God.
Friday, 22 February 2013
Not having the attitude that I have already attained it...
Some people buy the perfect "everything" and wish to produce that perfect carved and crafted feeling within themselves as well but "you were fearfully and wonderfully made." You will be sold an image of what everybody allegedly wants. It changes from time to time but right now the Brazil butt videos seem to be helping people approach their desired images and curvatures of perfection. You are a work of art. A wise man once said art immitates life. Another wise man said man is a social animal. He also said that getting angry is not soo hard but getting angry for the right reason at the right time and to the right extent is not so easy. So, lets find a way to treat others as we wish to be treated. It is cold out there. Say something nice at the cash register like "my love" or "my daughter" or "friend" or "bro" or "doll" or "fellow charter or bill of rights loving citizen or fellow equal human" who can read a free newspaper and do a cross word puzzle or word search.
Apparently, they will be coming out with some new stuff to help with our tans, happy social human feelings, and brazil butts in the soya sauce, tofu and other soy based products that end up in the food chain through animal feed. You will have your butt and easy tan and a "Star Trek" or "love your neighbour" feeling for everyone deep down inside. The engineer was Scottish and one of the first mates was Eastern European. Warf was an Alien Basketball player with black vocal chords and really nice to everyone in submissive yet common sense tones to remind everyone that he was just doing his kindest best but did not want to end up in a white hole or black hole in space where there is no purpose or life.
Also, if you have any ex girlfriends or boyfriends let them know that they can do or become whatever they want without considering how you feel as you are indifferent; really!
Apparently, they will be coming out with some new stuff to help with our tans, happy social human feelings, and brazil butts in the soya sauce, tofu and other soy based products that end up in the food chain through animal feed. You will have your butt and easy tan and a "Star Trek" or "love your neighbour" feeling for everyone deep down inside. The engineer was Scottish and one of the first mates was Eastern European. Warf was an Alien Basketball player with black vocal chords and really nice to everyone in submissive yet common sense tones to remind everyone that he was just doing his kindest best but did not want to end up in a white hole or black hole in space where there is no purpose or life.
Also, if you have any ex girlfriends or boyfriends let them know that they can do or become whatever they want without considering how you feel as you are indifferent; really!
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
I used to think in technicolour...
After thinking in technicolour when it comes to humanity, I started to think about football goals, passing and vibrations. I learned this watching he seamless passes of NBA players. I thought about the different ways in which a Scottish girl does her dishes as contrasted with her Scandinavian colleague. They used slightly different utensils. One used a J-cloth and soap or a sponge with a green pad. The other used a tubular liquid soap dispenser with with a sponge at the end. The end result is that the dishes were clean for both. I enjoyed living there. I had white girl hair on all my clothes after leaving the bathroom. It would stick to everything like spider webs. They wore usual Mitchum for women deodorant and showed the capacity for language, debate and discussion. They also seemed to appreciate a respect for jazz music and classical and had a reasonable sense of humor. I was chuffed really and they seemed to respect faith in relationships. I thought they were all adulterers who wanted just sex after grade 13. I learned this notion of adultery in their community from watching All my Children. They seemed to be fascinated by other people's spouses in these shows and a chance for a glancing look of approval or a lustful beefcake look( the look that says " wish you could have me and you can't resist but you have a wife; right?" I helped take out the garbage, washed my own plates and made sure to lock the door behind me after watching tv and helped them practice their kinesiology. read into it; go on then? I also attended Campus Crusade for Christ and they never got to see me naked although they watched All my Children.
Cornelius Hand Book-coming soon from Navpress as submitted we trust...the book's contents are taken from the posts here. Watch this space.
Cornelius was apparently the first gentile to believe in Christ. But what about the Ethiopian Eunuch or the woman at the well? She was a Samaritan. Christ remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and only in disobedience or disharmony would we wish to start that road of doubting. Mary said that with God, all things are possible. So, lets believe we can have a great creme brule' prepared by an African chef on a cruise of the Mediterranean or the Caribbean. It is good to eat from an African chef. Isnt it? He is also part Dutch and was born in South Africa. You can tell he is part dutch in that he feels submissive and will say he is wrong even though he really isn't every now and again just to ensure the boss still feels like the boss in his bossiness. There is nothing wrong about that except when he followed all the rules and should not be used to cover someone else's shame or mismanagement. What about the number of oranges on the fridge shelf? Tobey ( I mean Kunta) saw four on the shelf this morning; 2 on the top shelf and 2 on the bottom shelf. 2+2=4. But, it is hard to argue with people who can change your name on a computer from day to day or your address. Tobey was told to say there were five oranges and he took one home at lunch. While this is not true, Tobey felt everyone was begging him to agree for someone's sense of superiority. It must be the same person who put a hole in his salt shaker nefariously and insidiously at night because they just had to feel superior in their role as having 1/4 more Dutch genes than Tobey( I mean Kunta). His name was Tobey at work but Cunta Kente at home. Tobey also saw six black and white local boys beaten by the cruise ship security so even though the president of the cruiseline was mixed race, Tobey was not sure what to expect sometimes since the cruise ship cops were breaking into cabins as well. Tobey applied to be a Cooking Judge anyway since it was going to help his dutch side feel better about quite a bit since he kept on getting compliments from the passengers about his work. Tobey ( I mean Kunta) was a good guy and not a bad soccer mid-fielder.
Cornelius' Handbook as I have called it is an opportunity to share a living journey. Cornelius was a disciplined man who had to follow a personal and public code. The public code was Roman law of course and this was followed in his daily life. This involved wagon and chariot stop signs at the four corners or the roundabout.He was a military administrator of 100 men. The next site for everyone to enjoy is called the (.co is a new domain.)
Now, there is not a shadow of a doubt that men and women are equal. Look at how they play the piano beautifully as either sex or gender as you might put it. Feelings and emotions aside, you have good female and male cooks who can get the ratio decidendi correct in the said recipe; I mean in every bake-off competition. There is only one right answer but possibly different ovens and different onions from the garden. But both creme brule's ,if the recipe is followed, shall render the same result. There is no reasonable prospect of burned cake if left in at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20- 40 minutes on average in the everready oven.
Also, there is always away to communicate something. You could just hope your colleague will know when you took a piece of gum out of his pocket and since he is alive, he should feel the loss of value in his pocket with one less piece of gum. But, he was taught it is better to give than to receive and he is alive alright. He is not living for shoe polish shines or your shoes or the person standing beside you on the subway train. He is living for Christ. He will forgive your rain soaked shoes so stop judging everyone in your self-rejection and masechism. Leave another husband because he does not spread the bed like your mother taught you. It is obvious you love her a lot. You keep on loving her and rejecting every male who can't get her formula right.
You could also just say, "..young person, I see promise in your applications to have a trial on a parking ticket for which you are not at fault. It was a stupid ticket. Why don't you come on Monday and take my suggestions for your future. Everyone else will drive the bus and trains on time from now on and respond to emails and faxes as per normal. You are really important to all of us as a mixed race(everybody is pretty mixed race by now and has a 50/50 chance of being a descendant of Abraham) dictionary reader. Your millionaire retired teachers on cancelled pensions are begging for this as well. Also, when you get the other job I have in mind, just stay close to me for at least 7 months filing papers and stand two steps back here where they won't get confused about who is signing the autographs because not everyone can understand that you can read as a graduate of 30 schools including your primary school where you can at least write"...the boy loved God and did not want to be sexually abused by a woman old enough to be his mother or aunt." I know the scar on your face is harsh but rub some creme on it and things will move faster. You understand." That was not soo hard. That is how my soccer coach explained it to me. He was a good coach and then I played every game and full overtime like a good boy would. I also play the piano blind folded with the same desire.
Now the Queen of the Congo understood this and explained it accordingly to her security service. She loved her husband very much and would take a member of the security force to her chambers every now and again. She said"..Ah Ah, I am de Queen of de village if you do not undastand me or want my vagina, I will show you my powa!" Her husband was her husband and the security service member just had uh..a little sex. She was once asked to watch her husband have sex with another woman on video. Her husband thought it was just healthy since he could not have been hired to be a cocold. What was good for the Queen was good for the gander. She set fire to her best and endeared big house called Skyfellin and could not remove the anger and resentment in her heart as she played it over and over in her mind as she saw her husband do what the dogs and cats do so seamlessly. It was just sex but it hurt so much to watch. This bitterness turned in to maleficent, murderous resentment and she started putting cameras on every corner of her town and then the next town in her village. It was quite shocking. She was the Queen voyer. She was also the head of the church of the Congo and when old enough, she took advice to forgive this loving husband who would have died quite early if he did not respect her pattern of behaviour but more importantly himself as God's child. He was not hired nor called by anyone to be a victim of verbal or emotional abuse.What was good for the gander is good for the Queen. It is just sex. But, the Queen's heart said otherwise but she had to keep up with the expectation of a Queen and take men when she fancied them, they said. That was the Congo. She should have seen how Queen's respond in Morocco; so nice and they aspire to Proverbs 31.
Watch the Queen with Helen Miren. It's genius.
I look forward to your feedback on the book.
Cornelius' Handbook as I have called it is an opportunity to share a living journey. Cornelius was a disciplined man who had to follow a personal and public code. The public code was Roman law of course and this was followed in his daily life. This involved wagon and chariot stop signs at the four corners or the roundabout.He was a military administrator of 100 men. The next site for everyone to enjoy is called the (.co is a new domain.)
Now, there is not a shadow of a doubt that men and women are equal. Look at how they play the piano beautifully as either sex or gender as you might put it. Feelings and emotions aside, you have good female and male cooks who can get the ratio decidendi correct in the said recipe; I mean in every bake-off competition. There is only one right answer but possibly different ovens and different onions from the garden. But both creme brule's ,if the recipe is followed, shall render the same result. There is no reasonable prospect of burned cake if left in at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20- 40 minutes on average in the everready oven.
Also, there is always away to communicate something. You could just hope your colleague will know when you took a piece of gum out of his pocket and since he is alive, he should feel the loss of value in his pocket with one less piece of gum. But, he was taught it is better to give than to receive and he is alive alright. He is not living for shoe polish shines or your shoes or the person standing beside you on the subway train. He is living for Christ. He will forgive your rain soaked shoes so stop judging everyone in your self-rejection and masechism. Leave another husband because he does not spread the bed like your mother taught you. It is obvious you love her a lot. You keep on loving her and rejecting every male who can't get her formula right.
You could also just say, "..young person, I see promise in your applications to have a trial on a parking ticket for which you are not at fault. It was a stupid ticket. Why don't you come on Monday and take my suggestions for your future. Everyone else will drive the bus and trains on time from now on and respond to emails and faxes as per normal. You are really important to all of us as a mixed race(everybody is pretty mixed race by now and has a 50/50 chance of being a descendant of Abraham) dictionary reader. Your millionaire retired teachers on cancelled pensions are begging for this as well. Also, when you get the other job I have in mind, just stay close to me for at least 7 months filing papers and stand two steps back here where they won't get confused about who is signing the autographs because not everyone can understand that you can read as a graduate of 30 schools including your primary school where you can at least write"...the boy loved God and did not want to be sexually abused by a woman old enough to be his mother or aunt." I know the scar on your face is harsh but rub some creme on it and things will move faster. You understand." That was not soo hard. That is how my soccer coach explained it to me. He was a good coach and then I played every game and full overtime like a good boy would. I also play the piano blind folded with the same desire.
Now the Queen of the Congo understood this and explained it accordingly to her security service. She loved her husband very much and would take a member of the security force to her chambers every now and again. She said"..Ah Ah, I am de Queen of de village if you do not undastand me or want my vagina, I will show you my powa!" Her husband was her husband and the security service member just had uh..a little sex. She was once asked to watch her husband have sex with another woman on video. Her husband thought it was just healthy since he could not have been hired to be a cocold. What was good for the Queen was good for the gander. She set fire to her best and endeared big house called Skyfellin and could not remove the anger and resentment in her heart as she played it over and over in her mind as she saw her husband do what the dogs and cats do so seamlessly. It was just sex but it hurt so much to watch. This bitterness turned in to maleficent, murderous resentment and she started putting cameras on every corner of her town and then the next town in her village. It was quite shocking. She was the Queen voyer. She was also the head of the church of the Congo and when old enough, she took advice to forgive this loving husband who would have died quite early if he did not respect her pattern of behaviour but more importantly himself as God's child. He was not hired nor called by anyone to be a victim of verbal or emotional abuse.What was good for the gander is good for the Queen. It is just sex. But, the Queen's heart said otherwise but she had to keep up with the expectation of a Queen and take men when she fancied them, they said. That was the Congo. She should have seen how Queen's respond in Morocco; so nice and they aspire to Proverbs 31.
Watch the Queen with Helen Miren. It's genius.
I look forward to your feedback on the book.
Now find your own journey and it will always include helping someone on their faith experience to apply themselves in self -belief....Who would want to thwart that unless their name is Mr. and Mrs.Maleficent? Good school teachers handout gifts or stars and they also help students to find and maximize God-given abilities...Enjoy this snippet from a grade 16 essay.
Before reading further, recognize that John Locke is a very influential programmer of socio-political order in the modern era. He heralded the importance of human equality, recognized human beings from certain continents such as Africa as being prisoners of war who may have been sent to Guantanamo by the other humans who took them as vanquished foes in that football game on the west African coast in the 15th century. Only humans have wars and the Moors also were good friends of his at the lounges in Paris where they discussed the Moorish architectural influence in Wales and Spain. Tom Jones knows. You can`t be a prisoner of war unless you are human. Watch a Guantanamo prison camp video. See John Locke for more on this issue. Just Bing ``John Locke Prisoners of War``. John Locke`s writing was redacted or perverted a little by Thomas Jefferson when he uh took reference to Locke`s work. The more salient question at this time is why suggest the pursuit of pleasure in a constitutional movie or document? You cannot contract with monkeys to sell other human being into slavery and nor would you resent a monkey for his art work and technological development so as to deface them as witnessed in the defacing of the Pyramids. Explain this to your half caste daughter and Grandmother. You are white now though since your half caste grandmother married a white man and now you are uh white but the school kids, including the black ones, noticed you have a profound understanding of syncopated rhythms. Now, you might end up having a Ferarri or Cadilac black wife and a slightly more bronzed child as a result since that woman so Naomi Campbellish Black and comely. Look at your daughter the opera singer or concert pianist.
My, what a pretty red hood you have Hanzel? Where is Gretel ? Here, remember this.
Concept of Human Nature according to God
and John Locke: an Examination
In the attempt to define the attributes of man, his needs, and his capacities, the concept of human nature is an intrinsic part of political discussion. Over the centuries, various concepts of human nature have evolved along with the development of political theory. In this discipline, the concept of human nature provides the hub around which a theory revolves. It provides the theory with its basis as well as a presupposition or premise to the political theory's conclusion."i Moreover, a concept of human nature helps us to define the way one sees oneself and the world in which one lives. As well, the concept of human nature in political theory is an essential part of the construction of thought regarding the political environment and the limits of action within that environment. It is through the use of the concept of human nature that we develop our paradigmsii.
Furthermore, by answering the question "what is man's nature?", one can proceed to answer the question "what is required to fulfill the needs of men and to secure a better existence?"iii Politically, this demonstrates the utility of the concept of human nature.
When constructing a concept of man's nature, political theorists provide some moral justification for their postulates. The purpose is to provide the theory with a substance, appealing to the conscience of men. Similar to other theorists, John Locke gives his concept of human nature moral justification by alluding to and making explicit reference to the commands of the Judeo-Christian God. For example, Locke tells us that men are "all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign God."(p. 9) and are therefore equal. While Locke attributes the source of his theories or concept of human nature to a moral Judeo-Christian God for the purposes of moral justification, it is questionable as to whether or not his theories or concept of human nature is in agreement, partially or completely, with the word of God as outlined in the Bible. The purpose of this essay is to investigate a God-given concept of human nature while contending that Locke's inferences about the commands of God regarding the state of nature and man's nature within that state are contrary to what is outlined in the bible. In this essay the term "human nature" and "state of nature" are used almost interchangeably.iv
Biblical Outline of the state of Nature
In the book of Genesis, the biblical creation narrative is found. It is here that one must begin the search for a biblical concept of human nature or of man within his original and natural state.
In the first book, God creates man in his own image (Gen. 1:26-27). Because of this, it is necessary to observe some of the attributes of God to obtain some insight into the attributes of man. An example of some Godly attributes are holiness, purity, completeness and magnanimity. It follows that man was made in the image of these Godly traits. As well, God is spirit and therefore man had a likeness of God's spirit within him. In essence, God is perfect and therefore man, in his original state, was a resemblance of God's perfection. In Psalm 8.5 it says, God made man "...only a little lower than the angels, and placed a crown of glory and honour upon his head." More simply, God is good and man, in his original state, was an image of this goodness(Gen. 1:31 King James version).
God not only created man but also the earth. From the beginning, a special relationship existed between man and nature. In the bible, it tells us that man lived in the garden with all the plants and the animals. Above all creation, man held a special place (Gen. 1:27-28, Psalm 8:6). He was commanded by God to populate the Earth and to subdue it. Yet "subdue" did not mean to destroy or to control with force but for the offspring of Adam to prevail over the Earth in great numbers. Within nature, God also provided for all of man's needs. God said to man "I have provided all kinds of grains and all kinds of fruit for you to eat;" Gen 1:29 There was no need for man to farm or to work. He stood within nature, moving about God's creation. He was in charge of the animals as authorized by God yet he did not use any means of force to maintain control. Man lived in harmony with the animals as they did not run from man nor did he run from them. God also commanded men to cultivate and to guard the garden of Eden;(Gen.2:15) He was its gardener and was to tend and to care for it.
To explain further;
Man's "dominion," of course, is as God's steward, not as one that is given license to "destroy the earth"(Rev. 11:18). "The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein"(Ps. 24:1). Nevertheless, although God retains ownership, man has been placed in charge of the Earth and all its systems, living and non-living.v
In his natural state, man was not an irrational being. Unlike the animals, God gave man the capacity to reason and to make choices. As man was made in God's image and God is a rational being, rationality is also a part of man's nature. By the very nature of the command to cultivate and guard the garden, God gave man the ability of mindvi. He would not have given man any commands if man was a mindless ("robotic") being incapable of following or disobeying. Moreover, it is within the garden of Eden, and within his original natural state of being, that man exercises his ability to make choices.
"Come now let us reason together, saith the Lord:,"(Isaiah 1:18)
After God made all of the animals, He brought them to Adam to see what he would name them. God Honoured Adam's choices as the names of the animals remained unchanged. Adam also named Eve, calling her a woman. Afterwards, he explained the reason for the name, saying "woman is her name because she was taken out of man."(Gen.2:23)
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Tuesday, 19 February 2013
The Beach lover is a Cast Away..but who is in control and what are their values. At some point, you want to know that your ten pennies will equal ten pence.
Everybody loves a beach but even in paradise, you want to know that there will be some equity, justice and balance in treatment. Your wife will not keep a secret with your neighbour and you will not hear her say that her employee is her partner while you, as the husband, are the official partner. That is not a nice wife or woman.
Cast Away is another take on paradise and so long as good memories of your wife are with you while you work hard and go away during Christmas, love endures. You should have gotten on that plane so you can have enough faith to write a ``Purpose Driven Living`` in that wilderness experience. Rick Warren wrote a similar book I think. It is a good bible study manual and by the time you get to the 10th or 11th chapter, you will realise that it is a good Spiritual kung fu manual sitting beside the bible but you won`t really learn anything until you spar. In other words, you have to go outside and live as in be alive and get out of the house where you will see you need the Holy Ghost to tell you your purpose. God saved you and enabled you to come back and tell the tale. It is a worthy nomination at the Academy Awards with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and Mary ( I forget their last names) on the award committee; genius! Now why does every American woman over 46 have breast cancer anyway or their cousin down the road of the same age ? A Monkey`s brain is a terrible thing to waste and even more so, those genius human problem solving brains so let`s not waste. Forget Wilson pornography and love your wife. She speaks and needs a little touch like your I- phone. Wilson in the movie is a controllable object that responds just the way you want sitting on the shelf of your uh um...cave. Here, watch this. Now, stop enabling your dunce children to break all rules of civility as supported by your Commodus connections to make her feel good about herself when she burns the dictionary in front of her principal and some how the principal agreed with her. He was afraid of this dunce child's disease being in the office water cooler somehow for another year. It's just that your father sits beside the Wizard of Oz eating half-eaten twinkies stored in a Mason jar, murdering people contrary to the Queen's peace and is relentless. From then on, anyone who had the answer at the tutorial table in Ambulance and Architecture school was a "bully" ,she said, but they prepared and weren't afraid of the plain meaning of words as the goal was not a "win" but to respect the seat of learning and order as it is. Her sister failed a course or two in law school, took a semester off, and loved to redact or adulterate the word of God and the Koran and laugh about it while saying " I want to know" in an East London accent one day and a West London accent another day. Now, the Wizard is working on a larger telescope more powerful than Hubble with smaller incisive side cameras in your phone and cable box knowing how sensitively you seek his imputed douse of approval covering shame in his tennis courts and church halls. It's just Science or fiction. Her favorite tv program was All my Children. Anyway, back to the real point here which is the hot, sandy beach representing paradise for $199-all inclusive at Speedo and Algonquin Bay; a woman still wants and respects a faithful man no matter how hot it is outside on the beach or how hot she gets when she forgets to make some ice and read her woman`s bible. There are lots of football players doing little acrobatic tricks on the Say Yo Paulo Braillero beach so she chose your intelligent self because you understood this( a faithful man-si? comprende!) unlike your older brother who has a degree in everything and thinks everybody wants his woman only because maybe she is really not his( maybe the wrong or too many big girl posters standing on waterfall with bananas in hand in home office draw) since you keep all the orphan girls happy that approach you while they covet you and resent her right in front of your face in the church foyer or at the neighbor`s barbecue. Who needs that really? Fidelity is not to be equated with weakness on the beach because you still need to know that a 2 for 1 deal will be honored where its hot and hot sun won`t melt every rule or order in your heart and mind. That was your neighbor`s wife showering behind you in the public beach shower and you were man enough not to look through the lattice as a school boy would. Port Royal was a good international port in the 1600`s but like New Orleans, God had to relieve it of its bead collecting women who do not pastor or run bible studies that were angry with their natural fathers and the thieving pirates who only feel good about themselves if your new shoes are one day older then their new shoes( this being their sole preoccupation; occupation; get it ?) and Port Royal sunk into the sea leaving a nice beach unfettered by all that negative evil feeling stuff- all in the name of..... They did have children and then they moved to some spanish place with eight rivers and opened two churches. The end.
Monday, 18 February 2013
Generation 1234567....
Each generation can smile at the lessons that came from the previous generation and build on those lessons. Solomon lost favor with God for having one woman too many contrary to God's advice. It said it turned his heart away from God. What about too many sugar coated donuts and then you feel that peace as Charles Stanley puts it, move away. David and Jonah learned from their mistakes as in Jonah's anger management and David lost a son after conceiving a child in lust and theft. But, God forgave and they learned the lesson not to follow that mishap of fallen nature. See Romans 7 and 1st John 1: 9. The preceding generation can celebrate that the new generation learned how to run 7 feet farther or 5 seconds faster. It is not to do anything else but celebrate as that newer generation stands on your shoulders or lessons and improves their running style. It could also be their editorial style but may God be glorified. There is not a competition amongst generations as God would not have given you the children for that purpose. You may have coveted the fact that your children were breast fed by their mother. maybe you were not. But, what if Daniel had that sense of loss or missing link; real or imagined but loved his people though and was a man of good moral character. He did not covet but trusted God. Samuel was raised by Eli and not his own father. What does that mean? It means that they are servants of God and submitted to Him and even when they weren`t it is here that God called, chose and predestined them to be conformed unto the image of His son. See again if you can Romans 8. If you need a breast, read the back of the newspaper or be satisfied with the breasts of the wife of your youth and see Oliver Twist. He is a ``Samuel``. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the breast of God or the Shekinah glory; feminine heart of God. Does it really matter if it was your mother`s breasts that nursed you or someone elses? God made you. At this stage of your life, you will murder your father and steal like a Cain. But, life is short in the pursuit of pleasure. You named your first child Commodus. What if they, your children, are not just trophies to sit quietly some where as you refer to them in conversation and say "...well I have a boy or ten boys somehow and my eldest did this or my youngest did that." They could be friends so that you don't have to just download updates or buy their cologne online or just download their photos from Playgirl magazine. Sorry; I meant download their sermons and essays. You are now paying attention. Your apology is accepted again.
The New credit card.....
Cap It One credit cards is famous for the slogan "..what's inside your wallet?" or pants. The new credit card is designed to seek the approval of everyone and will help you in your endeavour to try and make anyone you meet that is non-white fit in to your expectation of how you think they should feel from limited appreciation of people and their experiences. That woman who you are judging in your imagination all day long who reads Jane Austen at night, the bible, Women's Health and Vanity Fair in addition to the Atlantic had one half Jamaican parent which maybe gave you the thought that she might be a relative and also cause you to be soo soo curious; why you ask so many question? If you buy then buy- Houw piun Yee? But, she used to be a member of a special forces unit for the French foreign legion and she speaks 1.5 languages fluently and she is moving on to 2.5 languages. They also have no time to think about you and what's in your house. They are thankful for a beautiful sunset. But, they will give you a greeting that says neighbor as everybody can buy roughly the same coca cola at the corner store. Some coke is diet and some cola is store brand so the odds are you have a bottle of cola in your house. You collect Swarovski crystal and they collect bible tracts in various languages. I am not worried about you and nor should I be. So get the new card from Cap It One credit card called Out of many One and the slogan is "...what's in your fridge, icebox or freezer?-the answer is thankfulness and you can say it your way as in Thank God or do not forget to give thanks or something like that." It's all good.
When you are done...just wipe around your mouth and wash up...
You could fight and cause a similitude of experiences in the heart of any believer who has faith in God above and beyond that which makes you comfortable. You could kill them all and after that your fight would be with God himself. So why not just treat others in the way you wish to be treated and just fight God directly. You never know when you might need help from a state trooper who could be the cousin of the person you are about to maim as a nurse in a hospital...just to get your anger out and you think they are too old and Dakotan sufficiently that no one will care what you do to them. Is that going to be your approach?
You must wash up after you've eaten. You must also to get to the root of the problem. Only evil people kill all the first born children under the age of 2 like Herod or flush goldfish down the toilet as an anger outlet. Have you heard of that...
You must wash up after you've eaten. You must also to get to the root of the problem. Only evil people kill all the first born children under the age of 2 like Herod or flush goldfish down the toilet as an anger outlet. Have you heard of that...
Sunday, 17 February 2013
My Son...
"..My son" This is an interesting concept of great remembrance and is reflected in different ways in many cultures. In India, sometimes young men will call any older man "...uncle" or a younger man "..son." This is also the case in other global cultures and certainly in European cultures.
So, will God one day have a son in a computer that is more pleasing to Him than any human being? Well, God is a spirit and He must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. Computers will never have souls but scientists are getting creative with the Borg. Google " resistance is futile." There is a lot that we can do to put human brains into machines and keep the brain alive. It is a frightening truth. Now, a good son is obedient and Moses did not enter the promised land because he struck a rock for water when he was told to speak to that rock. Is God forgiving? Yes.
Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience He gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
The only way a computer could end up being a better son than a human being is that the computer may have more respect for our humanity and long term survival than humans since humans love to fight, covet, measure golf club length and look at and compare one another's trumpets in the mirror trying to achieve acceptance in the ever shifting definitions of acceptable image. Does it mean that we are worshiping the creator more than the created thing if every one is desperately trying to fit the image? What would Jesus do or John the Baptist? Jesus would be wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove. Keep your friends that are true and who can appreciate an alternative point of view who do not idolise their anger management issues or the rational of their impatient behavior. If you lose something or take something from someone, did God tell you to take it? Is it a theft or you did not want someone to feel self-respecting or appreciated so you just thought you would do something to adjust the feeling you follow spawned by covetousness and idolatry and your craving for acceptance as some function relative to or in comparison to others? But, nobody is thinking about you. All the desks and inkwells were the same in his school with standard Laurentian colour pencils and German type erasers made by a subsidiary of Volkswagen of course. He wasn't doing anything to seek your respect to be respected. That is for sure but maybe he let go of a crazy girl while you would have stayed longer just because she is more brown than your mother.Sorry, your mother is white or she could be and you bought the bluetooth device on sale knowing every retailer has an end of month sale flyer. You felt respected. It's the same device at 30% off but you are trying to be the person who can buy at full price but studies show well-to do( stressing on well) people never pay full price for anything and so the difference is used to buy good french bread. Since your putative black mother and white mother have the same blood type, you could have been breast fed by either one, as you like it, and you would have turned out with the same bone density. Fitting the image is the question but what image is it? Will it still be ok to get the 2 for 1 deal when opinions shift again as to what is the hottest thing or as to what is not approved of? Ask Walmart and study the prices. See who buys their clothing, bras and dresses. This is more than just changing fashion from season to season but image and who is deciding yours? You found your master since you please them, living for that tiny group's acceptance. They want your dog and do not want you to be with that husband from out west who raises milk cows. Have you ever heard of women who carried birth control boxes only to feel accepted by their peers who seemed troubled by an unquantifiable feeling in those who do not take birth control that says "...I don't fornicate." How dare you?
The machines or son may decide that honoring God may mean killing us off in our stupidity. God is very logical while we are not always so quick but anyone can understand 3 for 1 Pizza and Poppadoms. This is the unwritten chapter or prequel to many Sci-Fi Stories including the Terminator or The Matrix and the Wizard of Oz is the beginning of such social commentary. There was no need for a S.I.N card in the 1930's but maybe a P.I.N. Card as in Public Insurance Card. The Road Warrior and Book of Eli is the other side to the story where our barbarism wins if only temporarily until we start missing Ikea and quiet spaces to sit and pretend that all is well in the State of Denmark or Dakota. Speak to the local chieftain for a good deal on a clock radio it for some soap. Enjoy the movie special adventure of the week # 2. Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience he gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
It's going to be alright.
So, will God one day have a son in a computer that is more pleasing to Him than any human being? Well, God is a spirit and He must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. Computers will never have souls but scientists are getting creative with the Borg. Google " resistance is futile." There is a lot that we can do to put human brains into machines and keep the brain alive. It is a frightening truth. Now, a good son is obedient and Moses did not enter the promised land because he struck a rock for water when he was told to speak to that rock. Is God forgiving? Yes.
Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience He gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
The only way a computer could end up being a better son than a human being is that the computer may have more respect for our humanity and long term survival than humans since humans love to fight, covet, measure golf club length and look at and compare one another's trumpets in the mirror trying to achieve acceptance in the ever shifting definitions of acceptable image. Does it mean that we are worshiping the creator more than the created thing if every one is desperately trying to fit the image? What would Jesus do or John the Baptist? Jesus would be wise as a serpent but gentle as a dove. Keep your friends that are true and who can appreciate an alternative point of view who do not idolise their anger management issues or the rational of their impatient behavior. If you lose something or take something from someone, did God tell you to take it? Is it a theft or you did not want someone to feel self-respecting or appreciated so you just thought you would do something to adjust the feeling you follow spawned by covetousness and idolatry and your craving for acceptance as some function relative to or in comparison to others? But, nobody is thinking about you. All the desks and inkwells were the same in his school with standard Laurentian colour pencils and German type erasers made by a subsidiary of Volkswagen of course. He wasn't doing anything to seek your respect to be respected. That is for sure but maybe he let go of a crazy girl while you would have stayed longer just because she is more brown than your mother.Sorry, your mother is white or she could be and you bought the bluetooth device on sale knowing every retailer has an end of month sale flyer. You felt respected. It's the same device at 30% off but you are trying to be the person who can buy at full price but studies show well-to do( stressing on well) people never pay full price for anything and so the difference is used to buy good french bread. Since your putative black mother and white mother have the same blood type, you could have been breast fed by either one, as you like it, and you would have turned out with the same bone density. Fitting the image is the question but what image is it? Will it still be ok to get the 2 for 1 deal when opinions shift again as to what is the hottest thing or as to what is not approved of? Ask Walmart and study the prices. See who buys their clothing, bras and dresses. This is more than just changing fashion from season to season but image and who is deciding yours? You found your master since you please them, living for that tiny group's acceptance. They want your dog and do not want you to be with that husband from out west who raises milk cows. Have you ever heard of women who carried birth control boxes only to feel accepted by their peers who seemed troubled by an unquantifiable feeling in those who do not take birth control that says "...I don't fornicate." How dare you?
The machines or son may decide that honoring God may mean killing us off in our stupidity. God is very logical while we are not always so quick but anyone can understand 3 for 1 Pizza and Poppadoms. This is the unwritten chapter or prequel to many Sci-Fi Stories including the Terminator or The Matrix and the Wizard of Oz is the beginning of such social commentary. There was no need for a S.I.N card in the 1930's but maybe a P.I.N. Card as in Public Insurance Card. The Road Warrior and Book of Eli is the other side to the story where our barbarism wins if only temporarily until we start missing Ikea and quiet spaces to sit and pretend that all is well in the State of Denmark or Dakota. Speak to the local chieftain for a good deal on a clock radio it for some soap. Enjoy the movie special adventure of the week # 2. Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience he gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
It's going to be alright.
anything Goes...Well all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial or else...!
anything Goes...Well all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial or else...!
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Red sea being parted, three temptations of Christ, healing the sick, a word of prophecy...? A child surviving an unusual drowning...when he should have been dead by then...
What do they have in common? They hold in common the power of the Holy Ghost and the power of the human actors involved to believe in God and obey God. What about Abraham and Sara having a child in old age or Noah's plan to trust God and build an ark with all God showed him? Was Abraham's child a miracle or an immaculate miracle? Is it immaculate that a tadpole swimming around in cold april waters in a small puddle near a forest grows into a large bull frog? It is quite neat and tidy and befitting of a plan by design. What about Hannah's child in the bible when she had Samuel? What about Elizabeth and Zacharias when they had John the Baptist? They were quite old and it was quite miraculous. The word immaculate is quite important as it means".. perfectly, clean, neat or tidy." Anything God does is perfectly, clean, neat or tidy. Are immaculate conceptions( that is an egg being ignited by God's love and power alone) humanly possible or physically possible? Yes. You can read National Geographic. Did God create the earth? Can God create? Can God heal? Was there a John the Baptist? It is a matter of historical record and was a man from Galilee crucified at the request of his distant family members? Yes. It happened two thousand years ago and it created so much excitement that we revere His words of peace and salvation. You believe your parents are your parents by faith alone. You trust whatever they tell you. You have no dna evidence and picture might not help much since you can't recognise yourself at birth. All babies look the same generally so I trusted when I was told God wanted to be my Father; and yours. There are a lot of people who believe this. His yoke is easy and His burden light.
The one sin that is not forgiven is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost. So, say God can do anything. Hannah wanted a baby. That is not the same as debating who was King of Arabia on a certain day of history. That is debating or denying a fact. So get the facts and believe God can do anything. Bill Bright once said that you can follow the steps of fact, faith and feeling. So who is your father? But, you will see that it takes the same energy to deny something or believe something without testimonials. What is of consequence should be kept at the forefront of the mind. God can heal you. It is of consequence that the one God knows you and you have seen this in that He sent someone to tell you all about yourself and you feel better that God said "...I know You!" It happened at the bus-stop or at church service when that ticket collector could see what happened with your father last night and you keep on confessing by putting a finger to your mouth in class at school or in the coffee shop. Stop it now because Christ put his hand on your hand and said follow me. It's easy. Forgive it and keep on forgiving it. The burden is gone and your friends are going to feel the difference as they were friends who were holding and sharing the same burden but you have new friends now who forgave...
I have tickets for the Holiday Star Galactica and a one day space cruise earth orbit at $3000.00 coming soon for Christmas 2013 by EasyJet Space Cruises.
The one sin that is not forgiven is to deny the power of the Holy Ghost. So, say God can do anything. Hannah wanted a baby. That is not the same as debating who was King of Arabia on a certain day of history. That is debating or denying a fact. So get the facts and believe God can do anything. Bill Bright once said that you can follow the steps of fact, faith and feeling. So who is your father? But, you will see that it takes the same energy to deny something or believe something without testimonials. What is of consequence should be kept at the forefront of the mind. God can heal you. It is of consequence that the one God knows you and you have seen this in that He sent someone to tell you all about yourself and you feel better that God said "...I know You!" It happened at the bus-stop or at church service when that ticket collector could see what happened with your father last night and you keep on confessing by putting a finger to your mouth in class at school or in the coffee shop. Stop it now because Christ put his hand on your hand and said follow me. It's easy. Forgive it and keep on forgiving it. The burden is gone and your friends are going to feel the difference as they were friends who were holding and sharing the same burden but you have new friends now who forgave...
I have tickets for the Holiday Star Galactica and a one day space cruise earth orbit at $3000.00 coming soon for Christmas 2013 by EasyJet Space Cruises.
Could your Pastor have said it better himself? Don' know mate...
2 Corinthians 11
The Message (MSG)
Pseudo-Servants of God
11 1-3 Will you put up with a little foolish aside from me? Please, just for a moment. The thing that has me so upset is that I care about you so much—this is the passion of God burning inside me! I promised your hand in marriage to Christ, presented you as a pure virgin to her husband. And now I’m afraid that exactly as the Snake seduced Eve with his smooth patter, you are being lured away from the simple purity of your love for Christ.
4-6 It seems that if someone shows up preaching quite another Jesus than we preached—different spirit, different message—you put up with him quite nicely. But if you put up with these big-shot “apostles,” why can’t you put up with simple me? I’m as good as they are. It’s true that I don’t have their voice, haven’t mastered that smooth eloquence that impresses you so much. But when I do open my mouth, I at least know what I’m talking about. We haven’t kept anything back. We let you in on everything.7-12 I wonder, did I make a bad mistake in proclaiming God’s Message to you without asking for something in return, serving you free of charge so that you wouldn’t be inconvenienced by me? It turns out that the other churches paid my way so that you could have a free ride. Not once during the time I lived among you did anyone have to lift a finger to help me out. My needs were always supplied by the believers from Macedonia province. I was careful never to be a burden to you, and I never will be, you can count on it. With Christ as my witness, it’s a point of honor with me, and I’m not going to keep it quiet just to protect you from what the neighbors will think. It’s not that I don’t love you; God knows I do. I’m just trying to keep things open and honest between us.
12-15 And I’m not changing my position on this. I’d die before taking your money. I’m giving nobody grounds for lumping me in with those money-grubbing “preachers,” vaunting themselves as something special. They’re a sorry bunch—pseudo-apostles, lying preachers, crooked workers—posing as Christ’s agents but sham to the core. And no wonder! Satan does it all the time, dressing up as a beautiful angel of light. So it shouldn’t surprise us when his servants masquerade as servants of God. But they’re not getting by with anything. They’ll pay for it in the end.
Many a Long and Lonely Night
16-21 Let me come back to where I started—and don’t hold it against me if I continue to sound a little foolish. Or if you’d rather, just accept that I am a fool and let me rant on a little. I didn’t learn this kind of talk from Christ. Oh, no, it’s a bad habit I picked up from the three-ring preachers that are so popular these days. Since you sit there in the judgment seat observing all these shenanigans, you can afford to humor an occasional fool who happens along. You have such admirable tolerance for impostors who rob your freedom, rip you off, steal you blind, put you down—even slap your face! I shouldn’t admit it to you, but our stomachs aren’t strong enough to tolerate that kind of stuff.
21-23 Since you admire the egomaniacs of the pulpit so much (remember, this is your old friend, the fool, talking), let me try my hand at it. Do they brag of being Hebrews, Israelites, the pure race of Abraham? I’m their match. Are they servants of Christ? I can go them one better. (I can’t believe I’m saying these things. It’s crazy to talk this way! But I started, and I’m going to finish.)23-27 I’ve worked much harder, been jailed more often, beaten up more times than I can count, and at death’s door time after time. I’ve been flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, beaten by Roman rods three times, pummeled with rocks once. I’ve been shipwrecked three times, and immersed in the open sea for a night and a day. In hard traveling year in and year out, I’ve had to ford rivers, fend off robbers, struggle with friends, struggle with foes. I’ve been at risk in the city, at risk in the country, endangered by desert sun and sea storm, and betrayed by those I thought were my brothers. I’ve known drudgery and hard labor, many a long and lonely night without sleep, many a missed meal, blasted by the cold, naked to the weather.
28-29 And that’s not the half of it, when you throw in the daily pressures and anxieties of all the churches. When someone gets to the end of his rope, I feel the desperation in my bones. When someone is duped into sin, an angry fire burns in my gut.
30-33 If I have to “brag” about myself, I’ll brag about the humiliations that make me like Jesus. The eternal and blessed God and Father of our Master Jesus knows I’m not lying. Remember the time I was in Damascus and the governor of King Aretas posted guards at the city gates to arrest me? I crawled through a window in the wall, was let down in a basket, and had to run for my life.
2 Corinthians 12
The Message (MSG)
Strength from Weakness
12 1-5 You’ve forced me to talk this way, and I do it against my better judgment. But now that we’re at it, I may as well bring up the matter of visions and revelations that God gave me. For instance, I know a man who, fourteen years ago, was seized by Christ and swept in ecstasy to the heights of heaven. I really don’t know if this took place in the body or out of it; only God knows. I also know that this man was hijacked into paradise—again, whether in or out of the body, I don’t know; God knows. There he heard the unspeakable spoken, but was forbidden to tell what he heard. This is the man I want to talk about. But about myself, I’m not saying another word apart from the humiliations.
6 If I had a mind to brag a little, I could probably do it without looking ridiculous, and I’d still be speaking plain truth all the way. But I’ll spare you. I don’t want anyone imagining me as anything other than the fool you’d encounter if you saw me on the street or heard me talk.7-10 Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.
11-13 Well, now I’ve done it! I’ve made a complete fool of myself by going on like this. But it’s not all my fault; you put me up to it. You should have been doing this for me, sticking up for me and commending me instead of making me do it for myself. You know from personal experience that even if I’m a nobody, a nothing, I wasn’t second-rate compared to those big-shot apostles you’re so taken with. All the signs that mark a true apostle were in evidence while I was with you through both good times and bad: signs of portent, signs of wonder, signs of power. Did you get less of me or of God than any of the other churches? The only thing you got less of was less responsibility for my upkeep. Well, I’m sorry. Forgive me for depriving you.
14-15 Everything is in readiness now for this, my third visit to you. But don’t worry about it; you won’t have to put yourselves out. I’ll be no more of a bother to you this time than on the other visits. I have no interest in what you have—only in you. Children shouldn’t have to look out for their parents; parents look out for the children. I’d be most happy to empty my pockets, even mortgage my life, for your good. So how does it happen that the more I love you, the less I’m loved?16-18 And why is it that I keep coming across these whiffs of gossip about how my self-support was a front behind which I worked an elaborate scam? Where’s the evidence? Did I cheat or trick you through anyone I sent? I asked Titus to visit, and sent some brothers along. Did they swindle you out of anything? And haven’t we always been just as aboveboard, just as honest?
19 I hope you don’t think that all along we’ve been making our defense before you, the jury. You’re not the jury; God is the jury—God revealed in Christ—and we make our case before him. And we’ve gone to all the trouble of supporting ourselves so that we won’t be in the way or get in the way of your growing up.
20-21 I do admit that I have fears that when I come you’ll disappoint me and I’ll disappoint you, and in frustration with each other everything will fall to pieces—quarrels, jealousy, flaring tempers, taking sides, angry words, vicious rumors, swelled heads, and general bedlam. I don’t look forward to a second humiliation by God among you, compounded by hot tears over that crowd that keeps sinning over and over in the same old ways, who refuse to turn away from the pigsty of evil, sexual disorder, and indecency in which they wallow.
Me gran preferred the King James version but this is a different class; this is!
Friday, 15 February 2013
Rosie the riveter is riveting....
But, can Rosie explain why in 45 years after the first flight of any known aircraft at Kitty hawk by the Wright brothers and within 34 years after the death of Dr. Diesel and the reformatting of his engine, humans marched toward and achieved an absolute pursual of death. It was called the atomic bomb and within the collective genius of many minds; brilliant minds from many nations focused on finding this power of death , We did it! We found away to house mass death of millions in one bomb that was small enough to fit in the backseat of your 8 cylinder Hummer or Escalade running on gasoline. So, we did it! What is the endeavor now for this great collective genius? I don't know about you but I booked a ticket for space tourism that gives you a one day orbit for $3000.00 and you fly out of mainland China as China has its own permanent space station all to itself-exciting!! China also had a more powerful nuclear weapon than the United States by the early 1960's and Guilo gave them lots of respect for this awesome power of death in Chinese hands. God loves life though so...I'll respect the Chinese for good green tea! Sze Sze!
It's exciting...My el Presidente' et Primero Ministerio proudly has an Economic Secretary that sounds like a Campbell's Soup Ceo..He uses cheap hydrogen energy and makes his company..or country dynamic in terms of global enterprise...Campbell's Soup uses hydrogren fuel and so does your country's economic secretary for superior global market performance.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Did you ever meet...?
A professional hockey player...
A skate boarder....
A surfer......
A diamond thief.....
A bank robber.....
A miscreant student......
A student with discipline problems....
A hillbilly....
A citizen.....
A hillbilly citizen....
A Judge.....
A nice, honest Christian Judge who expects everyone to abide by the rules...
A Hillbilly Judge who cannot believe you did not have sex with any client and who thought it was his job to..lose his job. It can happen. A judge like that tells his children to break all the rules because he kills people , sleeps with children, commits bestiality and so he is offended then...that you can at least please him and have sex with a client. He wants to know if there is something wrong that you are not like him.
Have you ever seen a tree that bears good or bad fruit; a parent that is continually abusive and degrading to their parents and also their own offspring?
Did you ever meet someone who wears nice perfume as a church choir leader? Did they see an ad to entice them to try it or buy it? Could they have known about the perfume otherwise? How can they be saved unless the word is heard? How can the word be heard unless the word is shared or preached? So preach but live a life that is consistent with your message and treat others so in accordance with the word but be assured there will be those who attend your classes who will speak evil of what they do not understand (read Jude 1:8 )and who will falsely accuse you as a Pastor. It happens to Salvation Army Pastors every day and more popular pastors such as Andy Stanley and Billy Graham. I have seen this with my own eyes by someone who did this repeatedly as a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. I prayed and invited them to a church where they could have a regular bible study in submission to a larger ministry close to their home. It made quite a difference.
I have also met lots of citizens.
A skate boarder....
A surfer......
A diamond thief.....
A bank robber.....
A miscreant student......
A student with discipline problems....
A hillbilly....
A citizen.....
A hillbilly citizen....
A Judge.....
A nice, honest Christian Judge who expects everyone to abide by the rules...
A Hillbilly Judge who cannot believe you did not have sex with any client and who thought it was his job to..lose his job. It can happen. A judge like that tells his children to break all the rules because he kills people , sleeps with children, commits bestiality and so he is offended then...that you can at least please him and have sex with a client. He wants to know if there is something wrong that you are not like him.
Have you ever seen a tree that bears good or bad fruit; a parent that is continually abusive and degrading to their parents and also their own offspring?
Did you ever meet someone who wears nice perfume as a church choir leader? Did they see an ad to entice them to try it or buy it? Could they have known about the perfume otherwise? How can they be saved unless the word is heard? How can the word be heard unless the word is shared or preached? So preach but live a life that is consistent with your message and treat others so in accordance with the word but be assured there will be those who attend your classes who will speak evil of what they do not understand (read Jude 1:8 )and who will falsely accuse you as a Pastor. It happens to Salvation Army Pastors every day and more popular pastors such as Andy Stanley and Billy Graham. I have seen this with my own eyes by someone who did this repeatedly as a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. I prayed and invited them to a church where they could have a regular bible study in submission to a larger ministry close to their home. It made quite a difference.
I have also met lots of citizens.
My precious...
My precious....My precious covenant with a friend. What if you had a friend that was, with all things being equal, a friend for life? What if she was also female and someone with whom you would procreate? What if she was someone who was absolutely mature enough to have a mind of her own without relying upon outside approval and acceptance? She seemed able to do this for five years before you gave a ( My precious!-a ring). But, once you did everybody else's opinion seemed to matter above and beyond the popcorn moments and the time spent skinny dipping with the bible on the riverbank. Nothing was as good as it could be but then nothing is unless you can afford everything as instantly as the staging company purchases and uses for props in the War of the Roses trailer or the trailers for Mr. and Mrs. Smith. But, that will take time. But, this is a different generation and most things must come prefabricated. It did not seem to matter until (My precious...). You can have a friend like that and maybe you should not get anything too precious, not even for the world to see, until you got all the props for the movie trailers. Maybe that crystal ring with some precious tarnishing metal is good enough for the riverbank walks and skinny dipping with common p.o. box is just fine until you can afford to please everybody who is going to have a say when you carry (My precious...).
Either way, if you stick in there, you won't lose. You can have your friend and you can grow together over the long term. It has already been five years and you still like to massage each other's lips with your noses...hmm! That sounds like a nice friend or uh...spouse. Be careful what you say loudly because the devil loves divorces and there are many people who did not appreciate their first or second wife or husband and might find it a little painful to see you happy. They might try to hold you back with your nice Christian ways and join horrible clubs in which to stick pins in little dolls with your name on it. Patrice Rushen wrote a song on it called Broken Dreams, Broken Promises....wrong pastor who sings about Daniel too much with Indian seasonings stuck in her teeth while mourning and seeking an outlet for anger on some lost love at the bottom of the sea with a bullet in the head from her purse sized gun. She was cunning with a cunning plan. When you get to the crossroad, remember your last five years and the last thing you want to do is take too much advice from a divorcee. See Malachi 2 for direction at that juncture and Proverbs 3:5-6. Tell the divorcee you and your friend are good friends and you only asked to understand their experience. You have a date almost every day and definitely on Friday nights most nights until you had the courage to tell your parents he was moving in and it wasn't so hard at 39-45 years old since you were grown and could jump all the brooms you want with him in private, cheat by kissing up your colleagues on work trips and vacuuming each other as colleagues with your noses in the quick shower spots and also at lunch because you fear losing your job and then you could tell your friend at night that you want to save some for the wedding. Since he is a Christian, he will understand....and you act sooo well.
Now, if you take on your friend or spouse in the middle of your greatest joint venture or life enterprise, they are a new facet to your regime and while they passion you soo much and want all of you, they will have to grow to understand your passion and that the passion is not stealing you away from them. It is a critical part of you and the part that also makes them at least 40% so crazily passionate for you so they must also understand that they need to fit into this God given passion that provides you not only happiness but the ability to buy a happy meal or combo meal every now and again with a pinny or two on the wall for smashing your balls or pucks( there is a world cup of they have dishonest reps and fixed games?) into the right pocket of the court, net or basket. They are secure in themselves and there is no doubt about this and they would never ask you to choose one(friendship with shared popcorn and happiness everyday for 60 years) over the other in some proof in the paradigm of the insecure to have confidence that you LOVE them. That is not on love! That is not on!
Anyway, keep it precious and appreciate each other with....Lindor chocolates because Lindor knows precious! Happy Valentines day!
Now, if you take on your friend or spouse in the middle of your greatest joint venture or life enterprise, they are a new facet to your regime and while they passion you soo much and want all of you, they will have to grow to understand your passion and that the passion is not stealing you away from them. It is a critical part of you and the part that also makes them at least 40% so crazily passionate for you so they must also understand that they need to fit into this God given passion that provides you not only happiness but the ability to buy a happy meal or combo meal every now and again with a pinny or two on the wall for smashing your balls or pucks( there is a world cup of they have dishonest reps and fixed games?) into the right pocket of the court, net or basket. They are secure in themselves and there is no doubt about this and they would never ask you to choose one(friendship with shared popcorn and happiness everyday for 60 years) over the other in some proof in the paradigm of the insecure to have confidence that you LOVE them. That is not on love! That is not on!
Anyway, keep it precious and appreciate each other with....Lindor chocolates because Lindor knows precious! Happy Valentines day!
New "Safe" products for the family
There is a lot of talk about nuclear power plants being put to double duties that include diabolic ends. It's sort of like the school teacher who says you never did your home work but you have proof that the work was done and additional work requested but not provided contrary to request. Why is this happening any where in the world? It happened in Afghanistan that human beings were mistreated and abused for wanting to have an equal shake of the leg in that civic environment. We shuddered and authorized the death of many Canadians, Americans and other citizens of many other nations to help them and so they could enjoy our days of equaling freedoms where we have many employees at the highest levels working to ensure equality is safeguarded and any thwarting of this by the unruly is quashed, not tolerated and fettered out. We were concerned that the leadership in Afghanistan did not respect rules nor did they safeguard them or our democratic traditions. We wanted them to be more like us instead of us having any shadow of this behavior in our own societies such that we might become like them.
These new "Safe" products save energy in such quantities to be consumer marvels like our excitement over a 9 volt battery. Imagine a 9 volt battery with long life powered by "consumer safe" uranium that will last 2 years in your garage door opener instead of 6 months. Imagine a phone battery that would last six months before needing a recharge. Your electricity bill has gone down. Imagine a camping generator on "consumer safe" uranium that will last six months and will power a medium sized fridge, stove, two room heater and dvd player non-stop for 8 months in time for help to arrive.
It is here now and was designed by an Iranian scientist working with an American battery company in Saskatchewan where you find world's largest supply of natural uranium.
It will be here for Christmas 2013 or another church holiday very soon.
These new "Safe" products save energy in such quantities to be consumer marvels like our excitement over a 9 volt battery. Imagine a 9 volt battery with long life powered by "consumer safe" uranium that will last 2 years in your garage door opener instead of 6 months. Imagine a phone battery that would last six months before needing a recharge. Your electricity bill has gone down. Imagine a camping generator on "consumer safe" uranium that will last six months and will power a medium sized fridge, stove, two room heater and dvd player non-stop for 8 months in time for help to arrive.
It is here now and was designed by an Iranian scientist working with an American battery company in Saskatchewan where you find world's largest supply of natural uranium.
It will be here for Christmas 2013 or another church holiday very soon.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
The Wizard of OZ....
The lesson from the Wizard of Oz is that there may still be a sovereign in the shadows behind the curtains and he wants one have your attention. Was he voted in or appointed? If he is in a democracy, whether a Manchurian candidate or not, he is voted in. The oligarchs in those countries may have a role to play and they have auspicious names of old families such as Carlyle or Boltinaburger and when unusual happenings start occurring such as simple rules being broken and unusual balance not being present by virtue of robo-calls or the other and voting machines with only one result or staged mass accidents with perfect footage just in time of the happening or repeated lies being told for large sums in hand, you might see the presence of the oligarchs hands. But, as he is just a person although with levers in hand at the big machine to keep the business of pageantry in order, he is also a programmer. In a similar vein, someone once said that the programmer is the President and the President is only a cog in a wheel, an employee with an honorary library. Maybe things have changed since this was said in the mid to late 1990's. Maybe it hasn't but one thing for sure is that, you want to know who is behind that big curtain at Oz city making everything whirl and wiz so awesomely or should we say in grand fashion. You need to have some sense, calm and nerve centered on the long term best in quiet or a big storm and think about it.
We are living in a revival of new puritanical morality in an emergence of positive population growth
We are living in the transition from our existing world system-the capitalist world economy to another world system or systems that attain the goal of a generally civil society that allows rules to be enforced and followed without any bias. It will always be a capitalist world economy in the purest sense as such an economy in the purest sense is one that seeks and utilizes the most efficient and civil result as sought and procured to the benefit of all. This is the greatest of public interests and that all decisions will hasten not only peace, order and good government so as to prevent any group festering in false notions of privilege or superiority in the public forums open to all and if this is not so, there will be no legitimacy. We are moving toward systems that will make decisions that provide the majority as part of expectations, life, liberty, health and property as enunciated by John Locke; thus allowing for a common good. We know that this will be for the better. We will not know how it will look entirely or in the next fifty years but it is happening now. Fearlessly, we do know that the period of transition will involve change but it will be painless in its sheer common sense. It is an opportunity for all and little conflict since all can agree on the common goals such as civil society, good water, food, air and energy in what many have called for in the celebration and heightening of moral systems.
Pass the ball.
Pass the ball.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
That is why I use..Tiffany's wash soap. It's like wearing diamonds on your skin.
When clothes are dirty, you wash it.
When food is dirty in preparation like potatoes, you clean it.
When a video game controller or toy is broken, we fix it.
If emotions are broken, we go to Jesus to heal it or...
If there are too many suffering from the same ancestral appendages occasioned by 400 years of confusion and social negation, we build a culture around it; nigger, female playa!
Monday, 11 February 2013
Ms. Crabtree
Its good to have a teacher that champions hard work and excellence; especially when you are about 12-13 years of age. I had a teacher like that in science class and my silent hope was that my projects would be given a fair chance to speak for themselves. She was of English heritage and helped to furnish my desire for the hypothesis. I employed this desire to great result and took every science class at advanced level following that positive early experience where I rendered a B at least on my science project of my final year in school. I was a member of the band, playing the trombone and our most beloved award winning song at band competition was Pachelbel Canon. I ran track that year as well and won all of my events at the regional track meet which included competition against my former school. It was a memorable time but gladly my teachers allowed effort to speak for itself and the result, whether empirically and objectively right or wrong, rendered the empirical and objective result. There would always be some subjective element but not to the point of the unjust. Otherwise, the point of their hope and expectation in the lessons would be lost. If they could see you could do the work and there was potential, there was no end or goal achieved in holding one back but to let them go so that they could grow with all the tools in an uncut toolbag being provided. They followed the lesson and got the result and the teacher was honoured and would be honoured again. There might have been another boy in the class from some other family anxious about the results and who got the better grade and a parent wanting to understand why. There was probably a text book somewhere and an instruction sheet to follow. One student followed the pattern tortuously(intricately) while the other was simple and unveiled. You knew what was there and there was only one story to be seen.
What is unique about the Kennedy Assassination in Dallas is that no one was tried. The Warren Commission confirmed many facts and left many unanswered. Much of the story appears in the movie JFK with Kevin Costner. We spent a lot of time studying this in high school in addition to the fact that Kennedy chose his own grave a few weeks before being shot. There was a trial for the attempted assassination on Reagan and for the assassin who killed Kennedy's younger brother. In spite of this, he was honoured greatly. The Gumby cartoon that teaches the virtue of being flexible had new seminal beginnings about that time when Dallas Mckennon was the voice of Gumby during the years 1961-1963. In Canadian history class, we studied the big elephant effect of being situated beside a large country. Canada was always depicted as a mouse in many of the political cartoons and never as a master in his own house. We suffer from this historically as a former colony with a strong emotional and cultural umbilical cord that some resent as it contrasts with the everyday reality of the values stoked by the Texas rib eye and New York rib eye values on menus and in our shopping carts. Why is it not a Idaho Rib Eye steak? Some say that 9/11 was just a civil war and a bit of a power shift from north to south. You never know except that the F-16's were as late as the 3:10 to Yuma getting out of the gates. But, they never had to be used before in that format of domestic aerial invasion apparently. It is just hard to shoot down a passenger plane that might have children on it as well. They are essentially Judeo-Christian values in the shopping carts or menus so its usually pretty good to ensure everybody feels included since not everybody is Judeo-Christian and therefore a melting pot(American) or a multi-cultural mosaic is required; melting in a pot vs. stitching the disparate and unique yet constituent elements together. Education was once the great leveler but it might be risky slap and tickle handshakes now. Then there is the Gangs of New York typography of society that says you have to find a team out there because it's a jungle. Sammy Davis Junior had a team. He was Jewish. You could just be a citizen and a nice one that minds his own business as well. That is usually pretty good. There is no reason why it should not be. You would have common sense to buy Tide before Sunlight as Tide is three times more efficient according to consumer and laboratory surveys.
I had a teacher who taught accordingly. Her name was Mrs. Cowie. She was also my Vice Principal in the first two years of my high school career wherein I obtained an A in French and English in the first semester while there. My other results were noted and by my third year my love of history was evident with B's and A's in history at the former advanced(now academic) levels. I still ran track and played soccer but only as a defender since the older boys patted me on the back and said maybe after they graduate I could play striker. Yet, I was a rep-team striker for my town and so we played. The teacher was honoured and would be honoured again. This is a thank you.
Please enjoy the other insightful articles on this site and try the food, fashion and travel page at the top.
What is unique about the Kennedy Assassination in Dallas is that no one was tried. The Warren Commission confirmed many facts and left many unanswered. Much of the story appears in the movie JFK with Kevin Costner. We spent a lot of time studying this in high school in addition to the fact that Kennedy chose his own grave a few weeks before being shot. There was a trial for the attempted assassination on Reagan and for the assassin who killed Kennedy's younger brother. In spite of this, he was honoured greatly. The Gumby cartoon that teaches the virtue of being flexible had new seminal beginnings about that time when Dallas Mckennon was the voice of Gumby during the years 1961-1963. In Canadian history class, we studied the big elephant effect of being situated beside a large country. Canada was always depicted as a mouse in many of the political cartoons and never as a master in his own house. We suffer from this historically as a former colony with a strong emotional and cultural umbilical cord that some resent as it contrasts with the everyday reality of the values stoked by the Texas rib eye and New York rib eye values on menus and in our shopping carts. Why is it not a Idaho Rib Eye steak? Some say that 9/11 was just a civil war and a bit of a power shift from north to south. You never know except that the F-16's were as late as the 3:10 to Yuma getting out of the gates. But, they never had to be used before in that format of domestic aerial invasion apparently. It is just hard to shoot down a passenger plane that might have children on it as well. They are essentially Judeo-Christian values in the shopping carts or menus so its usually pretty good to ensure everybody feels included since not everybody is Judeo-Christian and therefore a melting pot(American) or a multi-cultural mosaic is required; melting in a pot vs. stitching the disparate and unique yet constituent elements together. Education was once the great leveler but it might be risky slap and tickle handshakes now. Then there is the Gangs of New York typography of society that says you have to find a team out there because it's a jungle. Sammy Davis Junior had a team. He was Jewish. You could just be a citizen and a nice one that minds his own business as well. That is usually pretty good. There is no reason why it should not be. You would have common sense to buy Tide before Sunlight as Tide is three times more efficient according to consumer and laboratory surveys.
I had a teacher who taught accordingly. Her name was Mrs. Cowie. She was also my Vice Principal in the first two years of my high school career wherein I obtained an A in French and English in the first semester while there. My other results were noted and by my third year my love of history was evident with B's and A's in history at the former advanced(now academic) levels. I still ran track and played soccer but only as a defender since the older boys patted me on the back and said maybe after they graduate I could play striker. Yet, I was a rep-team striker for my town and so we played. The teacher was honoured and would be honoured again. This is a thank you.
Please enjoy the other insightful articles on this site and try the food, fashion and travel page at the top.
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