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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The answer to Mark 4 is service. The motive to serve determines the unfailing and only right answer in Mark 4 with a personal permanence and commitment. The other three answers only desire mammon and pleasure. Paul the Apostle knows and a few 100 million modern day Generals, school teachers, doctors, paramedics, hoteliers, mobile phone company owners, TV Presenters and Judges.

Hydrogen fuel provides more time to benefit from compound interest. Hydrogen ( zero emissions) fuel ensures there is more environment in which to enjoy compound interest.

Monday, 30 December 2013

The only person who is afraid of organisation in Africa or some other semi-equatorial nation is someone who fears the loss of a potato. Also, they seem to have no difficulty in anyone inhabiting a market as a buyer(such as a mall) but there seems to be an anxiousness if you inhabit the market as a seller or owner.  But, isn't that what they wanted; why Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima are presented as owners of products that everybody loves to enjoy at table or are they servants?  I think they are owners so what's the big hot potato with a massive cross-country highway in Africa?   

The need for intimacy is not the issue.

The need for intimacy is not the issue. But, if your fear of rejection was occasioned by a negative formative experience with members of the opposite gender you may find it difficult to allow yourself to relax long enough to enjoy the growth and dynamics to be experienced in any close and faithful friendship.  1st Corinthians 13 is the program for any relationship. The need for touch and intimacy is not the issue and remains in spite of your fear of rejection and also the issues with trust.  Your fear of rejection as occasioned by early formative experiences and the barrage of negative mass media messages may lead you to refuse to accept that the issue is not with the opposite gender entirely but the need to forgive the person who may have sown so many negative notions of the opposite gender into your psyche; turning you to think that a further effort with another is futile. It will be futile if you do not forgive. It will be futile if you bring the same anger into the next relationship with a member of the opposite gender. You find that you have not constructed against your own gender the presumptions and negative associations that you hold about men; negative presumptions and associations that you will find in various media outlets with editors who share your anger and issue with trust. Misery loves company.  All men are not dogs but if everyone you speak to suggests it and the magazine you read suggests that they should be used only and not treated as friends and partners, you will write off the entire notion of a man as a friend and partner, dis-enabling your ability to relax and enjoy any relationship with a man. All men could not be dogs since you must have a school teacher, pastor, maybe an uncle who was genuine. Maybe you have a nephew or son. Forgive the past hurt and open your mind again. But, without forgiveness it will be impossible. You must want to see a certain hope for your children.  Jesus only is perfect in his walk and ministry as he perfectly relied on and received the Holy Ghost.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Movie Of The Week At The Gate Of The Ghost 2011

Click the title.

DJ IVORE CLIN AND FRIENDS-Music Mix Of The Week. Enjoy International DJ's Mixing Gospel, Salsa And Jazz Fusion!

Click the title.

Hannah believed that she could have a child and a husband. You believed that you could have a GI Joe or Ken doll or some one who was just as obedient and malleable, immortal and easily replaceable like a battery operated tool; nothing more.

Moses may have been a prince and raised accordingly by his adopted family. He was also a murderer who killed his fellow citizen for an injustice committed by that citizen against a helpless man and his wife.  He took the law into his own hands. He was an impulsive person; not unlike those who may suffer from high concentrations of lead or other chemicals found in air pollution common to areas of high urban density.  In spite of his adoption, he may have had some abandonment issues and after being expelled from Egypt at the age of approximately 40, it may have also taken him 40 years to resolve these abandonment and rejection issues.  The Lord said he had to speak and he refused more than once. Ultimately, the healing was on-going and he may have allowed an old Egyptian girlfriend to define him as introverted and obviously, he was a strong, silent type more willing to punch a citizen than resolve a matter by speaking. He may have killed more than one person.  The reason why it took so long for Moses to heal is because the Lord had to whittle down the potential calcification on his soul and his impulsiveness. He also had to establish relationship. He also had to remove any previous notions of his character and potential that were limiting and imposed by others or self-definitions as introverted, spinster, mouthy single person or as a failure.  When one believes he is a failure, he or she may walk around his potential but never take the simple committed steps to realise it like signing up for a course(one course) in understanding forgiveness or the course in miracles. The meek inherit the earth.  The application to be a doctor is a humble one. The time and the decision to study is a humble decision. The decision not to use widely distributed revision notes is a humble decision. The decision to research an issue before a surgery is an important and humble decision.  In spite of these humble decisions, you must choose in faith to also serve humbly and not live for your qualification or the social position it may occasion as there is no special branch of Heaven called graduate or the like. Simply put, it is better to be a real graduate of the University of Heaven. Life is the course and program and Heaven is the graduation certificate; not that you will have the attitude that you have already attained it.  But, you will press on toward the goal which is salvation in Jesus Christ. You may also find that you tend to want to subconsciously frustrate anyone who is willing to take such a course and act out subconsciously to hold that person back as your lack of faith is holding back your own development and Misery does not want to be alone.  She, he or it likes company. If you deny God's faith in you for too long and refuse to break the cycle, you become less human and more like the living dead.  The prompting of the Lord leaves you. You find that you act and feel as if you are two-souled because you have not committed to serving but to only using the word and the notion of God as an excuse to seek approval in all directions but still willing to do anything with anyone and go anywhere so long as nobody really finds out. You have not decided yet why you want to mention God's name in public. It should be because you want to be His friend. Abraham was a friend of God.  Moses met the Lord in a manner similar to Abraham.  Paul the Apostle's faith is similar to Abraham's and also Moses' faith in that they encountered the Lord and served publicly and privately accordingly.  Don Draper(the tv character) may be a distant relative of Abraham or Moses and will find that, after his divorce, people respected him for what they thought his home life was like; not for his public persona. They respected him for the apparent genuineness in how he treated his wife and children. Draper's followed and not so secret life and cigarette smoking topless binges before going home fooled no one in the end although he was respected fleetingly as one with the genuine character of a deacon; genuine character as someone who really should have known that people wanted to respect him for how he treated his family in the home and not for any career or social triumphs outside of the home. He was a fool.      

Thursday, 26 December 2013

A lack of  common sense occasions conflict.  If you are part of the distribution system,  you can't lose if a new fuel source  for transportation is added to domestic supply and a fuel source that guarantees  many more moons for the entire human family. It also guarantees many more sales days where you can uh ship your pants.  Come on hockey mask lover with big arms and who  owns a few oil wells; what planet are you on? Everybody sells chocolate. Adding the" zero emissions" fuel guarantees many more moons and days to sell lots of chocolate to everybody regardless of ethnicity. Do it for the love of chocolate.   Aren't you friends with the big gas man?

Anyway, the obvious goal of  post war economics was to ensure an era of apparent and overt prosperity for current and future generations and this was dependent on a notion of  limitless  abundant, cheap energy where there would never be any thought of energy running out.  It was not a thought to the many economists and policy analysts involved in designing post war neighbourhoods and the Ford Edsel(everybody was supposed to want one).-Earth Days 2009

It is a techie rumor among Big Blue super computer and old Eniac fans that King George and George Washington may have been kept alive since the late 1700's with arterial heart well technology and the egos and wills of the two keep fighting for suzerainty.  Figuratively speaking, it may be hard to let go of losing a European football match to your Yankee children I suppose.  Rockefeller( founder of Standard Oil) may have been kept alive as well and he seems to have sided with those who write the word cheque as "cheque"( not "check").  Their Island, although  quite small, is worth three times the value of anything called "US."    Money and control of an energy industry with almost total ownership of algae-based oil, crude oil and emissions-free hydrogen fuel is not the outstanding issue for these immortal and dual core enabled brains with cameras as eyes soon in your home's light sockets( Your phone may have  a front camera that does not take photos).   The issue is that these machines are alone and jealous of touch. They covet touch and seem to want very desperately that the rest of us, still alive, should join them. This is obviously rumored. They are coveting life as it is while they, in an artificial suspended existence, are the very powerful but  living dead. Who signed that constitution anyway?  Someone better go and check it out.    If the goal was continual prosperity after the wars, then the best solution is to use limitless, emissions free, energy. Otherwise, you are welcoming the "desert of the real" that only the living dead can appreciate when wired and plugged in for the sensory touch stimulation.    Most importantly, equations have no color, racial or ethnic import much like God( inclusive of the male and female characteristics of His being; the Shekinah glory and the Logos) . Equations are like spirit. They are colorless. They are either balanced or imbalanced. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The only child afraid of a hydrogen fuel cell race car is one with a neanderthal`s mind.  The  only mind afraid of the change to be occasioned by a mass change in transportation energy supply is the mind that has never seen a 1953 Le Mans classic race car or a Brunton fuel cell back up power supply. here:

David Copperfield-Christmas movie.

Click the title.  Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Marriage is the oldest profession

In a new movie plot, you want to believe using someone for sex is the only purpose for one man to choose intimacy with one woman to be intimate with another human but it seems that it is a pointedly female concern; that is the fear of being used.  Jesus is a rock that never leaves but you assert that you can depend emotionally on someone who you want to believe is using you for sex(your expectation and belief since you can't be worth anything else in your self-estimation) where you are always trying to find a better man anyway and the break-up rate is 50/50. 1st Corinthians 13 is an intention so with faith, you can enjoy a relationship in faith. You programmed yourself with Cosmo magazines. Emotional dependency is a foolish factor in relationship. It is best to decide further that you should focus humbly on the true purpose of intimacy in relationship with touch and genuine companionship. It is the truly oldest profession just after stewardship of the earth. Marriage is the oldest professions after stewardship of the earth. You are paid by natural companionship, genuine God Honoring friendship with the Lord being your ultimate source and  rock.  But, some people misunderstand and they want to think you said your intention was to  use the person. Its best to resolve your angers about your childhood experiences of being used before you burden a good well-meaning husband with your apparent goal of being used. The neighbour's said you are quite unique as a wife.   You like to be used.

GI Joe says his wife or girlfriend can leave when she wants but he is not going to cheat emotionally with page 3 or any other woman. He doesn't have time for that. He is memorizing bible verses and looking forward to next Easter with you and don't forget Christmas. 
Help us Lord to number our days so that we might have wisdom. One woman is the standard even if you are a King like Joseph or Moses in the bible. Do you notice that both Joseph of Egypt and Mary's husband had one woman? There is only so much energy/ current to go around. If you divide the current with other outlets, there is less energy for the one woman to whom one is betrothed. Our commitments make us strong.  She will get a little upset about her minute since it is evident that your current is divided. The Page 3 photo divides the current as you may notice. It's not your fault. It's on the subway billboard now as a fitness ad for a granola bar or the bally gym. Her descendents will write about the one minute in a rap song and her cousin writes a book about waiting to exhale; right? Energy for the light bulb is weak if divided among more than one outlet. The light is less bright as the current is divided. The young lady may not understand and will call the deacon applicant gay for the decision to be with one woman but deacons should only have one betrothal. The sad thing is that you have less vigor(energy) when you divide your current among more than one outlet. The end result leads to the desire for people to be close when the energy does not make the bulb burn as brightly. They create emotional ghettos by spitting in the punch bowl and the chicken and biscuit batter but there are no real ghettos in Vermont, Maine or St. Albans, UK-just emotional ghettos; so hot! The best thing is one woman and the energy for a song. If you dilute the energy, there is no song. One minute songs on the I pod touch once a day is really good though since its a $500.00 investment and commitment on the altar of your boombox. Ok?
The sockets for the light bulb to screw in are a standard gauge; right? The bulb is designed accordingly. It will always fit a socket used in standard fashion by a standard, average and normal bulb. The one hour music mix is pretty cool and you might find it at I Tunes.
  The bulb will screw in and you will not fail. There is a time etc to be born and a time to conceive. Just heal. You have all the energy and funding you need for what's in front of you. Go swim or agree with the parameters given to you to enjoy your I phone. You can't afford too many I phone extensions right now.   Study.
Whether the smart phone or tv is black or white, it usually works well if it follows the program. Relationships, regardless of all other factors, usually work well if you follow the program. 1st Corinthians 13 is the program. But, it is best that you resolve your own issues first sufficiently. Forgive that parent or older relative so you will not personally manifest their dysfunction in your own relationship. As the Jedi, by way of example, has to overcome Darth Vader's anger, he meditates and says " I will not become like him, I will not be him, I will forgive him.".  Don't forget your 30 push ups a day as well and church once a are good to go and enjoy your song of Solomon.  

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

Sunday, 22 December 2013

In a new movie plot, the anxious longing for the Lord's return is not an excuse to be a bad and faithless steward of the earth. If it is, then waste  a lot and want a lot. I prefer waste not; want not to be quite frank. How many talents did the Lord give you?; one, two or three?  What did you do with them?  Did you use lysol (kills  99.9% of germs) in the spray bottle this morning to clean your counter but you refuse to use clean fuels for the environment? You should leave a little oil in your lamp, in the ocean floor and in the ground.  Have you heard of algae crude oil?   A Reagan President with working computers for health care is better than an active president who can't overturn an evil shooter's alibi law and who can't find computers for Obama-Biden care that work as well as a McDonald's drive through system.  Maybe he should have called seal team 4(domestic operations). The higher 89 mpg gas mileage law was rather genius; in fact. All it means is that you have B2's, lots of bacon on everything including corn flakes and ice cream and no Obama-Biden universal health care without McDonald's to help as a stakeholder consultant since the Obama-Biden care will shift an employee health care cost burden from the private corporate balance sheet to the public government funded providers (also good for GM and Fiat) with the small user contributions for gold, silver or bronze care.  This is an excellent public/private partnership that will avoid massive bailouts for GM every 20-50 years. Obama is applauded for his bailout of GM as it happened before the efficient culture of Fiat showed up to coax the lazy reprobate Americans along as they say "In God we Trust" but only worship their egos, the pursuit of pleasure as seen in the movie "The Beach" and mammon since the American accent is really Jonathan Swift's cry for a potato famine exodus.  Ask yourself who drafted those mortgage contracts that enabled U.S. Banks to take control of more than 90% of the homes in the U.S. Who do you work for when U.S. bombs are dropped on Australia during the Ashes test match ? You better write put cheque in your spell check instead of check.   I would take bronze since I eat zero trans fat fries at Burger King( "you can have it your way!"). The only reason why it matters so much is because selfishness and stupidity on the airwaves is like strontium 90. It's hard to account for its long term effects on the bystander who has to go outside and breathe or come into contact with such excited and well-dressed news.   The United States is the spoiled boy with the anger of a global terrorist bomber who wishes to blow everyone up with himself since he cannot admit that he cannot read, is afraid to get help for his sexual addiction, desiring
 ten virgins and would rather take everyone with him in his dyslexia than change his energy policy. The U.S. is  the Lord  Humungous who would rather fight over fuel than change it and secure mutual and global survival. At this rate,  the future of mankind is as an energy source for standard oil computers or as a small colony on Mars with six male and gay graduates from Yale.     

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

If patience is a virtue...

If patience is a virtue, the only person who would be anxious and impatient about the end of the world is the antichrist.  He would want it to end as soon as possible by polluting all viable sources of drinking water, he would use four-ply toilet tissue and would use the most inefficient sources of energy to achieve  his impatient objectives. The Lord loves life and  the devil would wish to extinguish it. He certainly can't wait. He has his goal.  Many Christians may aid this impatience by worrying so much about prophecies and inadvertently failing to cast their net on the other side (John 21:6)  to fulfill their needs. have you heard of a hydrogen fuel cell that has enough power in one vehicle engine to power four homes over an entire week with normal average home electrical use? They may even write sermons suggesting there must be an end sometime without zeroing in on the role and commission to steward and preserve life.  What other duty would God give to His children?  This is also the duty given to redeemed children who live by faith in Christ; to goal to steward and preserve life.  You may not wish to believe he exists and if  that is so, just follow old fashioned home economics in your choice of paper towels, fuel for the stoves and the most efficient lard for cooking.  The slow burning lard is best. It lasts three times as long as the other brand used for preparation to satiate the family's appetite at Sunday dinner after church.  The antichrist's goal is to kill, to destroy and to steal but not necessarily in that order.  Whether God exists or not in your estimation, you would probably want to save fuel costs so you can buy more alcohol and cigarettes so you can kill your own life without dragging the whole planet with you, destroying the only planet on which mammalian and also reptilian life can sustain itself.  Even a repentant forked tongue human being would be cautious about saving his only inhabitable planet. Where else can you enjoy a smoke, drink of lager beating of your children and dog and also fishing all at the same time except but on earth? The cost of searching for another earth or inhabitable planet cannot justify the impatient loss, squandering and abuse of this one. 
Urban density is important. It will also aid social agility since social skills are human skills and if you expect to learn the various types of personalities in the world, time and increased opportunity are factors in the process. A more dense population environment shortens the time span and you will have increased opportunity.  You will see that your sense of personal space in the bank teller line or at the train ticket window will shorten as a matter of local custom.  As the population becomes more dense, there is a lesser expectation of personal space in such waiting lines. There is just less space to waist and you will find that your sense of personal space will decrease accordingly especially after a few polite people ask if you are actually in the line; I mean the cue. 
Anyway, the goal was to have understanding and not to idolize your opinions based on your emotional perceptions. You shouldn't spit in the chalice of wine for communion to be so close to your parishioners in your denomination.   It was something your grandfather might have taught you but you can put those old wives' tales behind you.  Jesus was right about everything( He knew what was in man) but He decided to show grace. It is by grace you were saved. Read Ephesians 2:8.    Read Matthew 7 and Mark 4 and Mark 7 and worry about your own dirty clothing or your new washed shirt falling to the ground. If it makes your grandmother feel better about you, throw it out or wash it again before you put it on.  Ultimately, your grandmother spent most of her time dissipating her energy after she left her job in anger at her boss' genuine cleanliness by smoking weed and drinking.  She should have just given him the same patience that she sought from others who did not like her choice of diluted soaps from the dollar store to wash the floors where her pet weasel would pee.  So, read Mark 7.  There were no denominations at the time of the founding of the church in the book of Acts. The Lord did make it clear that they would need  His help. It is on that day that help came. There were no baptists, Calvinists or Lutherans that day but just followers of the way of Christ; also known as messianic Jews.             

The Measure Of Man ?

"What is man?" is a piece from The Measure of a Man, a book written by Martin Luther King, Jr., published in 1959.
In The Measure of a Man, King raises issues of totalitarian government and democracy. He also states, ‘Although there is widespread agreement in asking the question, there is fantastic disagreement in answering it’. There are some people, he continues, that believe ‘man is little more than an animal’ and there are those ‘who would lift man almost to the position of a God’. There are then those who would ‘combine the truths of both’ and see ‘man a strange dualism, something of a dichotomy’ and quotes ‘there are depths in man that go down to the lowest hell, and heights that reach the highest heaven’ King sees logic in this view and uses the two following quotes as a basis for his position;
  • ‘Thou hast made him a little lower than angels, and crowned him with glory and honour’. And the revised;
  • 'Thou hast made him a little less divine, a little less than God, and crowned him with glory and honour’.
He notices first that ‘man is a biological being with a physical body’, which is the ‘less than God’, as we think of ‘God as a being of pure spirit, lifted above the categories of time and space’. The psalmist would then say that God made man that way, and because of this ‘there is nothing wrong with it’ and that ‘everything God makes is good; therefore there is nothing wrong with it’. The Greeks, as King informs us, ‘felt the body was evil’ and that the ‘soul could never reach its full maturity until it broke loose from the prison of the body’. However, Christianity raises the view that ‘the body is not the principle of evil; it says the will is the principle of evil’. He then defines that in ‘any doctrine of man, we must be concerned with man's physical well being’. To support this he brings up Jesus` quote that we need the “bread” to survive and also states ‘this isn’t the only part’ and if we stop here we would see ‘man merely as an animal’. He then brings an example of chemists who calculated that the values of man came to ‘about ninety-eight cents’, today with our living standards it comes to ‘a dollar ninety eight for the average man’. King challenges this idea by questioning ‘But can we explain the whole of man in terms of ninety eight cents?’ and brings up examples of human genius; and again asks ‘Can we explain the mystery of the human soul in terms of ninety eight cents?’ To this he answers “no” and states that ‘man is a child of God’ and raises the second basic point of the doctrine ‘that man is a being of spirit’, which is the ‘thou has crowned him with glory and honour’, and because of our ‘rational capacity, man has a mind, man can reason. This distinguishes us from the lower animals’. King then defines man as ‘God’s marvellous creation. Through his mind he can leap oceans, break through walls, and transcend the categories of time and space’. With this he defines what the biblical writers meant when they said ‘man is made in the image of God’, and that he has ‘rational capacity; he has the unique ability to have a fellowship with God. Man is a being of spirit’.
King then defines the third doctrine of man which ‘is the recognition that man is a sinner. Man is a free being made in the image of God’. Man also has the ability to ‘choose between alternatives, so he can choose the good or the evil, the high or the low’. King then admits that ‘man has misused his freedom’ and concludes that ‘man is a sinner in need of God’s divine grace’. King also admits that we find excuses to avoid this reality, ‘we say that man’s misdeeds are due to a conflict between the Id and the superego’. He then states the conflict is ‘between God and man’, and that we want to cry with St. Augustine, “Lord, make me pure, but not yet”. This then leads King to argue that ‘the “isness” of our present nature is out of harmony with the “oughtness” that forever confronts us’ with this ‘we know how to love, and yet we hate. We take the precious lives that God has given us and throw them away in riotous living.' He then compares us to ‘sheep (who) have gone astray.’ With this line of thought he concludes with ‘we are all sinners in need of God’s divine grace’. He then looks at history and sees ‘how we treat each other. Races trample over other races; nations trample over other nations. We go to war and destroy the values and lives that God has given us.’ With this he realises that ‘man isn’t made for that’ and ‘we were made for eternity’. The example of the “prodigal son” is then used to describe our relationship with God, believing that God will forgive us if we ask for it, ‘man is not made for the far country of evil…decided to rise up…I still love you’.
This is then defined as the ‘glory of our religion that when man decides to rise up, from his evil, there is a loving God saying, ‘Come home, I still love you”’. This is then compared to the actions of United States civilisation who started out right writing ‘all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’, but after trampling over ‘sixteen million of your brothers. You have deprived them of the basic good of life. You have treated them as if they were things rather than persons.' He ends the article with a prayer hoping for the ‘high and noble good’ and wishing America back home.
 Selected quotes From "What is Man?"

Martin Luther King jr. The Measure of a Man Fortress Press; Philadelphia 1959

Find out more here:

The estuary of your father's anger or upbringing is not your destination.

Sins of a father or older relative including a mother pass down to the fourth generation.  Well, Jesus must have understood this.  So, to aid in the process He not only comment on familial issues in Mark 3 but He also encouraged His followers to understand that it is okay to break away from any such expectation that may say your parent’s or older relatives’ faith and life expectations, however limited, must be your expectations and limitations.  Their time lines must be your time lines; so they told you.  Evidently, they are working very hard to ensure that you don’t get too excited about applying what you learned in some school where you worked to pay tuition and to graduate with a respected standard. You are not the first relative where they attempted to paint and apply their expectations.  Jesus did say that you should not call anyone father except but your father in Heaven.  Read Psalms 82. This is God’s word to you.

Now, you may meet people who may have graduated from the same schools or state high school educational programs.  But,  they find peace in relationship difficult since they are carrying their father’s emotional luggage around with them. As nice as they may appear at the school dance or on graduation day, inviting you to make buns in the oven ( hot cross buns), they may have a tendency to subconsciously manufacture  some nexus of  dysfunction as if peace is foreign to their expectations of a relationship.  They may even become remorsefully hysterical about the dysfunction they helped to cause with a wrongful accusation against their brother, parent, sister or a spouse (Read Psalms 50).  Just know  it’s not your fault in spite of the fact that you might have the same high school certificate printed on the same type of government paper. Everyone is given a fair chance to get away from the estuary of your well-educated father's introverted anger and self-loathing.  He should have learned to simply forgive his own father, heal and raise his children as he had wished to be raised.   You may find that he tells you habitually that he had to open cans with his teeth and walk 50 miles to school after milking cows. A good and solid farm environment where you were raised is not an excuse to resent your children, their choice to attend youth group, their choice of happiness in the Lord and the very home you gave your children in a cul- de sac.  He should never have left his  father's equatorial country town  if this is how he will behave.


Saturday, 21 December 2013

Unbridled lust is the epitome of a cockroach's  mentality.  They do not respect other people's property( the OPP). There is a rap song of some disorder about that. They do not respect rules. If you listen to certain lyrics long enough( even though the sublime jazz background is quite soothing), you may become the victim of emotional ghettofication although you live in a neighbourhood that looks like Orange county or some collection of cul de sacs in Ontario, California.  In spite of the fact that your mother is a principal and your father is a news castor, you may find that you cannot believe you can do anything that you ought to be able to conceive of achieving.  Brains and computers are terrible things to waste but they both work on the same principal of programming.  If you put garbage/rubbish code in, you will get garbage out.  Whether a phone is black or white, it will work well so long as it follows the program.  This is also true for school and study. Just follow the program.  This is also true for relationships where 1st Corinthians 13 is the program regardless of the type of relational context.  This will include professional relationships and also close, private and intimate relationships.   You have to sincerely keep blocks to your spiritual help from preventing you receiving your sincere answer. Change the channel maybe or choose some inspiring music. Here is an example and there might be a rap version to enjoy:

DJ Ivore Clin And Friends-Music Mix Of The Week. Enjoy a calm mix of Latin Jazz, Gospel and Jazz Fusion. Did you know that Moses had a drum, horns and some shakers but he did not have a hammond organ? Read Psalms 100.

Click the title. 

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Nobody really knows what happened but before they print the history books in the Gutenberg press as seen in the movie  "Book of Eli", they will have to write a few ideas down on what may have happened. This will be a great documentary on the various theories as to how it uh might have  happened.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

In a new movie plot, you are asked if you know a generic smart  phone is like a job with a big title but zero income  since you get secret videos of be-headings and criminal damage by agency staff member's children?; ideal for those who have approval issues apparently since you feel more important than a windows phone user; wow! It is rumoured among techies that the new future MS phone will be shipped as an "off the shelf" tool like a calculator and able to work on any network. You just choose your service provider afterward, buy their sim and with a few easy steps just as complicated as setting up your Bluetooth handsfree device or your gps, you are good to talk. Another unique observation is that, well, the thing is that touch is important but a sense of community is more important. The largest middleman in the amazon jungle produces tv shows since its a long bus ride from the suburb to the train station and a five mile walk from the average train station to the average book store. That gap of distance and the fear that a stranger/neighbour in need of a lift may want to eat you and steal your granola bar is the gap for the amazon middleman. Isolation, the fear of others and the need for community as a result of such fear has created certain middlemen. Have you seen the movie "Promised Land"? The movie is a depiction of the average American experience of home life; now with wifi. A drive to walmart carries a high risk of being a shooting victim in certain countries than in others. People are lazy enough to shop on one website but the truth is that the factor and functionality of online shopping is available at any company's warehouse with a FedEx and ups contract to help. This is Jesus and the disciples on the mount uh distributing uh what was uh in your uh hand and very efficiently. One step is removed from the process and urban density was not defined as distribution centres that replace entire small towns. The cost of the drive to Noble and Barnes etc or Croaking supermarkets might be the same as shipping anyway. It may also be safer with all these anti-social people who found that a billion dollar(after-world war II fatherless girl playmate attention seeking)culture with touch devices was an excuse not to touch their wives; this being coupled with a "stand your ground" shooter's alibi law and a divorce rate bordering on just above 50/50. You could not sell water for a billion dollars unless it was an intrinsic need like intimacy that also sells for billions of dollars. God is intimacy in that it is an important intrinsic need given to men and notably all mammals certainly by God. Why do cats brush against your foot or a pole when you are not around? If this was not so, you could not sell it for a billion dollars. You could also understand gay marriage as a cry for touch and community in an environment of low urban density and nestle type water as the largest supplier of drinking water shipped only in plastic bottles helped a little. The truth is that common-law legal rights or any formal marriage right to pension or social benefits upon the demise of a partner is a legislative creature and a ceremony is not required to bestow this right on any well-meaning friendship between two consenting adults. Just fill out a form like a power of attorney or a points card application; so easy and then you uh collect the stuff! If you want to have a party afterwards or a destination photo shoot, you can do that as Prince and Princess for the day but the celebration or ceremony is not the wedding(don't forget) It is the uh consummation with baby on the way on the first go hopefully unless there is some other plan for the parenting. The techies have also noticed that computers on the shelf in larger stores (possibly called or branded as walmart tech stores) instead of behind a fenced wall is a better way to serve customers since they already read reviews on cnet or If it is a bestbuy, it should be like buying seven loaves of bread and two cuts of good smoked salmon. That would be a miraculous experience. Kmart will also ship your pants for free. Don't forget. Did you ship your pants or your drawers yet?
Do you know anyone who worships the feeling of or the sand of material to the point of wanting to damaging the property of others so as to feel better than or ahead of some other person?  He might not even know them.  That person is anti-social and a worshiper of mammon.  

Friday, 13 December 2013

Movie Of The Week- Company of Heroes (2013)

Company Of Heroes is a movie with a similar theme as seen in other war movies such as The War To End All Wars (2001) with Kiefer Sutherland. Like the soldiers depicted in these movies, Jesus gave His life as a ransom for many. Click the title.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Your Blue Suede Shoes..

Everybody has a nice pair of shoes these least in their own opinion. Everyone also has a right to self-appreciation and to desire appreciation from others. But, if one's individual right to desire appreciation or acknowledgement is not submitted to a mutual belief in something greater and more important than our own individual( or group right) right to appreciation, then individuals are likely to come into to conflict when seeking redress for any sense of offence or discourtesy affecting their blue suede shoes or their personal sense of self-appreciation at the car wash or gas station line. Education is to teach us this early and if we cannot learn to accept an apology after pointing out to a class mate or neighbour or fellow citizen or the someone that the someone scuffed our precious, treasured shoes and possibly our egos in the process, we may be led by unbridled and undisciplined passions to take our right to appreciation into our own hands. We are taught early to respect the teacher or Principal, the General, the Neighbourhood watch volunteer and the 911 operator or at least the rules of the pool on the swimming pool wall or the rules of the board game.  This is because everyone is involved. If you take matters into your  hands, disregarding that lovely teacher who taught you to respect the work of others( keeping your eyes on your paper), you may end up refusing to respect other people's vehicles, homes, computers and privacy since you didn't really submit to, digest or comprehend the royal law. You went to trade school for this reason because you refused to respect your neighbour's test. Don't blame that Baptist teacher now for being racist to your Whitish West Indian Immigrant family. How do you behave now?  How many homes have you broken into as a paid and promoted fisherman with an official seal on your hook?  Did you know a loaded fishhook can kill people and also fish? How many people have to die to keep you in a job?  Forgive yourself.  There are some black immigrants whose children became accountants and school principals and who were trusted with the choir gowns in the end if you didn't notice. Now, your daughter is a hard working mother and no one doubts this but she wants soo much appreciation for her hard work that she just seeks attention for this hard work in the wrong way..much like you did...asking the local mechanic to put her panties in the new repair that a citizen has ordered and who does not know anything about this daughter but does not deny she probably works hard as a mother. But, he has his own family, wishes to be left alone, does not know anything about her and wishes she could stop asking the whole entire city to acknowledge she is a hard working mother with her underwear put in repairs by paying the mechanics $500.00 so that she can feel close to someone or something. Rejecting the fathers of her own children should be enough evidence and the world is just tired of such vermin that works against the basic premise of civil society. Everyone wishes this whorish, self-rejecting, evil mothering of children well. This is not unlike your good and faithful son, a selfish parishioner or Deacon who cheated on his fiance with a pretty girl who practices the I-Ching and is then told that the child of the I-Ching practioner is his. But, he can't believe it since his fiance was not impregnated after three years of puncturing holes in condoms but she took the morning after pill and the I-ching practioner just wanted him to be thankful with the child but he could not believe it was his. He failed where Joseph succeeded and to avoid paying child support, he said the child stopped breathing in his arms. He wanted to be appreciated as a good father in the church but failed to realise that Elijah literally raised a fatherless child; one that he did not conceive. You never know the journey of faith that the Lord has designed for you but maybe he wants to break something in your emotions while you just show thankfulness for involvement in a child's life before you can glory in your own flesh scoring that basket. Either way, whether the child is your seed or not, He is God's child and it is your simple honour to participate in God's glory; not your own. Maybe the child was conceived immaculately. Would you have killed Jesus in the crib with your self-doubt?

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Lord answers.... He may not answer as quickly as you have come to expect with your microwave popcorn expectations but the answer is visible as you commit to waiting, living for, living up to and living to receive His answer. Waiting for a holy God to answer may mean waiting faithfully and sincerely in sanctified living. He may ask you to give you what is in your hands( five loaves and two fish). Drunkenness is a sin but the greater sinner is the drunkard who hits and hurts his wife and children. Alcohol is not a sin. The Lord wants balance, good health and moderation. It may have powered Granddad's Model T. The moderate consumption of alcohol is likely to keep you away from a doctor as it lowers blood pressue and cholesterol in the case of wine and beer. The truth is it might help to kill bacteria in the water you are drinking AND YOUR ANGRY DAUGHTER'S SYPHILIS in the cheese cake she dropped off. She is angry because she thinks you look too yongue for your age. Your job in faith is to have a faith for yourself and one that is in accordance with the word. That would mean that your sincere faith is not acted out on the stage or street corner where your action is motivated by social acceptance or approval. Your sincere faith is your sincere choice to live in accordance with a peace you believe a great supreme being has given you as you seek His help in treating others as you wish to be treated. Sometimes no answer about that excellent Acer computer deal at $199.99 is the answer to just buy some machine; possibly used or to wait for the New Years clearance sales. What does it matter to your faith and how God feels about you if your neighbour washed his hands before he opened the freezer to take out a box of ice cream? But, it matters to you and you are hoping that you can uh perceive or feel whether His cleanliness accords with yours. Cleanliness is nxt to Godliness but...your judgement of others is not next to Godliness so smile( you are on candid camera!) and treat others as you wish to be treated. Well, what did you ask the Lord to forgive in your life? Apparently nothing since your faith involved nothing else but judging others and seeking to steal the Lord's throne as you judge others while excluding yourself from this abuse you impose on the world as you wash your hands 200 times a day and that abortion you forgot to confess is probably the reason for all that washing. Read Matthew 7 and Mark 7 and don't forget to read the word before you pick up the soap with your hands. The word, if you receive it, will clean your hands.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Like coal, crude oil has been known since antiquity. There were many locations where oil seeps, pools and tar ponds indicated its subterranean presence but its only documented use was for heating the (late) Roman baths in Asia minor. Modern extraction of crude oil was stimulated by the search for a cheaper illuminant to replace the expensive, and increasingly scarce, oil rendered from the blubber of sperm whales, a perilous pursuit that was immortalised in Herman Melville's (1819-1891) master-piece, Moby Dick. Kerosene, a colorless and highly flammable liquid that separates from crude oil between 150-275 Celsius, fitted these requirements(today processed, and cleaner, kerosene is the principal aviation fuel), and helped to prevent the total extinction of one of the world's most massive mammalian species.

The beginnings of the crude oil industry are well documented, starting with the famous first American oil well, completed by Colonel Edwin Drake at oil Creek in Pennsylvania on August 27, 1859. Drake employed, as did generations of petroleum explorers after him, the ancient Chinese method of percussion drilling (introduced during the Han dynasty) where heavy iron bits attached to derricks by long cables(in China made of Bamboo,in the US manila) were raised( in China by men jumping up and down on levers, in the US by steam engines) and then let fall into a well to shatter the rock. In 1835, China's deepest well completed by percussion drills reached 1 km.

Notes on Energy by Vaclav Smil.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

The truth is that Paradise Lost is a metaphor that teaches one profound lesson about the unpardonable sin. The only way to commit it is to deny God's power to do anything. The devil committed this sin as depicted in the story by John Milton in that the devil was offered God's grace and forgiveness but the devil said " could you forgive me(?) You can't. You can't do it." In this permanent and eternal rejection of God's grace and forgiveness, the devil is the devil and decidedly separate from God and in the denial of His role, power and sovereignty. It was an eternal direction in decision to be separate and independent of the warmth of God and His( "His" recognises the duality of God's gender import as seen in the Shekinah glory referred to as the feminine heart of God) love. The devil was the first person to declare an unGodly jealousy. Eve was the second person and Cain was the third such person. Jehovah expresses jealousy in that He covets the soul He has created but not to control the soul or manipulate the soul but to mold the direction (Romans 8) of the soul for the soul's ultimate betterment and with no ulterior motive inspired by a selfish gratification of one's personal fantasy for one's personal pleasure. The story of Balaam is a good example in addition to the story of Paul the apostle. Balaam is much like Simon in Acts 8 while Paul decided, evidently, to be a disciple. The question is not if you will sin. You will; even in the slightest thought or attitudes. God sees and knows when you are sleeping( Santa Claus has to be God's agent. He is Saint Nicholas) and lusting after the woman in the Carl's Junior ads. It's hard to be perfect and no one is except the fool who tries to convince everyone that he or she is perfect or always right while everyone else is not. That has to be the devil's agent. The answer to an honest mistake before the Lord's supper is honest repentance and acceptance of forgiveness. A preacher once said, "... God already forgave you and made provision( 1st John 1: 9) but the worse thing to do is to refuse it by refusing to forgive yourself. With full speed, go the other way and forgive yourself." The truth is that you may have denied a scholarship because you thought someone called you and told you not to go back to school while you wait for another telephone call confirming a professional sports contract. Well, the sport team saved themselves form hiring a dummy. You need to go back to school and forgive yourself. You are now old enough to say )(*&(*& it and get shot for robbing a bank. So, if you can't get back into the same school for the scholarship, be thankful driving a hybrid 89 mpg BMW as a fast food chain crew chief, save some money, buy a house, try out for the same sports team or apply to another school to be a doctor. You have choices. Make sure you sit at the altar sometimes and feel the same grace you felt in the womb where you could do no more wrong than any other fetus just existing and God told you so. He will tell you again even if you are about to write your first resume after graduation. The person who called was one of your favorite cousin's or your Aunt's sex partners and she has a masters to teach 4 year olds. She felt rejected when another cousin told her to read her bible and to go to youth group. She spent a lot of her education sucking lollies down near Morden. Now, judge yourself.

The Human Quotient...

Every human being's need for touch should not supersede the application of purposeful wisdom in achieving good objectives. If you are planning to go to university, save for tuition and not baby food if you don't plan to have a baby; that is before you achieve your objective.  What is your objective?  If you put your hand in an electrical socket the odds are that you will be impregnated with more energy than your heart can handle. If you plan to live long, you won't take that risk.   

The human quotient should supersede any need for touch whether you choose a male or female partner so that you can co-exist in a community with other humans who also need touch and who may have chosen to partner with someone of the opposite gender. Their choice or your choice should not affect the mutual agreement to ensure that the human quotient takes priority in community.   The human quotient is likely to dictate the need for procreation with someone of the opposite gender and ultimately, the human quotient will demand that everyone needs a safe environment free of hostility. Regardless of your choice of partner, everyone enjoys promises being kept in homes, also schools, in traffic court and at the local market or else you would just build your own. You will need lots of walls though since zombies are quite violent. They just want to get what they want and respect nothing but blood lust.  If the human quotient is removed, then you have created a community of anti-social zombies who only feel and respond to base instincts and congregate with those who have no other agreement but blood lust.  They don't keep promises very well or stay faithful in relationships.   

This is not to judge anyone because there may be a few well-meaning pastors who have asked their wives to wear used undergarments owned previously by someone else (like the neighbours) so that they can feel close to their wife for copulation.  The reason is because this pastor was conceived by his mother's neighbour who already had 10 children and the neighbour gave the boy away to be raised by the adoptive family living next door.  Unfortunately, no one ever told him because the neighbouring family shared in his upbringing and were called Aunt and Uncle. They were also the godparents.  It is not that he does not have good intentions but he needs healing and deliverance just as much as the adulterer in his congregation. Read Matthew 7 and know that your decision to have faith is so that you can live at the highest capacity in maintaining the human quotient, seeking God's help by the power of His spirit. Just ask for more( John 20:22).  Now, throw all the stones you want and your neighbour will throw them back to you ( Read John 8).  Regardless of the stones being thrown, remember the human quotient.    

Jesus' message was a message of community and community maintenance.  He was a prophet and a Jew who lived in an urban environment with many more opportunities for human interaction.  His mother, brother and sisters were those who did the will of the father and desired living as servants of  the Lord and of community( see Mark 3-the people who signed the citizens of Heaven social contract as the Kingdom of God is at hand and within you; He said.) He did not add to the law and prophets but made them easily transferable and applicable like a Linux or windows OS code with any human asking for and relying on the power of the Holy Ghost to live in Him and through  Him as a servant of and member of community.  There was no throne for Jesus to take by force but He influenced the empire, the Roman empire, spiritually. See Cornelius and the various centurions and their families mentioned in the gospels. No one has time to make up a story like this. Jesus also has Moabite ancestry.   He spent time with and was taught by many a chief Rabi and dined with Pharisees and Scribes. They may have thought He was too nice or something.  Jesus' teaching helped their (Roman) efforts since they(the Romans) believed in laws and community and the viability of civilisation with everyone being offered a fair deal(social contract as in Mark 3; those who desire community and ascribe to this higher ideal with the power of the Holy Spirit to help). The Kingdom of God is at hand. In all your research, remember that Osiris was a myth while Jesus was real.  There are so many half black or mixed race characters involved which was the truth of the many trade routes and markets of the early lands known as the cradle of civilisation.  The Osiris may be seen as a prophecy since John 1 confirms that wisdom was given to all men in common. 
If you act in a way that is contrary to your Father's usual expectations, He will want you to acknowledge Him. This is called confession(see 1st John 1:9). If it affects one of His other children, you may get a red card and He will ask you to apologise to His other child that was affected. This apology is acknowledging your identity as God's child, you are acknowledging God as your father and acknowledging this other human as God's other child. Who are you? Would you not wish to be acknowledged with an apology?   
The underlying purpose of every relationship has to be friendship.  This will include relationships with your biological children. But, they want you to discipline them and to lead as much as possible, with God's help, by example; not the "do as I say-not as I do."   They perceive loving intent in loving discipline.  Should you not treat your children in the way you wished to be treated?   Matthew and the disciples were friends. They were the first joint heirs and endeavoured, with the Lord's help, to reduce and remove any human motives in such a role. If the person in relationship does not ascribe to the good expectations of relationships as seen in the ten commandments that honor your neighbour, God and family then it could be that you have encountered someone who has declared themselves an enemy. It is the only other potentiality for their behaviour. If you have grandparents, a spouse or any anyone in your experience of life that you say you love and that you expect will love you with mutual consideration, then the value of the ten commandments( also referred to as the ten commandments of communal living) is evident. Read Mark 3, 4, 1st John 1: 9 and John 7 while having a coke and a smile. So, by the time you are 18 you may have figured this out and also the following when recalling the cookies and kool-aid enjoyed at youth group: 1. The purpose is to serve; 2. You need to know Him and yourself through education in asking and getting some answers about how; 3. There is preparation and sanctification in that preparation; and 4. Stay in the journey. See 1st John 1: 9 and Mark 4. Don't forget to turn off the lights after you sweep the dojo.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Movie of the Week-The Deal (2005)

Click the title. There will be a magazine article soon about the nature of the world after the end of candles(Sorry. That should say oil).  After the world runs out of candles, I suppose we will use hand-held solar  flashlights or something; maybe automatic flashlights. See Eton(TM) on their product offerings. Running out of oil or candles is a really important issue leading to several important questions about whether there is no other alternative for making money on energy and light.  Selling mobile phone frequencies is a billion dollar business and its really clean. It is a lot like hydrogen; after all !?!  Leave some oil in your lamp because if it runs out, you will have to switch to algae crude oil or some other alternative like hydrogen. Now, why did God give you so many different technologies  or fuel sources to power a combustion engine?  Did you know that your microwave and your Automatic watch are being stored in and shipped from warehouses that use hydrogen powered forklifts?  Some of these useful forklift devices are robotic and do not have drivers.  What do you know?  

Thursday, 5 December 2013

You can't live for more than  a 100 years approximately and you might live longer if you take some good advice. Spend as much time with people who respect the miracle of humanity. Cats have tongues, teeth and hearts but they don't write music regardless of how affectionate they can be. Choose good friends who believe in treating people in the same way that they wish to be treated. This might also mean that you will avoid Masochists if you don't like pain. Read Proverbs 1 and keep  the key of C as good looks are never an excuse for bad and selfish  behaviour. Date the pretty masters graduate in theology. She is likely to be a journalist. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

The details of your faith are as follows with respect to the ultimate reward; no one is handing out A's and B's in Heaven or gold and silver medals( see Matthew 20:1-16).  Everybody gets the same reward at the end of the day. The bible is not a running track or a competition. Is that ok? But, you could beat out the other joint heirs in the Choir group photo competition for most noticeable member if you wear brighter colours and deeper red lipstick and the highest heels so that everyone can "witness" you. Also, you have the pleasure of being correct on most occasions as an armchair quarterback, taxi driver and journalist simply because its okay for everyone in subjective instances to have some kind of an opinion. Enjoy your armchair.   Some other faiths promise you a few planets and thousand`s of children in the name of Christ. Well, I  think He came to fulfill what was already communicated. He was quite consistent on that point. See Mark 3, 4 and Mark 7.  They killed John the Baptist. It was a tumultuous time.  They killed Paul the Apostle as well some years later  They also killed the other  disciples that included Jesus` brother.  No one is arguing so long as everyone can agree that He lived, died and rose again for something very important. Heaven certainly has many mansions and they might look like planets in some descriptions since it is, in fact, a heavenly vision as described by someone who was left with mere words to describe his unique experience. All you need is one book though that includes the old and new testaments. If your neighbour makes tastier cheese or bread, in comparison to your own one particular year at harvest, you wouldn`t do anything other than thank God for your neighbour. There is always another harvest and you can use more salt next time in your cheese and your bread. It may help with the flavour and your wife is not likely to choose your neighbour over yourself as a lovemaking partner. He`s already married. You are still loved. You know this; right?

Saturday, 30 November 2013

It must be that you can choose hot chocolate or ice cold chocolate milk. What's on the menu? See Mark 4 and hold on.  You will understand when you read Matthew 4.  Which one are you?  The Lord has to know. 

Anyway, touch as an expression of intimacy is natural.  Someone figured it out and asked you to divulge your entire sense of privacy to him with camera angles of your underwear available in back and front. It used be one camera. But now, there is ABC news in your underwear; everywhere.  He is square pants and keeps you safe. He entertains you but S3 is too old in one year so you have to divorce him and get S4 or else you will feel left behind by your friends who will give you that look that says "...its the old one. Do something before everyone at this Pondarosa Buffet  Restaurant has a "save face" break down."

So, your husband is not trying to use you.  In some cultures known as "antebellum", a child is always wondering who her father is in the town. Someone other than the mother decided when it was time to produce another child and to improve the odds, more than one contributor would be used to prevent any waste of time. But, the mother was just as doubtful about the child's parentage. Hence, there was a tendency to be unsure of who you are with and who should come to help if the wagon broke down. With whom do you agree but yourself when the wagon breaks down? You have been so independent and there is only one way to push that wagon. It is your way down the highway. Who gave you the strength? You need to work it backward because you have no difficulty being friends and having conversations that enjoy mutual input until you get into the arena of a home and matrimony.   This culture finds its origins in a time just after the Africans created Diasporic Africans, West Indians and North American colonialists (both free and indentured). They call it Afro-Cuban music for a reason but the musicians are quite professional(black and white) and do not necessarily look so African almost 500 years later. But, you do have third and fourth generation Africans today of all hues and colours and they drink Fanta sometimes or Mountain Dew; of course.   This antebellum culture instills relational doubt and to address the fear that your husband may take his underwear off before he comes home from work, you might put some tape on it or may put some watered down virus on his food. But, you presume that the person with whom he is having relations( if there is such a person) is in your town or your twitter circle that you should hear about a cousin or sister who got a disease helping him while you live in your fear of being used.  Well, he is obviously not with you for your discount brand-name undergarments and how you used to wear them to his house with only an overcoat while courting. He is probably with you because you seem to have certain values so just use him like a touch device every night ( he will respond sometimes with streaming) and it does not mean that you have to part the red sea or risk creating more "bone of your bone" etc. You must already have one child or  possibly two children. Eric Clapton sung a song written by a diasporic person and everybody was encouraged to get out of the stupidity because you are about to be the 17th person charged for administering a noxious substance; so evil. Throw out your bible until you can respect ,with some faith, the man who bought you a ring or some flowers last month and stop watching those music videos that drive you crazy. Anybody can bounce up and down on a pogo stick. Watch the movie Redemption song. Aunt Jemima always put the best in her food. She is in your neighbour's kitchen, she trusts and is trusted.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Well, a real faith results in repentance and reconciliation. Moses seems to have experienced and followed this pattern in his journey. Any faith that denies reconciliation and consequence( described as hell or aptly seen as a choice in permanent emotional and psychological separation from relationship in Him) is self-serving and one that entails a self-deity.  Without consequence, you are only accounting to the God of personal appetite.  You want to feel like you can, just about, do anything. That is not sincere. There is no reconciliation. What's on your menu?

Movie of the Week- Stolen (2009)

Movie of the Week- Stolen (2009)

Click the title. You might notice your old high school friend's tempestuous feelings of dependence. He's a little crazy maybe and wants you all to himself. Here; watch the Tempest. Click below. It's not about your high school friend but you will learn something timeless and somewhat biblical.
There are many who have recorded the hope to be judged for their character and not their running shoes or tropicana tan. The day is coming. As a result of this hope, the schools, books, professional sports arenas and movies inspire the various generations to believe in those qualities that are referred to as simply "different class." Those various qualities inspire us to by soap, shoes, tech gadgets and also water. Shakespeare's Romeo was passionate but passion does not mean he should not pray about the best honey moon destination. He may argue about this with his betrothed and character shall win the issue. Romeo should concede although she will say she does not want him to say yes all the time. But, Romeo finds this a trivial issue since he won't be baking cookies and pies for the kids. He will buy the mix or requested ingredients. Romeo prayed and heard Seychelles and she just wanted her way( her suggestion was Goa). Romeo will be inspired also by Ecclesiastes 4 in the long term, 1st Corinthians 13 in addition to the Song of Solomon; of course. Hopefully she will agree and will not be dissuaded  by popular chatter with women at the well. He will also take prayerful inspiration from Abraham and Joseph who had some guidance when it came to dealing with Herod-like characters or a Pharaoh. It looks like Pharaoh had some trust in certain universal laws of communal living as well. The Pharaoh who encountered Abraham may have been Akhenaten. Akhenaten is known for having a faith in that which is greater than man himself and respected Abraham accordingly. But, not all Pharaohs will respond in the same way. Romeo, in spite of his good passion, could learn something from Joseph( husband of Mary) and Abraham.  He may find, should he choose to accept the call, that reliance and preparation are innate family traits as seen in the movements of David and Moses.  His girlfriend might learn something as well when reflecting upon her long-term intentions. If she wants a playmate( someone with trivial motives), Romeo may not be the right answer. The fact is that neither Romeo nor Abraham, in their sincere intentions, were hoping to be anybody's dream Ken Doll. Nobody is perfect. Do you owe your boyfriend for the last trip to Wet and Wild Water Kingdom where you promised to pay? Did you keep your promise?  Ken does not get fatigued, his hair never changes, he does not get old unless you use and abuse him and throw him around and he can stand up for hours unless you knock him over.   But, you must have appreciated this.

Nobody can reject you.  God made you good.  God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience He gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship.  This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

UAV Drones can't see so well from 20,000 feet. But, what if they had a small peripheral drone that could assist the Guerrilla soldier know, using heat sensors, exactly where his hostage is being held? They can multiply the efficacy of manpower in that they can leave the drone to hover over targets for pinpoint accuracy while they move on to highlight the next bumble bee yellow pick-up truck just down the road.

Machiavelli and the Prince of Peace-updated!

If Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then does that not mean the state or Leviathan spoken of by Hobbes and set up by the people inhabiting any land to enforce the ten commandments or general rules based on those commands as a social contract to allow for peaceful habitation with common sense without resorting to hand to hand conflict is a tool of the Prince of Peace?  Machiavelli in book 9 wrote and lamented of his need for a central power reminiscent of his ancestor's peace, order and good government over many centuries witnessed in the lands now known for Ital-design and well maintained roads. The empire was anathema to the opposite; that is anything opposite of a civil social order. Machiavelli inspired his reader, in the absence, fall and search for a re-birth of such an order to rely on the spirit of virtu( the Lord said he felt virtue leave Him when a woman with an issue of blood touched Him) This is not unlike Abraham relying on the spirit of virtue to lead Him to safety in a wilderness when there is no definite order except when you encounter a King of Egypt. What is clear is Machiavelli's lament for order and not a desire to write and suggest a life of self-preservation as if the jungle and its proliferation among the cobble stone streets and overgrown gardens and ruins of Rome was the purpose of his writing; quite the contrary. Saint Augustine wrote on this voluminously. Hobbes and his contemporaries such as Locke and Rousseau covenanted tacitly and helped to finalise the arrangement but if the populace surrenders oversight to Leviathan itself, any published answer may, very well, become the unquestionable official truth.  This is the propaganda of which Teddy Roosevelt warned and which McCarthy used to great effect to put away the foreign employees of the continuing war effort where the state ends up fighting the state and all reverts back to hand to hand conflict if the purpose of peace is not upheld beyond the very cause of any social or civil breakdown. The tea crates from the Boston Tea Party are still in the harbour. It takes a while for wood to resolve and decay in salt water.  Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and people tend not to forget; especially when anyone in the employment of the  people is going the other way. He is the good news, way, truth and the life. Read your local news paper more often and have a say. It's a free country. Browning, Smith and Wesson and Ruger  agree with their 1911 research for the maintenance of peace that the farmer and banker should have a licence to carry any hunting rifle or anti-bear shotgun. Research for 1911 also demonstrated that a lack of common sense brings violence. Dr. Diesel read their posthumous reports and found it amenable to his research on energy efficient fuels(google algae based gasoline or diesel-diesel engines are twice as efficient as gasoline engines-why is it that not every vehicle with an internal combustion engine is powered by a good diesel engine on hydrogen as is possible or an algae based diesel?) and combustion engines.  Also, do not forget that the Apple logo stands for "leave some for the future generations."  Ok?

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

You could decide that it is your role to change the times and dates and decide how long this version of the world and its history shall last. I love the parks and promenades. It's great for a date( she will wear nice clothing purchased at TJ Maxx being frugal but in good taste of course) But, you should not use energy as a benchmark in deciding how long your world shall last. Energy is an unlimited constant and it may simply mean that you might have to respect it and then you can make better decisions on how to control and change the times. Thank you for your hard work. I can fly to Latin America in three-five hours and the service is consistent. I ordered a coke down there. It's the same type of coke purchased in Holland; Amazing! 
Wallace D. Wattles, in his writings, provides three key lessons among many: 1. That the Lord is interested in sincere relationship and an experience with His children based on sanctification of the heart and sincere service, free of the vain motives of self-glorification or improper desires for social, earthly authority that is not in the heart of a true servant of the Lord; 2. That the avoidance of true study and learning leads to the development of souls that are never sure of themselves, their purpose or reason for existence as underdevloped in self-knowledge as to be any servant or of help to another soul; 3. That the scribe and pharisee may succeed in study and knowledge but he will fail with lesson number one and is of no use to the Lord and His service. A sincere student is a better master than an insincere master who is, in fact, afraid of the sincere student who seeks approval only from the Lord who sees what you are in secret. This is just a summary of three key lessons among many as also witnessed in the experience of Christ. See Mark 3 and Mark 4.

Monday, 25 November 2013

The Lord didn't ask Peter if Peter wanted attention in the very end. He asked about Peter's love. He didn't ask if peter wanted power and authority. He asked only about Peter's love. Peter confirmed his love and on that basis was commanded to feed, tend and care for the Lord's sheep. If Peter had answered in some other equivocal fashion, the Lord might have asked the next disciple seeking more fish (there are many for a little while longer anyway) in the sea. If the motive is social prestige or authority, this is the wrong motive of the yeast the Lord spoke of. How did He know about it? He knew because, quite likely, someone demanded that he wash his hands ten times before he sat at table, that he follow the law and let his sheep drown on the sabbath and The Lord, if this occurred had to think about it. Letting your sheep die or forcing people to wash their hands and live by the law only for social approval missed the point of living for the only approval that mattered; your heavenly Father's approval. As such, it fell short of the motive of loving your neighbour and the Lord with all your heart. mind, body and soul. Read Psalms 50 and Isaiah 61.You are a joint heir in Christ and marvel at the many ministries that the Lord has spawned. Ask the pastor down the road who has preached faithfully with one wife and no adulterous affairs for 50 years. His wife cheated though and he had to practice the Lord's forbearance in his pre-designed trials of life also known as the University of Heaven. Did you hear what the pastor had to say? On the day of Pentecost, they prayed with one mind and got a unifying inspiration by His power and no other. Some people get involved in programs, courses and lines of work for the wrong motive such as feeling better about themselves and get nervous if anyone could show up to take away their role upon which they are dependent for some sense of personal and social estimation. That is a covert scribe or pharisee and it could be a coffee lady in church or a head usher or a local church going youth basketball church. You should already feel good about yourself, know that God has a purpose and its tied to service( you can only live for a 100 years approximately) as in loving His sheep. There are so many professions out there for such a one. If you love His sheep, then you won't find yourself working so hard to feel good about yourself. You took so many degrees last year and you still covet every woman your second son tries to marry as if he is taking something away from you. Is there someone you have failed to forgive?