Click the title. There will be a magazine article soon about the nature of the world after the end of candles(Sorry. That should say oil). After the world runs out of candles, I suppose we will use hand-held solar flashlights or something; maybe automatic flashlights. See Eton(TM) on their product offerings. Running out of oil or candles is a really important issue leading to several important questions about whether there is no other alternative for making money on energy and light. Selling mobile phone frequencies is a billion dollar business and its really clean. It is a lot like hydrogen; after all !?! Leave some oil in your lamp because if it runs out, you will have to switch to algae crude oil or some other alternative like hydrogen. Now, why did God give you so many different technologies or fuel sources to power a combustion engine? Did you know that your microwave and your Automatic watch are being stored in and shipped from warehouses that use hydrogen powered forklifts? Some of these useful forklift devices are robotic and do not have drivers. What do you know?
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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