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Monday, 25 November 2013

The Lord didn't ask Peter if Peter wanted attention in the very end. He asked about Peter's love. He didn't ask if peter wanted power and authority. He asked only about Peter's love. Peter confirmed his love and on that basis was commanded to feed, tend and care for the Lord's sheep. If Peter had answered in some other equivocal fashion, the Lord might have asked the next disciple seeking more fish (there are many for a little while longer anyway) in the sea. If the motive is social prestige or authority, this is the wrong motive of the yeast the Lord spoke of. How did He know about it? He knew because, quite likely, someone demanded that he wash his hands ten times before he sat at table, that he follow the law and let his sheep drown on the sabbath and The Lord, if this occurred had to think about it. Letting your sheep die or forcing people to wash their hands and live by the law only for social approval missed the point of living for the only approval that mattered; your heavenly Father's approval. As such, it fell short of the motive of loving your neighbour and the Lord with all your heart. mind, body and soul. Read Psalms 50 and Isaiah 61.You are a joint heir in Christ and marvel at the many ministries that the Lord has spawned. Ask the pastor down the road who has preached faithfully with one wife and no adulterous affairs for 50 years. His wife cheated though and he had to practice the Lord's forbearance in his pre-designed trials of life also known as the University of Heaven. Did you hear what the pastor had to say? On the day of Pentecost, they prayed with one mind and got a unifying inspiration by His power and no other. Some people get involved in programs, courses and lines of work for the wrong motive such as feeling better about themselves and get nervous if anyone could show up to take away their role upon which they are dependent for some sense of personal and social estimation. That is a covert scribe or pharisee and it could be a coffee lady in church or a head usher or a local church going youth basketball church. You should already feel good about yourself, know that God has a purpose and its tied to service( you can only live for a 100 years approximately) as in loving His sheep. There are so many professions out there for such a one. If you love His sheep, then you won't find yourself working so hard to feel good about yourself. You took so many degrees last year and you still covet every woman your second son tries to marry as if he is taking something away from you. Is there someone you have failed to forgive?

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