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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Unbridled lust is the epitome of a cockroach's  mentality.  They do not respect other people's property( the OPP). There is a rap song of some disorder about that. They do not respect rules. If you listen to certain lyrics long enough( even though the sublime jazz background is quite soothing), you may become the victim of emotional ghettofication although you live in a neighbourhood that looks like Orange county or some collection of cul de sacs in Ontario, California.  In spite of the fact that your mother is a principal and your father is a news castor, you may find that you cannot believe you can do anything that you ought to be able to conceive of achieving.  Brains and computers are terrible things to waste but they both work on the same principal of programming.  If you put garbage/rubbish code in, you will get garbage out.  Whether a phone is black or white, it will work well so long as it follows the program.  This is also true for school and study. Just follow the program.  This is also true for relationships where 1st Corinthians 13 is the program regardless of the type of relational context.  This will include professional relationships and also close, private and intimate relationships.   You have to sincerely keep blocks to your spiritual help from preventing you receiving your sincere answer. Change the channel maybe or choose some inspiring music. Here is an example and there might be a rap version to enjoy:

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