In a new movie plot, you want to believe using someone for sex is the only purpose for one man to choose intimacy with one woman to be intimate with another human but it seems that it is a pointedly female concern; that is the fear of being used. Jesus is a rock that never leaves but you assert that you can depend emotionally on someone who you want to believe is using you for sex(your expectation and belief since you can't be worth anything else in your self-estimation) where you are always trying to find a better man anyway and the break-up rate is 50/50. 1st Corinthians 13 is an intention so with faith, you can enjoy a relationship in faith. You programmed yourself with Cosmo magazines. Emotional dependency is a foolish factor in relationship. It is best to decide further that you should focus humbly on the true purpose of intimacy in relationship with touch and genuine companionship. It is the truly oldest profession just after stewardship of the earth. Marriage is the oldest professions after stewardship of the earth. You are paid by natural companionship, genuine God Honoring friendship with the Lord being your ultimate source and rock. But, some people misunderstand and they want to think you said your intention was to use the person. Its best to resolve your angers about your childhood experiences of being used before you burden a good well-meaning husband with your apparent goal of being used. The neighbour's said you are quite unique as a wife. You like to be used.
GI Joe says his wife or girlfriend can leave when she wants but he is not going to cheat emotionally with page 3 or any other woman. He doesn't have time for that. He is memorizing bible verses and looking forward to next Easter with you and don't forget Christmas.
Help us Lord to number our days so that we might have wisdom. One woman is the standard even if you are a King like Joseph or Moses in the bible. Do you notice that both Joseph of Egypt and Mary's husband had one woman? There is only so much energy/ current to go around. If you divide the current with other outlets, there is less energy for the one woman to whom one is betrothed. Our commitments make us strong. She will get a little upset about her minute since it is evident that your current is divided. The Page 3 photo divides the current as you may notice. It's not your fault. It's on the subway billboard now as a fitness ad for a granola bar or the bally gym. Her descendents will write about the one minute in a rap song and her cousin writes a book about waiting to exhale; right? Energy for the light bulb is weak if divided among more than one outlet. The light is less bright as the current is divided. The young lady may not understand and will call the deacon applicant gay for the decision to be with one woman but deacons should only have one betrothal. The sad thing is that you have less vigor(energy) when you divide your current among more than one outlet. The end result leads to the desire for people to be close when the energy does not make the bulb burn as brightly. They create emotional ghettos by spitting in the punch bowl and the chicken and biscuit batter but there are no real ghettos in Vermont, Maine or St. Albans, UK-just emotional ghettos; so hot! The best thing is one woman and the energy for a song. If you dilute the energy, there is no song. One minute songs on the I pod touch once a day is really good though since its a $500.00 investment and commitment on the altar of your boombox. Ok?
The sockets for the light bulb to screw in are a standard gauge; right? The bulb is designed accordingly. It will always fit a socket used in standard fashion by a standard, average and normal bulb. The one hour music mix is pretty cool and you might find it at I Tunes.
The bulb will screw in and you will not fail. There is a time etc to be born and a time to conceive. Just heal. You have all the energy and funding you need for what's in front of you. Go swim or agree with the parameters given to you to enjoy your I phone. You can't afford too many I phone extensions right now. Study.
Whether the smart phone or tv is black or white, it usually works well if it follows the program. Relationships, regardless of all other factors, usually work well if you follow the program. 1st Corinthians 13 is the program. But, it is best that you resolve your own issues first sufficiently. Forgive that parent or older relative so you will not personally manifest their dysfunction in your own relationship. As the Jedi, by way of example, has to overcome Darth Vader's anger, he meditates and says " I will not become like him, I will not be him, I will forgive him.". Don't forget your 30 push ups a day as well and church once a are good to go and enjoy your song of Solomon.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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