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Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Human Quotient...

Every human being's need for touch should not supersede the application of purposeful wisdom in achieving good objectives. If you are planning to go to university, save for tuition and not baby food if you don't plan to have a baby; that is before you achieve your objective.  What is your objective?  If you put your hand in an electrical socket the odds are that you will be impregnated with more energy than your heart can handle. If you plan to live long, you won't take that risk.   

The human quotient should supersede any need for touch whether you choose a male or female partner so that you can co-exist in a community with other humans who also need touch and who may have chosen to partner with someone of the opposite gender. Their choice or your choice should not affect the mutual agreement to ensure that the human quotient takes priority in community.   The human quotient is likely to dictate the need for procreation with someone of the opposite gender and ultimately, the human quotient will demand that everyone needs a safe environment free of hostility. Regardless of your choice of partner, everyone enjoys promises being kept in homes, also schools, in traffic court and at the local market or else you would just build your own. You will need lots of walls though since zombies are quite violent. They just want to get what they want and respect nothing but blood lust.  If the human quotient is removed, then you have created a community of anti-social zombies who only feel and respond to base instincts and congregate with those who have no other agreement but blood lust.  They don't keep promises very well or stay faithful in relationships.   

This is not to judge anyone because there may be a few well-meaning pastors who have asked their wives to wear used undergarments owned previously by someone else (like the neighbours) so that they can feel close to their wife for copulation.  The reason is because this pastor was conceived by his mother's neighbour who already had 10 children and the neighbour gave the boy away to be raised by the adoptive family living next door.  Unfortunately, no one ever told him because the neighbouring family shared in his upbringing and were called Aunt and Uncle. They were also the godparents.  It is not that he does not have good intentions but he needs healing and deliverance just as much as the adulterer in his congregation. Read Matthew 7 and know that your decision to have faith is so that you can live at the highest capacity in maintaining the human quotient, seeking God's help by the power of His spirit. Just ask for more( John 20:22).  Now, throw all the stones you want and your neighbour will throw them back to you ( Read John 8).  Regardless of the stones being thrown, remember the human quotient.    

Jesus' message was a message of community and community maintenance.  He was a prophet and a Jew who lived in an urban environment with many more opportunities for human interaction.  His mother, brother and sisters were those who did the will of the father and desired living as servants of  the Lord and of community( see Mark 3-the people who signed the citizens of Heaven social contract as the Kingdom of God is at hand and within you; He said.) He did not add to the law and prophets but made them easily transferable and applicable like a Linux or windows OS code with any human asking for and relying on the power of the Holy Ghost to live in Him and through  Him as a servant of and member of community.  There was no throne for Jesus to take by force but He influenced the empire, the Roman empire, spiritually. See Cornelius and the various centurions and their families mentioned in the gospels. No one has time to make up a story like this. Jesus also has Moabite ancestry.   He spent time with and was taught by many a chief Rabi and dined with Pharisees and Scribes. They may have thought He was too nice or something.  Jesus' teaching helped their (Roman) efforts since they(the Romans) believed in laws and community and the viability of civilisation with everyone being offered a fair deal(social contract as in Mark 3; those who desire community and ascribe to this higher ideal with the power of the Holy Spirit to help). The Kingdom of God is at hand. In all your research, remember that Osiris was a myth while Jesus was real.  There are so many half black or mixed race characters involved which was the truth of the many trade routes and markets of the early lands known as the cradle of civilisation.  The Osiris may be seen as a prophecy since John 1 confirms that wisdom was given to all men in common. 

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