Moses may have been a prince and raised accordingly by his adopted family. He was also a murderer who killed his fellow citizen for an injustice committed by that citizen against a helpless man and his wife. He took the law into his own hands. He was an impulsive person; not unlike those who may suffer from high concentrations of lead or other chemicals found in air pollution common to areas of high urban density. In spite of his adoption, he may have had some abandonment issues and after being expelled from Egypt at the age of approximately 40, it may have also taken him 40 years to resolve these abandonment and rejection issues. The Lord said he had to speak and he refused more than once. Ultimately, the healing was on-going and he may have allowed an old Egyptian girlfriend to define him as introverted and obviously, he was a strong, silent type more willing to punch a citizen than resolve a matter by speaking. He may have killed more than one person. The reason why it took so long for Moses to heal is because the Lord had to whittle down the potential calcification on his soul and his impulsiveness. He also had to establish relationship. He also had to remove any previous notions of his character and potential that were limiting and imposed by others or self-definitions as introverted, spinster, mouthy single person or as a failure. When one believes he is a failure, he or she may walk around his potential but never take the simple committed steps to realise it like signing up for a course(one course) in understanding forgiveness or the course in miracles. The meek inherit the earth. The application to be a doctor is a humble one. The time and the decision to study is a humble decision. The decision not to use widely distributed revision notes is a humble decision. The decision to research an issue before a surgery is an important and humble decision. In spite of these humble decisions, you must choose in faith to also serve humbly and not live for your qualification or the social position it may occasion as there is no special branch of Heaven called graduate or the like. Simply put, it is better to be a real graduate of the University of Heaven. Life is the course and program and Heaven is the graduation certificate; not that you will have the attitude that you have already attained it. But, you will press on toward the goal which is salvation in Jesus Christ. You may also find that you tend to want to subconsciously frustrate anyone who is willing to take such a course and act out subconsciously to hold that person back as your lack of faith is holding back your own development and Misery does not want to be alone. She, he or it likes company. If you deny God's faith in you for too long and refuse to break the cycle, you become less human and more like the living dead. The prompting of the Lord leaves you. You find that you act and feel as if you are two-souled because you have not committed to serving but to only using the word and the notion of God as an excuse to seek approval in all directions but still willing to do anything with anyone and go anywhere so long as nobody really finds out. You have not decided yet why you want to mention God's name in public. It should be because you want to be His friend. Abraham was a friend of God. Moses met the Lord in a manner similar to Abraham. Paul the Apostle's faith is similar to Abraham's and also Moses' faith in that they encountered the Lord and served publicly and privately accordingly. Don Draper(the tv character) may be a distant relative of Abraham or Moses and will find that, after his divorce, people respected him for what they thought his home life was like; not for his public persona. They respected him for the apparent genuineness in how he treated his wife and children. Draper's followed and not so secret life and cigarette smoking topless binges before going home fooled no one in the end although he was respected fleetingly as one with the genuine character of a deacon; genuine character as someone who really should have known that people wanted to respect him for how he treated his family in the home and not for any career or social triumphs outside of the home. He was a fool.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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