There are many who have recorded the hope to be judged for their character and not their running shoes or tropicana tan. The day is coming. As a result of this hope, the schools, books, professional sports arenas and movies inspire the various generations to believe in those qualities that are referred to as simply "different class." Those various qualities inspire us to by soap, shoes, tech gadgets and also water. Shakespeare's Romeo was passionate but passion does not mean he should not pray about the best honey moon destination. He may argue about this with his betrothed and character shall win the issue. Romeo should concede although she will say she does not want him to say yes all the time. But, Romeo finds this a trivial issue since he won't be baking cookies and pies for the kids. He will buy the mix or requested ingredients. Romeo prayed and heard Seychelles and she just wanted her way( her suggestion was Goa).
Romeo will be inspired also by Ecclesiastes 4 in the long term, 1st Corinthians 13 in addition to the Song of Solomon; of course. Hopefully she will agree and will not be dissuaded by popular chatter with women at the well. He will also take prayerful inspiration from Abraham and Joseph who had some guidance when it came to dealing with Herod-like characters or a Pharaoh. It looks like Pharaoh had some trust in certain universal laws of communal living as well. The Pharaoh who encountered Abraham may have been Akhenaten. Akhenaten is known for having a faith in that which is greater than man himself and respected Abraham accordingly. But, not all Pharaohs will respond in the same way. Romeo, in spite of his good passion, could learn something from Joseph( husband of Mary) and Abraham. He may find, should he choose to accept the call, that reliance and preparation are innate family traits as seen in the movements of David and Moses. His girlfriend might learn something as well when reflecting upon her long-term intentions. If she wants a playmate( someone with trivial motives), Romeo may not be the right answer. The fact is that neither Romeo nor Abraham, in their sincere intentions, were hoping to be anybody's dream Ken Doll. Nobody is perfect. Do you owe your boyfriend for the last trip to Wet and Wild Water Kingdom where you promised to pay? Did you keep your promise? Ken does not get fatigued, his hair never changes, he does not get old unless you use and abuse him and throw him around and he can stand up for hours unless you knock him over. But, you must have appreciated this.
Nobody can reject you. God made you good. God made you good and you are accepted! Be genuine with the conscience He gives and acknowledge it when prompted. This is relationship. This is confession. This is the essence of your relationship with your creator.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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