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Sunday, 1 December 2013

The details of your faith are as follows with respect to the ultimate reward; no one is handing out A's and B's in Heaven or gold and silver medals( see Matthew 20:1-16).  Everybody gets the same reward at the end of the day. The bible is not a running track or a competition. Is that ok? But, you could beat out the other joint heirs in the Choir group photo competition for most noticeable member if you wear brighter colours and deeper red lipstick and the highest heels so that everyone can "witness" you. Also, you have the pleasure of being correct on most occasions as an armchair quarterback, taxi driver and journalist simply because its okay for everyone in subjective instances to have some kind of an opinion. Enjoy your armchair.   Some other faiths promise you a few planets and thousand`s of children in the name of Christ. Well, I  think He came to fulfill what was already communicated. He was quite consistent on that point. See Mark 3, 4 and Mark 7.  They killed John the Baptist. It was a tumultuous time.  They killed Paul the Apostle as well some years later  They also killed the other  disciples that included Jesus` brother.  No one is arguing so long as everyone can agree that He lived, died and rose again for something very important. Heaven certainly has many mansions and they might look like planets in some descriptions since it is, in fact, a heavenly vision as described by someone who was left with mere words to describe his unique experience. All you need is one book though that includes the old and new testaments. If your neighbour makes tastier cheese or bread, in comparison to your own one particular year at harvest, you wouldn`t do anything other than thank God for your neighbour. There is always another harvest and you can use more salt next time in your cheese and your bread. It may help with the flavour and your wife is not likely to choose your neighbour over yourself as a lovemaking partner. He`s already married. You are still loved. You know this; right?

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