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Monday, 10 October 2016

So this is not Mephibosheth vs. David at the rumble in the jungle although it feels like it and they are both from Israel.

So this is not Mephibosheth vs. David at the rumble in the jungle although it feels like it and they are both from Israel.  Michal and Mephibosheth had a sense of entitlement as children of the first king of Israel and who left Israel to raise children unto Saul.  Mephibosheth was Saul's grandson and only surviving grand child. Michal was his Aunt.  Michal did not have children for David for some reason. Her eventual descendants as conceived with Mephiobosheth but with David's toilet dna mixed in to get the approval from God they coveted may have found it difficult to accept Psalms 82 when they must have carried Michal's anger around in their t-cells; that they were the child of a king and of Abraham; not God. David's acceptance as a friend of God was not based on his dna. It was as a messenger in the spiritual calling of Abraham. You seem to think it's right to win a game no matter what the rules say although the game is based on rules.  If I see you again, I already decided what I need to do.  You are just distraction.  You are just a coffee friend until you hand out bible tracts at a university and show thyself to be a messenger under the symbol of heraldry that you covet but do not have except but by theft since your soul fears exposure more than examination as if you don't understand why the buildings and the campus was opened; legally blunt, illiterate, infertile and dunce. Go to Mallorca and go go dance. But, your society needs skilled people regardless of complexion who have a penchant for service and helping others with a good bedside manner.  The court or dentist's examination room is not a tap dance stage or pole dance stage where you snap and twirl three times with no undies on and say "..this is all I have."  You might not believe it but this is Michal and Mephibosheth approximately 3000 years later and People magazine is your bible.  You seem to want to exterminate "something to do about earnest" who had no idea anyone could let you  drive and walk around with loaded weapons in a modern city in the year 2017. There are too many of you screwing up the civilization that allows you to exist and for which you are not thankful in terms of its balanced rules that are geared to saving lives, even those of the domestic terrorist in really cool suits and prada with that "I'm a part of something, low IQ, no idea who Huckleberry Finn is on CNN and too much cash and drugs in my pocket not knowing what to do" feeling. The legislation is a color blind code that requires color blind application.  But, you seem to want to create two legislative experiences; one for the jelly beans and one for Carl Jr's; come on baby and whip it good White West Indies Huckleberry!  Without the legislation, you would be the first to die since you are just dead civilizational weight and if given the chance, people would have to throw you overboard since you reek of murder and selfishness.  So, maybe you should stop seeking the attention you need in malfeasance and seek it in good administration but you seem to think the Court shield has David's name on it with that lion wearing a Crown.  Your resentment is obvious and feels like Michal's and Mephibosheth's spirit; like teen spirit or a perpetual arrested development as if everything is turned into a game for negative attention as if you want to know who is going to come and chastise you for your malfeasance. If you see another well-timed bombing or shooting in Europe' let's just say you are the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny. What do you think is going on? Are you safe anywhere? Did you hear about that those traffic lights where you have to slow down and you don't know how many guns will pull up beside you? Did you see what they did that black guy's vehicle who has appreciated your need for attention most certainly?  Did you do this thing? They told you that you are WARNED!  You took human life into your own hands as if you have a right to kill anyone are any quiet person who knows nothing about what you did last night. So, leave people alone who just want to solve problems for a living.   You take more out than you put in and you think no one will notice so long as the grass is cut as you seem willing to commit suicide if a thread runs on your tweed suit.  This is how your father died after a lunch date. His shirt caught a snag on an elevator door. He could not go home to change and decided to jump off a building although he just got a promotion. It turned out he was feeling productive but he was engaged in playing games with the accounts of dark skinned native people as in closing the accounts or holding wire transfers in a suspense account instead of applying them. The bank could not trade or loan the cash since it could only be applied to the account for which it was coded in the transfer. This is the native guy who seals the airlock in malfeasance, leaving the dark native outside of the space ship although he is also a native; a saboteur on the ship and the great journey and nobody knows why he does it. Nobody is gaining anything and eventually someone finds out.  If they were not applied, they should have been returned.  This Mephibosheth and Michal may have an innate desire to hide until they can follow the peace that is certainly available to every human as God has no grand children. Otherwise, their goal was social authority and are continually asking if people know who they are just after they get punched in de face; capisci?  If you don't know who you are, then look at your driver's licence. Invariably, if you ask someone else, they will tell you that they have no idea who you are unless you have a name tag or you look like a cat person like Mr. Cooper; look at those eyes, that nose. My nose is black. I have nothing to worry about.   Do you know June Plum? Do you know Dr. Moreau? The children of Israel, however, must say that they are children of God or Gods as Abraham did.  They will tell you in your searching for self perfection and plastic surgery, with continual cutting up of oneself and of others with judgement and criticism and the wrestling with quiet peace if you would but just accept it that " is written."  Everybody is invited.  See Romans 9 and 10 in the context of an Assyrian occupation.  Abraham was the first man in the journeyed experience to give account to this born again happening as a messenger in the age of recorded technological history and recorded, evident civilization in Egypt and on the boarders of Egypt; a nation and city set on a hill as light for time immemorial.  Egypt was set in stone to save us from David Duke's fear of being exposed as a quarter black, quarter white, quarter native and quarter Ukrainian human being with really good hair.  Ya nah undastand?    Him nah know where he really come from but you mus' love em; nuh true? Why would he be afraid?  I'm not afraid and I'm black.  I also ski, play the piano, I canoe with portaging, skate, design neat stuff and have no idea as to why anyone is suffering fear of exposure.  Nuh true?  It's rather unusual actually; rather!

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