When Growing up, you watched Hindi movies, Chinese movies and Japanese movies in addition to Walt Disney. In the various movies and cultures, there was a depiction of good human beings, evil human beings and of heroism. It had nothing to do with religion necessarily but the movies depicted faiths also that echoed the principles of the Christ. If you chose to be a good human being, it had nothing to do with the code of faith but personal conduct. Are you the evil Hindi character or the evil Chinese character? Evil was consistently evil regardless of the culture in which it was depicted. Evil hurts people and its own family mindlessly and senselessly for unusual feelings of fear, jealousy or comparisons that rest in the mind inexplicably of the evil character. If you chose to be a Christian in the Cul de sacs of Yonkers, it was because you weren't going to be speaking Chinese, Indian or Japanese any time soon but the code made quiet sense. You would still play High School sports and dream of a Big Jaguar or Cadillac SUV or that 1994 Audi Quattro and you would follow that quiet code depicted in various cultural expressions including Walt Disney, GI Joe Cartoons or the Power Rangers. As such, it is likely that a Christian from North America who grew up in such a multiplicity of cultures will understand a Hanzo sword while he also understand the word of God that cuts asunder bringing separation between the bone and spirit. If you think of your Christianity as an ancient code that goes way back to the beginning of time, then it might help. It is ancient. It is commensurate in teaching to any other ancient code or way of faith. You don't need to panic at this suggestion but you can see the idiocy of an evil Hindu practitioner asserting religious superiority while he is fixated on killing or resenting his relative or in-law because the relative decided to stay in the Calcutta Government School until 30 years old. You can see the idiocy of an Evil Christian Bishop who believes Christian talk about weddings and betrothals must stay quite limited to the notion of "no children or coitus in a God honoring Betrothal" or else he will have nothing to talk about or he will have fewer people to judge in terms of people living in sin or what he calls eloping. He is murderously angry with anyone who will point out that Mary and Joseph went to the inn to find shelter for her impending birth during their betrothal. Jewish custom gives couples conjugal rights prior to the wedding ceremony. This did not change after Christ's resurrection. Your Bishop is not likely to refuse to celebrate your wedding ceremony if the child of the union is the flower girl or ring boy. Doesn't this kind of wisdom happen a lot with Black people and no one judges them?
Hebrews 4:121599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
12 For the word of God is lively, and mighty in operation, and sharper than any two edged sword, and entereth through, even unto the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints, and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts, and the intents of the heart.
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