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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

The real issue is "Jerry Springer show" politicians. C N(o)(EN)N(D) is the show and she is the star dysfunctional guest on tax payer dollars.

If this election was about women and rape,  you choose Jill Stein who never defended a rapist and aided and abetted a rapist. If it is about Jobs maybe you choose D.J. Trunpf who already encouraged and ensured job growth at companies like Ford; one of the world's largest employers. Wouldn't you rather have a job while you argue about who is more of a rapist?  The answer is the man who is a rapist who pretended to be related to Jefferson. He certainly is not. At the same time all the black Sally dna (now Creole White) drops the drawers for him while he pretends; shame just like Bill said. I'm a Sally myself but what is wrong with having a balanced economy with everyone as an employee and with sufficient consumption?   You need to ensure every citizen in North America who graduated from high school or junior public school  has a job of some kind. Focus on those citizens who are not currently working and hire those who have applied to the military and police at least once before anyone else.  They are willing to die for their community.

In further discussion,  why is anyone tolerating democrats who want to send jobs to Mexico when Mexico already has a Volkswagen plant that serves all of North America?  Bill said he was sorry and so did Hilarious( his wife); repeatedly.   She is certainly responsible for the wiki-leaks and went around the world apologizing while the videos keep on filming.  The real issue is "Jerry Springer show" politicians.  C N(o)(EN)N(D) is the show and she is the star dysfunctional guest on tax payer dollars.    Did you see the videos of Bill cutting up and dismembering Latinos and  Irish immigrant women who came to him in Harlem at his office?  A White, adulterous former Presidential hopeful is above reproach with his office in Harlem even when D.J. Trunpf has no formal education but he says he went to Wharton.   Fortunately D.J Trunpf's belief in family and his experience defies any need for formal education in being a  Master Chief.  He has to be related to Hamilton and Washington who were part native and who kept a promise to the American people and the native population who are apart of the American peoples.  They did not intend to depart from the Brit Milah( A BRIT MILAH THAT CONFIRMS IT IS A BREACH OF THE WHOLE JEWISH LAW TO ALLOW ANY FATHER TO KILL HIS OWN SON WITHOUT REASON.) but confirmed it in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  The only issue was the taxation without representation otherwise there was no point in leaving the quiet and the cornucopia of British settlement in the colonies unless you were an under cover French Saboteur who just wanted to destabilize British hegemony to the death even though the systematic method of  British administration hastened wealth and industry for any man with reasonable input in any profession or pursuit in life. Hamilton was a loyal British subject along with Washington and the slow steady growth of the colonies after the declaration of Independence in addition to assurances to all old and new settlers from any country was evidence of the commitment to principles of universal humanity in a quasi-English governmental administration that took on its own unique American flavor, ensuring an end to absolute power with a system  of  separation of powers among the three branches of government.  The British don't owe you anything but you act like you have the right to rob a French person with an English degree since you are sooooo French and West Indian in the year 2014 but you don't speak French at all.  Back to our story,   The political representation of the colonists in the British Parliament was insufficient and the taxes per annum exceeded that of the average British citizen in England.  The only issue today is that you must have some population of Hyderabad Orphans in the 6th generation who believe wrongly in starving an economy to ensure "haves" and "have nots".  65 year olds in this population hold on to 40 year old actual university graduates as father figures and treat them as someone that must be killed.  They say education is redundant if you have tuition but even child cannot fly a plane by tuition or figure out how to complete a heart surgery successfully.    There will always be gamblers and whore mongers who will not have as much as a dude who would rather put $$20.00 in his wife's handbag than adulterating his union at the local strip joint worshiping adultery.  You have an equal choice in how you spend your monies but everybody can have a job.    There will always be "haves" and "have nots".  But, that phenomena is not economic policy.  America technically is a "have not" globally when smaller countries have more wealth with American companies sending jobs overseas. It is better to have everyone employed and giving back to the economy and no prisoner as labor is an economic freebie.  You would have been better off to give him dignity and hope to enjoy his own new or used Cadillac built with free hands or maybe that sleek new Chrysler 200; convenient, very convenient!  Then, you can ship your drawers,  your bed and your Nightie from Nordstrom,  K-Mart or Walmart.  There will always be employees who will buy "store brand"  and those who will buy the "national leading" brands but you have your equal choice.  You may save more money on the "store brand"  and have more interesting vacations than the neighbor who buys national leading brands.  There is nothing wrong with everyone having a job and you will still see your "haves" and "have nots."  But, this naturally occurring phenomena is not economic policy.   I will also believe in American democracy when the two larger parties acknowledge and ensure the other candidates have equal participation in a formal debate.  You were told in the year 2000 that there was insufficient time to count the votes.  You could have left Girl in the White house and according to American electoral law, the issue of the election should have gone to the House of Representatives for a final vote and determination among the sitting members.

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