So, in the year 2012 there was a pressure cooker bombing at a marathon. There were also 40 bank robberies in the "Bouaston" area that day. Why did the bombing occur and were the robberies related. Why is Leet a gay who cannot admit he was a child abuser, who still abuses children with government protection and who also never went to school in this world? He admits to being a child abuser in how he wants the world to think of his children or some of them who are graduates. He seems to have asked someone to give him permission to abuse, harass and intimidate his son to the grave or to some kind of catastrophic injury. There is an unusual, hedonistic clique of immigrants in North America who have no formal education. Many of them are Black West Indian over 62 years of age or creoles of varying complexion. You will know them by what is on their mobile phones and by their associations. You will know them by the children they have or had who are dead, abused or harassed and who attended school and possibly pursued further education in the family's expectation but who are killed and abused upon graduation since the clique chose to resent the attainment of the education in the family's honor and the family's insistence. They are foreign to North American expectations of society and love to play games about impersonating other individuals. They keep saying "I will be him". But, how could you be him? He is your son. You also spend half the day pretending that it is not him to justify molesting his property? This s terrorism and not a game but if it is being tolerated in the life of a graduate who has shown respect for the general community and the school community and also for you, mostly out of fear of your angers and the threat of disowning, in not wasting any energy you spent in pretending you wanted him to graduate, then there is something terribly catastrophic taking place; something that not even an immigrant could tolerate in the lives of their children in that a graduate could be molested and killed for what seems to be nothing but jealous resentment for believing schools are principled environments that respect their own rules and give recognition for hard work. There are no favorites or favored individuals but students who follow the syllabus and respect the lecturer in his opinion on the subject matter. Il est le avis de le instructeur sur l'obtention du diplome dans la questions examens. Il na pas ton avis sur l'obtention. Would they have favored your son for being your son? Who likes the cold weather anyway? He is your son and you seem to think he should just walk with his education but not earn a living with it. It is criminal harassment. They do arrest people who break the law and who engage in criminal negligence, assault and other crimes regardless of their police associations. Can you afford a lawyer? You seem to have sold any copies of essays to a light- skin creole who you thought would give you honor in eternity but who spit in your face once you disrespected yourself in betraying your own son. Do you think children and human flesh is only for molestation? Lets be precise? Do you think Catholic church goers are intended for molestation or is it that you believe anyone who graduates and who is West Indian is to be molested? Who is Leet? Some West Indians follow this rabble but not all of them. If the current norm in certain societies and communities was to persist contrary to life expectations in those areas in the 1960's and 70's, these same West Indians would not have resorted to making residency applications to these areas. They left the West Indies to get away from this rabble and now it is being normalized in North America during a Democratic presidency as if you should not believe you can do anything more than lift boxes or be a social worker if you are black. Children have to write their tests twice. They write it once with the allotted time given to the whole class and one more time in 20 minutes. They are telling many citizens to believe they are West Indian. Many of them are Polish or Ukrainian but they are to believe they are West Indian is the current Nazi band of association to get whatever they want. They are killing people by putting them in trash compactors and many watch sex once a day and thank God for it but seem to want someone to beat up for a sense of crucifixion. Apparently, you just ask a superintendent of road services; the one with those badge numbers and body camera. He can arrange it. The lady thinks she saw Mazrochi squished but it might have been a dog although she is not satisfied and has asked for his whole entire family and his lawyer also. She is 36 with grade 8 education and still works at the same company. So what in tarnations is going on? This is more than unusual. They have chosen to impersonate school teachers who they think have reputation or some kind of social attention. They think intelligence is just a function of intuition and not discipline as if the Lincoln Centre Orchestra musicians are guessing the notes intuitively. It takes discipline and practice. They want to turn society into a parade full of scantily dressed emotions where everybody is to feel molested with the laws of natural affection or of a functional society are broken. If you show up at a McDonalds and you do not feel like you are molested or if you do not feel like you watch the "sexo" movies on your mobile phone and they decide that you are not like them in permissiveness, they spit in the coffee and they tell the younger generation to spit. They are neutralizing the peace and tranquility of quit north american society to which they immigrated for respite from some other kind of world that does not seem to respect people's boundaries or the need for a basic civility. So, where is the money from the bombing? Who were the robbers? Were they Danish police officers who promised the local emergency services that they would be taken care of with a few thousand each? Were they angry American Special Ops soldiers with Plutonium poisoning referred to in the news as "Gulf War Syndrome"? You silly Americaan peoples? You do not undastand yourrrr Bugs Bunny. Figaarro! This is the Democratic Party of the United States of 'Merica!
The math, law, chemistry exam or history degree? You show up and prove your intuition although you had a syllabus in hand since the first day of class; is that it so y ou know when the ship has come in at the dock in Labadee?
By John Smith.
The math, law, chemistry exam or history degree? You show up and prove your intuition although you had a syllabus in hand since the first day of class; is that it so y ou know when the ship has come in at the dock in Labadee?
By John Smith.
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