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Friday, 28 October 2016

So, the notion of saying " I am British and you are Canadian" or "I am British and you are South African" is concluded in that we are all Brit Milah and your life should feel and look like it. Spending trillions of dollars around the world asserting the authority and seeking attention is not the same as leadership. If it is leadership that is being asserted, then it should feel like the Brit Milah. It saves life more than seeking to approximate the Brit Milah.  It provides leadership above and beyond seeking attention.  There is no doubt that there is efficacy in polishing and maintaining tremendous  remnants and monuments and treasured buildings.   There is tremendous efficacy in demanding a perfection  and rendition of  worship of the Torah in study and also the study of the various common law principles such that we take the victim as we find him and we seek to satisfy the teacher with the utmost submission, leading to a preparation for more than an approximation of the Brit Milah but for its absolute celebration and maintenance in the most mundane aspects of life. The approximation of the Brit Milah instead of its atmospheric fulfillment removes the love and the saving of life out of the culture. All you see is an approximation and no saving of life.  All you have is  people riled up about feelings of authority when a kid passes his  trigonometry exam or his law school exam. Then, they ask who is he trying to be and who does he think he is.   Who is his mother?  Who is his father?  It is a Brit Milah without purpose if there is no saving life. If you are killing the graduates after graduation as you ask who are they trying to be. Are they trying to take my position or who do they think they are, then it is not the Brit Milah. What happened?     The Brit Milah sits to provide global leadership. It does not take its seat only to demand a recognition of its authority and attention from other devolved  societies that were previously colonies of the Brit Milah. It's role is leadership of a global society that is governed by certain principles that enable quiet, commodious enjoyment.  If there is no leadership then it may certainly feel and look like the Brit Milah. But, if it is not leadership, then, instead it is only approximation of the Brit Milah with a continual demanding of attention with  a seeking of an acknowledgement of authority for position.  The only people with a divine right or divine calling are the Priests who were given an order as Levites in the calling of a Melchizedek.  They could be Turkish today and they settle in quite well in Islington since the accent is not the culture as the world is not enough. You need the Brit Milah! Kings were not given any divine right. But, you can ask your people and maybe they will agree. Maybe they will want a King instead of a Judge who walks in the Priestly order of Melchizedek and who will keep the rightful balance by the power of the sword or maybe they will just take the Judge and the legislation enforced with balance to the benefit of the people according to the spirit of Melchizedek.  What do you think?    


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