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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

North America is a big territory but it has proven to be ignorant. It was helpful when it came to branding and selling water around the globe but, otherwise the racial equation it has followed as imposed by foreigners ...

North America is a big territory but it has proven to be ignorant. It was helpful when it came to branding and selling water around the globe but, otherwise the racial equation it has followed as imposed by foreigners has cut communities and families in half to achieve the goal of divide and conquer. I love white people if it is that we have to use that terminology. Look at Larry Bird. I love black people if we have to use that terminology. Look at Spud Webb. As an example,The Scotch Quebecois is born to a native French Quebecois or vice versa and they live in the same house but the issue is one family sometimes divided in new spurious definitions of identity once the Brownie camera could be purchased at Sears.  The schools in the West Indies tell you that you are the Queen's children all day and so you are divided and conquered when all adults compete for attention as programmed. They do not work together. The wisest will help the graduates that emerge since this is not about competition for attention but human resources.  The dumb ones will kill their children for attention and try to steal their children's photos etc for attention.  The lighter native kills the darker native in North America and South America. If you are a native and can pass for African, Australian, a New Zealander or Philipino you will live longer.  African evidently is a good answer. Every West Indian says either African or West Indian since white is a misnomer. There is still competition among the various islands that did not exist until independence and the further identities based on flags and country of birth became evident as seen during track meets. Then, it became social competition but all West Indians are Montezuma's grand children  because of all the !~#!@~#-ing to stay alive socially except in the case of the families that showed up last week.   How could I be native?  Ah Ah..don't you know God is your Fadda?  There is a dna that is terrified of its origin while it comes into proximity with sounds, sights and images of a glamorous older world.  Maybe there is a strand of Louis the 16th's runaway cross dressing, vain gay brother in the dna of North America or certainly the dna of several Catholic Conquistadors who brought the message of European civility and superiority to the natives in North and South America. As such, Bugs Bunny helps to awaken an old sense of values, qualities and valuation in the senses and it is hard to compete psychologically when the message is you are just inferior to the secret descendants of Versailles whose labels are on your back when you buy at Nordstrom. Do you know Figaro? Do you know Tchaikovsky or you only play the banjo? Spin your partner round and round I reckon.  It is also insurmountable, this loathing, and the only gut reaction is to blow those Euro Socialists to kingdom come who talk about ensuring every citizen is treated as a human being and who do not understand your white issues or black issues so you need those people to help you get out of your "identity" centrifuge.   You judge yourself in their light because you want to just be special and have a document that says you associated at a school but do not want to do any work since that is what you saw on tv.   You should want to be associated. They are calm in their identity, playing a piano and speaking old world languages that are celebrated on the TV; the TV that is telling you who you need to be if not who you are but you don't speak Chinese and you have this lipid tissue over your eyes and it's just evil when you kill yourself or a darker native with the same lipid tissue but it might be better for your identity on TV if you have whiter children since TV is telling you who you need to be. So, what are you going to do? I am going to get a Bannock Chicken sandwich. Then, I will get some sushi and for breakfast, I will have Quaker Harvest Crunch which is a really a creole delight with raisins, honey, oats and de coconut mon! We jammin.  You are also possibly terrified of having to write any exams. Are you afraid rhe graduate is going to be a politician simply because he can explain a complete sentence? But, then why kill anyone who doesn't know anything about you and your attainment except that you are trying to control them all day long like a graduate in a gerbil trap.   You have no educational discipline when you have turned Universities in many ways into turn stiles of undisciplined association with hobbled educational proficiency. There is a tremendous deficit that has become evident when the average student feels no shame in risking his future on plagiarizing essays.  It has developed more than an intellectual vacuum. It has developed an economic vacuum as many managers  in a less biblically minded and less family oriented generation would rather hire those with no experience to shield their fears and also those with no education for positions that are not management track but that leave departments entirely dependent on a manager who thought repeating a defective system process 1000's of times was a solution to cover a system fault for  which he is not responsible. The evident cost rolls through the economy and the manager keeps his seat because he is part native and cut off his balls to keep his big salary and middle level title until his eventual death.   

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