What if David did not attempt to kill Uriah without reason although the reasoning was contrary to God's spirit and direction? It seems Bathsheba was told to bathe in the old fashioned way with a cloth over her shoulders facing the wall but she would turn to the open court yard and refused to wear the cloth over the shoulders thereby exposing herself. They had children but it must have been her licentiousness that would catch anybody's eye. She was apparently the orphan daughter of an Egyptian trader and was found in the basket that was placed on the horse sent to David as a wedding present. He put the child in the hands of a soldier who was Uriah's uncle. Uriah and Bathsheba became husband and wife. But, Uriah noticed something while standing guard at the city walls around 12 pm. He would feel a queasiness in his stomach and a distraction since he was called to a duty. He asked an Israeli company spy to watch his home and the spy reported(q543reregcw45tf sometingaboutthebusnez 0987678987 q543reregcw45tf sometingaboutthebusnez 0987678987) to Uriah. Uriah said "I don't know how long" and Bathsheba cried all day instead of showering with her body exposed to the open court. While she cried, she started to say "this is all I have to give" and recalled her mother who was an Egyptian prostitute and very very functional. It was presumed that Uriah was violent since he suggested he was going to put her away like David put away Michal; his first wife and Saul's daughter, an Aunt of Mephibosheth. Michal may have worked with Mephibosheth down the road in Assyrian lands at an Oasis they purchased with some of her spousal support from David to work and perfect a lineage to be just as good as David in a few generations by incubating children with David's dna and Mephibosheth's dna since she thought about her dna above the celebration of Israel. David distanced himself from Michal while she refused to dance to celebrate the return of the ark of the covenant. She must have cheated in his absence; possibly with Mephibosheth although he was a little lame.
David, in fact, had not seen Bathsheba shower but heard of the story and her mourning and decided to intervene. She really wasn't a wife and after his son with Bathsheba died, they killed David also after he wrote Psalms 52. If Bathsheba was not only the daughter of an Egyptian woman, she was also the bitch daughter of Johnathan while her mother was a domestic Egyptian in Johnathan's house and desired to do nothing other than to "fell him" who was king in the place of her grandfather. She did not respect her mother's voice. Her mother was like Ruth. If her grandfather lost the kingdom due to disobedience, then a fallen people or woman have no where to fall from but they would understand falling as a result of disobedience to natural law and seek to cause others to fall with them since misery loves company. After that, to maintain order they had someone dress in masquerade. Solomon was really the child of David's oldest and second wife from the tribe of Ephraim as Bathsheba was sent to North Africa while Uriah was saved at the front lines with Jeroboam's people (from the people of Ephraim) since the mighty men of valor (VALOR) asked how could David do this thing and sin against his God? How? His sin was take the law into his own hands and decide that Uriah was not suitable for his wife and that he should be killed. Who was he to dole out death and judgement? See Psalms 50.
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.” http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/471515-many-that-live-deserve-death-and-some-that-die-deserve Uriah was innocent. Also, you cannot make David's sin a lifestyle and live in a presumption since with the presumption, there is consequence. God gave David a promised consequence of great loss along with a promise of a remnant and that is the one tribe. But, even the remnant could suffer loss since the promise of a remnant is not a promise to live above and without the Holy Ghost. Jacob, though retains all tribes in a nation forever. Look at Jesus! He died for national reunification to end a divided house. He died for Israel; not a remnant and re worked the wound of David to Israel to save a life; not to kill or set up a tradition of killing in that remnant since Uriah's blood that was almost spilled was crying out much like Abel's. If you say you are Davidic and imagine yourself in the line of King David, then score two goals, witness, leave vulnerable, attention seeking women alone if you do not intend to love them and save a life. This is the pattern of David's last King of Judah named Yeshua. He scored two goals by casting his net twice on the other side and bagging the fish. Watch the movie soon; the last King of Judah starring Malik Yoba. He will also be in a Dr. No remake. Joseph, Prince of Egypt asked himself the question as to how he could do a certain thing and deny his God as he took wisdom and ran from an old Egyptian witch named Potiphar who was an adulterer as described in Proverbs 2. She was ultimately beheaded by her husband when she tried to do the same trickery with a Moabite boy. This is why Solomon is a son of Ephraim by faith although not perfect in that he did not hear like Abraham. It is the faith of Jacob to hear like Abraham; that is the faith of Yeshua(Jesus). Jacob heard like Abraham although it was a bit of a wrestle. David's second and oldest wife after Michal was from the tribe of Ephraim and ensured that Uriah was taken care of before being sent to an Island off the coast of Sicily where they would start again for the people of Israel. They knew David made a mistake in accepting that Egyptian horse from Pharaoh if he did. Solomon certainly received horses from Egypt in excess. David's horse was a mare. Donde esta marido? Look at a mare. Understand function and simplicity with value. It needs appreciation. Solomon accepted a wife from Egypt. She is credited with inspiring him to write Proverbs 2 while the daughters of Ephraim inspired him to write Ecclesiates 4. It is Not the case that every woman is suited but many women are suitable. Donde esta esposa? They did not know how long it would be though but the instruction to Uriah in Sicily was to grow grapes and olive oils, make milk from every animal and perfect the process of preserving the juice, the oils and the milk as a symbol of saving the covenant.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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