Assyrian peoples occupied Israel with the help of Pompey but then spent a lot of time approximating their imagined notion of Jewishness. They may have left out the love and the Pikuach Nefesh. It is evident that they did and instituted a more stringent practice of Judaism that left out the respect for and the meaningfulness of life but more importantly the meaningfulness of human life( see Habermas). This stringent practice meant that it was hard for them to understand the essence of the law and the prophets as taught by Yeshua. The standard that they imagine for Jewishness is not in accord with the law and the prophets since it leaves out the meaningfulness of human life. They obtain an authority in their approximation and stringent way but nobody has any time to ask how many people die who could have been saved and nobody notices as they are covered under the banner of form and substance as captured by the seeing eye. While covered, the number that die who could be saved does not not seem to breach the atmospheric sheet of authority. Who knows how many people have died who could have been saved in their authority? These questions may have been asked before in Europe when sons of Isaac in Europe met with children of the original Assyrian occupiers who took over the territory of Israel and the symbolism along with the city of Jerusalem while the people of Israel went on another exodus to the outer reaches of the earth in addition to Europe and who understood the power of preservation and of inspired technology. This people Israel had it in their blood as witnessed in the inspiration enjoyed by Noah, Abraham and others. They became great families in cultures that we now see as Japanese over many generations such as the Toyota Shogunate family and the Matsushita family. They became inspired families in Europe such as Diesel, Benz, Tesla, Marconi and others who designed marvelous technologies that brought about the hastening of a world community. But, when they European families of the people Israel met the children of the occupiers as immigrants from the West Indies in the early industrial age, the occupiers followed their old tendencies and spit in the foods of the established European families of the children of Israel. What is remarkable is that the psychology of the occupiers survived several generations as they moved from different places in the world and intermixed for progeny with different communities and peoples. The end result was a mulatto people from the West Indies that was decidedly Jewish or Catholic but who were decidedly still Assyrian psychologically with a tendency to see themselves as being in need of an equality but that the equality they will need will not stop short of the highest office or absolute authority as they imagine it in the land. They work together and are relatively organised as they could follow a nonverbal cue or emotion to kill or hit a target of some kind and they will keep doing it until their imagination or fear is satisfied. Some of the men just fear that a Black McDonald's employee who said "have a nice day" is criticizing their English or had sex with their daughter or wife. In their need to approximate, they imagine a Jew as white or a Catholic as a white person and they fear association to the less white as their grandma would have it but usually grandma does not look soo white but a little tanned or mixed but the ultimate goal is approximation in her own racial self rejection. Now, the European Catholics and Jews as sons of Isaac and the original people Israel did not have so much difficulty with color and that is why we have evidence of an Allessandro De Medicci, Alexander Pushkin and an Alexandre Dumas as Europe historically judged in character and achievement as in quality. See their work. This is why Europe was a standard bearer that maintained a bedrock of authority of form and substance that was more than a sheet of authority. It heralded the Pikuach Nefesh. It came to a head as the spit by the children of the occupiers in pots of soup, tea and sauces as they worked in homes and public restaurants in Europe was a bit much as they would try to read the emotions and intentions of the people Israel in Europe who were the established Jewish and Catholic population as business and home owners. so, they took off to England and France and left Germany and Eastern Europe to the occupiers. They took French and anglicized names such as Windsor( the name taken by an established Royal family although it was previously Saxe-Coburg, Gotha and Wettin). The end result as the occupiers moved into the middle ranks of society was a great deal of waste industrially. They may have caused the collapse of whole entire industries as they were more anxious about association and approximation than in selling a vehicle or using the most able designers and although it was illogical to most who watched in the upper management, it ensued as if the occupier would lead the people Israel since nobody was able to remember what was the basis of his social authority when your wife is genetically a quarter occupier and hoping to give you kingly honor if you kill a quarter black at work before you come home. Instead of a stringent Jewishness, these occupiers followed a more carnal licentiousness as beckoned by Hollywood and its most impressive mind altering celluloid. This is what they brought in this more contemporary occupation and they were always willing to give felatio or cunnilingus to any more established person in a more established family. In the end, the established families ended up with children that looked less like them and more like the occupiers. They occupied your genitals, your gametes and your blood stream. So, who is your wife, husband or your family now? Look at those eyes! However, closing factories, lost jobs and quarter black children in the homes of the upper management made it obvious that the intention was to occupy the establishment so the upper management took off as well and the companies were nationalised in the 1930's. Eventually, the occupiers realised there was no white God to favor them and no consumers to buy the companies so the people Israel designed a willing dupe and middle ranking World War 1 soldier called Hitler to burn it all to the ground so that they could come back as the people Israel and design a Passat CC that could be bought by a willing and participatory fully black African or Black West Indian living in Germany who was willing to learn German, have children and be a member of the enduring Brit Milah since the world is not enough. You need cup holders made out of black plastic since participatory efficacy has no color. You need the Brit Milah. Go to Uniqlo or Ikea. You will see what I mean.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Thursday, 25 August 2016
Romans 9 in the context of an Assyrian occupation. Occupy yourself because you need the Brit Milah. Read a psalm or proverb. Buy some custard. Go to Matzah once a week at the big Cathedral and light a candle in your home while you watch fuzzy tv on channel 4 or channel 5. Then, go to an Asda wholesale shop and buy the same wine you buy in Calais. Then cook some lamb with mint sauce. You feel good!
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