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Saturday, 20 August 2016

There are a lot of  White Black people these days who are young and well paid who listen to the bump and rhymes of black culture but who have become doubtful as to whether black black people have more right to say they are black than White Black people.   But, more importantly, there are a lot of people who are in between black and white who are officially black people who may want the social and economic authority of real white people in that they don't really have to understand anything but that they will have social authority and who do not want to believe anything about W. E. B. Du Bois, Benjamin Banneker or Booker T. Washington as if white and black people don't know a black man designed plastics out of plant materials before 1960 and also made peanut butter to feed your !@#$# post 1970 curry favor almost mulatto West Indian ass north of the Mason Dixon line.  As a result, there is a deleterious affect on the Britmilahcracy that involves a contrary atmosphere and temperament of devaluing a generation of people or peoples in the same generation   who are black ancestors when you are quarter black and look white or that involves devaluing contemporaries in your generation who were too black not to understand a few things and who absorbed the Britmilahcracy for several Christmas and Easter seasons watching Rudolph the Red Nose Rain Deer, a Christmas Carol and the Ten commandments if not the Passion for the Christ. Now you understand the Britmilahcracy watching Star Wars. There is a right answer although they tried to tempt you doubt the parting of the red sea. Why don't you try to part Lake Erie after you have understood the first miracle(or first Jedi lesson) of forgiveness? The boy will not learn. He has no patience. Will he or she finish what they start without being a !@#$# terrorist cheat on the Brit Milah? We cannot normalize this cheating and plagiarizing in institutions that have symbols and crests stamped with the approval of the Lord Lyon in the Heraldry with Heraldry harkening on to Leviticus, the whole law and the prophets It does not harken unto superstition and horoscopes but unto to the meaningfulness of human life.   We don't need any single Studio 54 second generation sex addict chicks carrying a disabled old baby while trying to kill anyone who believed in God in her generation.  I am going to go and get some Kenneth Cole Black!

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