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Monday, 22 August 2016

Some people... I don't owe them a suffering city. Who do they think they are? Are they uh...let's see where they had this unbelievable malfeasance before...Are they from south of Cuba in the same vicinity? It seems like this is a recurring problem...for attention...hmm.

Some people will show up and ask if the efficient tube train programmer is related to the Bishop of Canterbury because they want to think it and see what he would do; that is whether the Bishop would be anxious about association to a Black African or obviously Blackish West Indian.  This is because they want to screw up the Tube system to confirm their own fear of genetic association because they want to think they might be related.  So, the Bishop observed the childish stupidity of this quarter black psychology and said he is not related to the tube programmer and that you will not embarrass him as a Bishop with any malfeasance of any kind in the Tube's management or administration as if that is the only way for anyone to confirm that they are not related to a tube manager who is African or Blackish or Black. If the Arch Bishop screwed up the Tube management to confirm that he was not related, wouldn't that lead people to wonder what is going on and who is soo afraid that anyone would think they were related to a tube manager? He's just a tube manager.  Maybe the Arch Bishop would have to be a little black himself but more importantly daftly obtuse to sabotage a vital system to the point of subterfuge and bewilderment with evidently wasteful results.   You are not related, you don't need to be related and a computer could set the tone of the Brit Milah with benevolence without your racial furtiveness and possibly also your furtiveness about legitimacy.  You should just kill anyone who is soo bold, ignorant, poverty minded and shameless to ask a serving member of the Royal Protestant denomination about relations.   What did you want the tube manager to do after he graduated with a first from Imperial College, University of London?      

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