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Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Application of the equation; a poem and thesis of a kind.

So, in the economic discussions involving mechanization that may or may not involve Marx, industrialization requires continued consideration of the ultimate purpose that is summarized as the meaningfulness of human life (See Habermas).  In serving the meaningfulness of human life, the mathematical equation of that meaningfulness equals a preservation of humanity and the entire social,  cultural and economic infrastructure that makes human life viable for the average end user who is also understood as the majority of the population.  It is more helpful to think of every citizen in the calculation  and not the majority although there will be a loss rate in the reality of the emotional and physical frailties of human life.  There are some individuals who will not cooperate in civilization as ordered for peace as they think their goal is to feel above others or to feel like a King in their small and tiny socio-economic reality.   They break laws, kill family members and hurt a lot of people to please an imaginary woman who says you will feel like a King if you hurt who could be your child or if you kill your actual child for working very hard; as if your child's work is a criticism of your parenting. In fact, you should see it as a reflection of your dna even if you did not believe everything you told your children that they would survive your chastising in your house hold.

The calculation we have in economics is often applied in physics and chemistry that says energy is never lost.  It is only transferred.  If you release it in all your factors of production, then you must expect it to come back to you either in a nuclear detonation if you are selfishly suicidal or in less labor with more consumption by the human being.  In either case, you will be a measuring a return of the energy economically and socially.  You could see increased profits and revenues while you keep people working in a world with almost entirely mechanised labor since you need less labor and labor costs but regular, metered consumption.  If you are not funding labor, then you need to fund consumption.  Machines may not be so good at ensuring quality and standards although this is improving but a good role for displaced labor is in quality assurance and control for those Loakes in the shoe shop on Blackstock Road near the old Arsenal grounds near the old Royal Mail depot or  Florsheims that are produced at $7.00/7.000 pand a pair.   The cash, time and money to produce the shoes must come back to you in profit. But, if you only hope to reduce the cost of production while hoping for profit but do not remember to fund consumption in society, then the money you save with machines in reducing labor costs is not coming back to you as profit.  You either keep people working beside the machines or you work with government in public private partnerships as you would in a war but in this case it is to ensure consumption is funded in a war against stupidity.  If you do not, then you will frustrate the return in money and investment; that is the return in money and investment as energy since energy is never lost. It is only transferred. If you are not transferring your energy in terms of the sale of finished goods, then you are hording your energy in fields full of Volkswagens because of evil attitude  where someone says "you don't really want THOSE PEOPLE to have it or else they might be happy, have thankfulness or not feel DOWN enough and you don't really know what you are saying except you are a gay suicide that will not believe it when the government comes and nationalizes your the dressmaker and the private railway since it was really needed as a public service and not as a testament to your need to feel bigger than others which means you are not very benevolent and also very small.   God made a deal with you to be fruitful and multiply but that you would have to work when you leave the equator since its soo cold up north and you need fires, wood, houses and a Britmilahcracy.  In fact, you need it in the south as well since only one or two families can occupy a cave but at least you can eat from the big bodacious mango bosom-like mango trees and banana plants all year long since you are not really gay but only flirting with your imagination as a sovereign ruler of the earth as a company owner and producer of some consumer goods that does not want to see people work and as  a consequence but also as a second selfish motive, you will not see the purchase of your products and do not want to see people buy your products that would make them feel comfortable and happy as you have a profound and almost innate  sense of sadness where you would be jealous of your less "well to do" customers who might be happy if they could enjoy your products.   Why wouldn't you want to make money and why wouldn't you want people to be happy buying your products? Isn't this what you said in the eve of world War 2?  No is going to be that stupid again; will they?     Why is anyone arguing with the laws of physics and chemistry; the natural laws that God gave you in the reality of His creation since God!    There is one more thing.  In applying the equation, it is helpful to use a love actuary or political scientist who could help to decipher the message in Marx that was to give back and reward the creativity that will be released as human capability is fostered but also harnessed while the being is relieved from most of the back breaking work that is being taken over by machines. With love, 1 man + 1 woman= 3 people sans disease to frustrate the transfer of energy. With love, you sell the vehicles and then they come back to you as 14 year old examples of your self-belief and free advertising. With love, Jesus fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish. With love 2+2=5(see George Orwell) since the added ingredient is the faith and love so then we have 2+2+(faith and love)=5.   This 2+2=5 with the Holy Ghost in the brackets will work if people are harnessed to do what the creator has required of them in a recognition of the absolute authority of natural laws that will always equate.  It may only be a matter of time in any circumstance and this requires a carefulness. Orwell's vision was a bit of a test as you wanted open territories where you can do whatever you want but you can never really do whatever you want forever. an authoritarian socialist democracy that ensures the basics of life for all might be a good deal and people can sit at Costa StarDoes and sketch the starsships that were made to fly and pitch the designs to a car company.  Every territory is open but you need something more important since this is not the America you and I know as being synonymous with Apple pie and uh freckles since we have a long way to go( see the movie with Paul Newman)  The America I know cannot be the "OK Coral"  and everybody knows you are an itchy big person hoping for the right to rob banks and feel big at a Bournemouth Lobster (BEE Lobster) Restaurant in public as you will certainly live forever. He could be my Uncle but if he normalizes his bank robber pass time with old friends and colleagues so that they can get some Heat feelings, it could cause all of us some financial difficulties.   But, if that is how you wish to feel, then buy Joey Negros although he would not be soo loud about himself.  So, where will you keep the cash when they come to look for it?  Have you heard of Colonel Landa.  He does not seem to look for money but he looks for people. He may not find you suitable for the clean up of the Brit Milah because you better get out of there.  Tell your friend that he better get out of there since Landa may be coming.  I don't really want to see it but the Brit Milah is a brick that is an un-quenching fire and it may come right through your window.  You could be the son of George Washington Carver in your open territory and he gave us the formula for Skippy and Jif and we do thank you and we also want to let you know we are thankful for your encouragements.  Thank you! So, what are you going to do since you are the King?  It's just that a nuclear detonation will transfer some energy that might be a fulfillment of the realization of your inner self.  You are a spirit and everybody will be more telepathic and spiritual like an Obi Won Ken-obi but hopefully they will be more willing to seek understanding instead of an appearance.  The difference between the light side and the dark side is respect for life, power and energy.  The dark side does not seem to respect any of them although it will build a mausoleum to death and dehumanize the simplicity and meaningfulness of human life although it entices you to feel like you are a part of something in joining the something so that you might feel more confident in the supply of goods, resources and personal quarters for each member of the empire. The word empire is hard to resist. But the light side is an empire of its own. In our reality, it is best described as the Brit Milah empire or Brit Milahcracy.  Have you been to Norway?  Do you know salvation?  Do you know black people being shot on tv in Norway or England? Well, I do.  The Tv is in England with a cable box while the shooting is in some American open territory.  Go deh. You are a bum country in the U.S. that act like you have no mother or father in the US of GAY (good always yawns while expunging the evil and inequitable)!  A happy version that respects life on the light side of the force and that can give all citizens a sense of belonging and something to do is a form capitalism that redistributes wealth while encouraging efficiency and that respects the importance of consumption and the consumer in the ensuring of profit; Profit realization capitalism.  There is no need to bet on economic happenings. They are calculated.  The US of GAY(good always yawns while expunging the evil and inequitable) must understand a calculation that is why they do not refuel planes in the air since they are powered by hydrogen during their war(self abasement) on ignorance as they go to countries in the context of fighting something and ripping it open with video footage for Oral Roberts and Brigham Young as they were terrified of traveling on an airplane but they wanted to experience and understand places where they would never travel. But, that is ok since if man was intended to fly God would have given them a starship and satellites that were made to fly since faith is the substance of things unseen. It is the evidence of things hoped for so have no fear and if you don't want to travel by plane due to a fear of some kind, then just remember Abraham and Noah and desire your understanding. Build a boat and take a Red Bull since the Lord said your obedience will lead you and you may see and find a ram in the thicket.  The Red bull will give you the wings.  One more thing;  you were warned a long time ago about "all over me".  If you see anyone who looks or feels like a snow monster from Empire Strikes Back who pretends to be a Baptist minister and who feels like he is diseased and who is having sex with dismembered people in a hospital, strike him down in righteousness for the light side.  He is the antithesis of  faith and love.    

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