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Friday, 1 July 2016

So, in capitalism with haves and have-nots, something is working to make North America a "not".

So, in capitalism with haves and have-nots, something is working to make North America a "not".  While they have one of the more capable socio-economic infrastructures, they hire fewer of their own graduates while working for economic expansion and opening international offices of North American companies in foreign countries around the entire world.  They hire Chinese people for UPS and Hersheys in China and India while also hiring Chinese and Indians twice as often as new immigrants in North America. So, they are hired twice as often as the average North American high school graduate in North America to work in North American companies while also being hired to work in India and china in North American companies located for the company's global access.  But, they are also more likely to send their resources out of the country and North America is not seeing it's self and its own cultural reproduction.   There has to be something you can do other than chastening people who don't know Darryl Sittler.   A lot of people know Darryl Sitler as an athletic personality. Do you?   He's really good with those dribbling moves.  So, who is zooming who?   This is not the effect of racism but of "stupid".  Can you believe that the second and first world war was fought to give more hybrid(racially) individuals access to the economies in which they were educated to participate in North America?  What you do, see, you starve Judeo-Christians somewhere of every kind of warmth for four years.  Then, you bring mulatto females from the West Indies to Germany who said they are willing to give everything to help black people and then you video war crimes committed by the Christians who did their best after the war to raise their families as a good human with a good wife in the United States' Midwest for the "shining".  The mulatto girls used to be seamstresses and pastry bakers who were made redundant with industrialization and were already doing sex for cash.  I would never! Ga dead! But, there could be a solution since the disease makes healthy reproduction difficult.  No one should try to turn this economic phenomenon into a culture since you need to reproduce. Whose children will you be birthing or raising? Non-competitive capitalism that maximizes GDP expenditure.   It is the most productive capitalism in a unified, race free capitalism.  It may have appeared in this world as an unbalanced marxist-communism that did not respect human creativity and the need for equitable ownership, even part ownership,  to achieve human motivation in the market place. The w.a.s.p. with her nuclear family has not understood why the foreigner was needed. She only has 2.4 children with a negative birth rate and a negative marriage rate because she had to have a Play boy and be a play girl; hmm?  The foreigner was needed to respect and build families while staving record divorce rates in the North America. They were brought here for salt and salve since if the world is not enough, Judeo Christianity certainly is if you have some Judeo Christians who can reproduce the culture for at least four generations; just Heaven if they can but they need some jobs.  If you are a Judeo Christian, isn't a black Christian in employment better than a Muslim from an oil rich country who will be hired by IBM in that Muslim country and whose family is already rich globally speaking? But, it would be good to always have a sufficient number of families from other parts of the world so that the population will be globally minded. but, in non-competitive capitalism, you need to hire your own graduates from the high school graduating class regardless of Muslim, Jewish or Christian faith before you bring in 100's of thousands of people from other GDP competitive countries.  Black people can be led to do more than self destruct with MTV raps and BET.  They can be led to wear Indochino and drive a Ford with running board lights instead of wearing their pants half way down and their Vicuna's Secret all torn and forlorn.  "It could be just my imagination running away with me" although  there is no mountain high enough , no valley low enough to make me want to holler and spend time with the bitch (you know who!) in a man's world with a woman  that does not understand how to be a wife.  This is because he is a bitch.    But, the media can do more for Judeo Christendom instead of telling young impressionable potential choir directors that a female play girl is a hustler. So,  without a doubt, when loves comes around it does not have to knock you down. You can certainly get back up and up again for the North American family instead of losing yourself twice when you can only live once or do you only live twice.  The second time is to live like Obi Won Kenobi as a spirit after Vader struck him down.  So, for certain, you will need the family life, wisdom and cash at least once for the mortal version of your midwest, fabulous self.  It will be....  

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