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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Special Presentation. Gandhi said "..You win. I don't know anything else. I submit. My head is down in class. I am your servant. I am submitted from birth and, again, so that you know I heard you the answer is Londinium. Now, leave me the heck alone so I can have bone china and some !@#$#(blessed) children as a "40 year old virgin." As I was too English in India where you sent me with your "educations", you sent people to beat me. Now, give me back my drum and my Shakespeare because I read and I submit but 80% of your nigger white Hyderabad orphan people don't because they don't have to and they are angry. They don't even no Rumpelstiltskin or Jack Spratt. They think Sprat and Rumpel work for Colonel Landa and now the Brit Milah empire in the UK branch is too far away from itself as if you need a currency for identity." So, now the high school will be semi automatic. Assignments are 20% and the exams are 80% with the student getting a photo copy of his answers after the exam before he leaves the classroom. They will also get a copy of the actual exam at their desk to take home. The answers will be posted online and the student will get his exam results a month after the exam sitting. Now students, don't damage any more teachers' vehicles since we know what you did last summer! You want someone to tell you what to do with your time on your smart phone and show you the love of discipline so that you know you are loved...tell yourself and graduate. Go to the local library, the beach or the "Google play centre" if you need attention and get some free google glasses. Also, you will be getting two years active service upon graduation like the kids in Singapore who will take your jobs when they get here since I don't think you understand what your peeps are trying to say to you on MTV. They don't really need you!

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