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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Stan from Leon is a ship captain who believes he has absolute authority in the world of badlands. It could be helpful if someone like him existed and knows how to communicate with people who understand how to find a jugular vein. But, Stan is not civil administration or the paymaster general. Stan knows that he is not a force of one with six heavies since you could ambush an suv with six people quite easily or find them one by one. Stan, besides spending time in enforcing the law in the lawlessness of the unseen may be asked to rescue a cat from a tree since he is very privileged as a servant of the commonwealth and does not need to bring attention to that privilege by breaking the laws or disregarding a simple duty to save a dog or escort a newly arrived African dictator to his home. We don't need to know who Stan is or see him very often but he will certainly stay very wealthy in his reconnaissant; thankful. We want Stan!

Stan from "Leon" is a ship captain who believes he has absolute authority in the world of badlands. It could be helpful if someone like him existed and knows how to communicate with people who understand how to find a jugular vein. But, Stan is not civil administration or the paymaster general. Stan knows that he is not a force of one with six heavies since you could ambush an suv with six people quite easily or find them one by one. Stan, besides spending time in enforcing the law in the lawlessness of the unseen may be asked to rescue a cat from a tree since he is very privileged as a servant of the commonwealth and does not need to bring attention to that privilege by breaking the laws or disregarding a simple duty to save a dog or escort a newly arrived African dictator to his home. We don't need to know who Stan is or see him very often but he will certainly stay very wealthy in his reconaissant; thankful. We want Stan to be happy and attend the theater as often as he wants in one of his 12 non-work suits.  He loves Beethoven and knows good coffee. He knows what happened to him when he did not follow authority and just had to tell his undercover officer in the community not to steal since it must have threatened Stan's wife and family and his salary bracket. He is a Messianic Jew, Stan is, and lights his 12 candles once a week.    

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