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Monday, 25 July 2016

Is there a marriage contract?

 An almost 16 year old Stardoe hockey player is approached at his front door in Sweden by a pretty redhead girl.  She offers to be his husband and gives him 700 euros.  As she leaves, she says you are under arrest and that "they" will be showing up soon.  She took sexo like a female hustla, changed clothes and went.  The boy never offered anything but was offered something and apparently, he is too young to be married under the usual laws but is almost old enough to be married under the Sharia law.  The woman is in her early 20's,   Is he guilty of any crime?  Is anyone guilty of any offence?  Please provide your answer.  Please write and provide your opinion.

The above question raises a variety of issues under the criminal laws of the world in the  global citizenry.   It raises the issue of deception offences such as seeking to procure or obtain services.  it raises the issue of prostitution and propositioning a minor.  I will deal with each of these issues in turn.  For all of the issues,  in terms of the boy, the answer is no on a prima facie case.  The money is a gift; not a dowry, he is able to date someone of any age and a promise of a future union when he is legally able to have a formal union is not an offence under the laws. An equitable union with legal age is still a popular and common happening and Scottish and Spanish culture with photos and celebration.  Also, he did not make the promise but was propositioned with a promise.  Even if the money was a dowry, no offence is committed  even if there is a ceremony with photos as the law only prevents a legal union and contract; not an equitable contract between the parties that cannot be enforced for the purposes of a legal divorce.  It is, so to speak, a cultural union.  He can live with whoever will put up with his smelly hockey skates if they are smelly and not haired out with some Hugo Boss cologne.  Capisci?  Good.  There is nothing wrong with a future and legal intention being discussed between two individuals.  If the boy complains and is truly a victim he could say, however, he did not understand that she was guilty of statutory rape as coitus is all she wanted on the evidence and then threatened him with a false accusation contrary to the facts.  He was not prostituting himself and was not advertising any service of any kind, including any betrothal or weddings in the present or future in the state of Sweden or Connecticut.  This is if  he felt that he was approached with an illegal proposition for an immediate and unlawful union under false pretenses only to be used for "sexo" instead of "matrimonio."   Donde esta marido y  Ecclesia (....since in matters of  worship it is all about the intention)? Peter, Pedro or Superman, who do you love with all of your educations and your gifts?  See  John 21:15-17 since there must have been a day when the currency was not your identity when the only currency was gold or silver coins across the entire Brit Milah.  You had a culture.  So, who will you run to to share that empty space?  Who will run to when you need love?


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