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Friday, 29 July 2016


White power will always need good black servants who can read a driver's manual if you shut down on the road or who can read a few other things like a Samsung contract about shipments of finished goods such as washing machines and Fridges from Jamaique where they will be assembled for Latin America and North America. White power, necessitates a black people since white people are never superior to any other population except Africans, African Americans or Blacks. It is only because Black people were the only people sufficiently divided in war in the middle ages and possibly sufficiently separate in their minds from other black people to actually sell another black person into slavery who was the prisoner of war of another tribe; usually in West Africa but it seems it was continent wide in large or small ways or else it would feel like modern day Vietnam by now as people work together as African or Asian. This is the meaning of black and white; no love of your essential humanity so be a color since dehumanizing another human being will dehumanize you. It seems it was a power issue and the gun or rifle since power is a function of esteem to some cultures so it broke the usual African self-estimation founded on the greatness of it's own continent-wide history that included Egypt,Moses and Yeshua. The best answer was to deny the gun but by taking the gun, they had to take the bible in Latin or English instead of the original African Aramaic or Hebrew. It was a new technological tower of Babel and it necessitated that you agree with the neighbor who is selling them to you. If you said yes to the gun but no to the word, you would be massacred as a heathen and then you understood a new power or equation for your self esteem. Not all Africans agreed with slavery; especially those who were about to be uh taken some where to be creolized psychologically if not physically since slavery is dehumanizing; come on baby! They were certainly human and functional, useful; bellissimo. Look at that anterior and post end! Wow! White girls sometimes have it. Capow! But, the men were the same size as white men or smaller. Look at the pygmy. The East Indians and the other Asians would not sell their prisoners of war into slavery; nor would the Polynesians. The Catholic church knows this. They studied the phenomena of humanity and had lots of time to do it after Constantine accepted the faith of Christ and established an official church. They were the first anthropologists. But, White people in the British Isles would sell White people into slavery and so did the African. Now, what are going to do?

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