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Thursday, 28 July 2016

So, if black lives don't matter to Black people in your own homes and churches that you would save a life but would only use someone who went to school believing in black capability like his half native/half Scotch-Irish teacher told him, then you might as well let love officers kill them by beating them a gun butt or a bible.

So, If black lives don't matter to Black people in your own homes and churches that you would save a life but would only use someone who went to school believing in black capability like his half native/half Scotch-Irish teacher told him, then you might as well let love officers kill them by beating them a gun butt or a bible.  There is something inhumane about this.  Preferably white love officers will do the assisting since maybe you need some focal point of oppression that is really your own hypocrisy in the age of the second black  Mcdonald's Global CEO and his parties so that you can have a sense of community and watch another 7000 people shot on live tv in 8 years.  It was written on his desk with his white mother Drugston; 7000 dead on CNN.  So, one more time.  Fais tu as connaissance et compre'hension?        I need an FDR and a Lincoln with their Republicanism or an equivalent in any party whose eyes  have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord so that we can "get it on."   Sing it!  There is only one party in this world that handed out English chocolate while two White american politicians( JFK and RFK) were killed along with two black believers in America from 1963 to 1968.  Hoover was a democrat.  The truth is, no matter who is in office, I don't need their attention and they don't need mine. That network is suggests community but is being used as a smelter to melt the "American melting Pot."  If there was a devil, he would probably tell you eventually what is his preferred news network.  I watch only NBC.     I donated to the democrats in 2008 and 2009 as a mixed race person with black and white maroon ancestry that must include Celtic and African ancestry in these "!#@!$ to eat"  or polemic times with iron seamstresses, bakers and candlestick makers where free school is such a blessing with black families that demand more than a C but then treat you like you were privileged if you actually respect them as if you are too un-black when you get the B or the A.  I am very disappointed with any Demo party but I like the television show the Preacher on TV though.   Now, I am going to watch Doug Baxter on Amazing Facts. Thank you!

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