It was Marshall Mcluhan who identified the bitten apple as an important visual and linguistic symbol as used in Sleeping Beauty. He may have also observed as a hobby historian and civil servant that the U.S. Civil war and World War 2 were wars based on economic change and upheaval with new demands on socio-economic relationships and the various dependencies occasioned by them that some people wish would never end. This economic change was occasioned by mechanization of labor and manufacturing that made it possible for the industrial classes to make an innumerable supply of cars and other finished goods in a few days and these products needed an innumerable number of buyers who would find themselves in a new realm of image approximation and maybe some people just thought soo many people should not be soo happy enjoying their I-phones or Volkswagen Beetles as they make them in the millions of units where supply goes up and cost and demand goes down. The Minions (see the movie) should not be soo emotionally happy with their Volkswagens or I-phones so over-sexualise them as soon as you can so they will be ready to give their very flesh and sweat for favors at the right age and work it like and oil well to graduate from Secondary School. Forget the !@$!$ legislation or law unless it saves our own relatives maybe who may get in a spot and ink out the magna carta as much as possible since that was just stupid of the old man. He should have known he would have a relative named A. H. some day who would get it right again with a "page 3". Make sure the Bishops understand also since we have to be together on this for the hedges eh and money. "Videos killing the radio star" is a good song and should help to devalue the notion of the soul and inner content as well. Then, we cut off a hand in Empire Strikes Back as the world is not enough. We need Heaven and Hell too. They are so stupid though and should watch Bloomberg television. It's rather brilliant; in fact!
The above excerpt will appear maybe in a Dexter episode soon where Dexter has a bad dream reflecting upon how the world allowed him to exist so freely in public as if he was like normal or something and it all began when the owner of the coffee shop where he worked told him it was ok to put draino in the tea cups of ethnicish or blackish people so he kept going and going until he had a tv show.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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