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Wednesday, 22 July 2015

An excerpt...

The next day I could hardly wait to get to the telephone to call Mamma and tell her that Julie had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  When finally I got her on the line, I said, "Mom, Julie-"
"Yes," she said. "Julie has got the baptism in the Holy Spirit."  I learned that very night Mamma had been on her knees at ten o' clock, telling God, "Hey God! Give my son a saved wife."  God heard her prayer and sent His Holy Spirit upon Julie to convict her that night after we had finished our prayers and gotten into bed.  She was so impelled to go back to prayer again that she could not resist the power leading her. Mamma's prayers were getting through to God as they always seemed to do, and God was moving in His mighty and wondrous way. Glory be to God!  

Mamma had her heartaches despite her closeness to God. Six of her seven sons were in the armed forces during World War II. Joe, my oldest  brother, was not accepted for service because of an injury he suffered as a child. Tony was a member of the 101st Airborne, a paratrooper.  He was captured and killed during the Allied invasion of Europe.  Costy died from service-connected injuries. Carmen, fighting with the allies in Germany, served in The third Armored Division. He was hit ten times by machine-gun fire, was hospitalized in England, and spent a long recuperative period.  The war was tragic for Mamma, but she went on thanking the Lord, thanking God for the children who were saved.  She was not bitter or angry in any way...

"Hey God" by Frank Foglio, P.51    

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