In a movie plot, an old woman says to an old man that she thinks the old man's son is using his authority. In some cultures, the response is " That's OK. He's my son and that's expected within reason and especially if he has the cheek cut I gave him." That is the answer in the culture of the old lady. In another more gay culture, the father says, "...I will kill him and disown him since anything I have is just for me and I will use him by drinking his toilet water to see if I can read him for ideas..if he jumps when I'm done, you might have to come and mourn professionally though. You might have to come. Ok?" The only issue is the fact that there was this on going dichotomy as the old lady wanted social progress for the rights minded people but she also wanted them to know what she went through. She and her friends worked hard so they might really know in many individual's lives and circumstances, as a result, might not progress too much maybe since it's just not fair with these I- phones and all this essay thieving. Her grand-children seemed to want you to know as well since it's just not fair in their imagination that anyone should have happy customer service experiences unlike their parents as they imagine it.
It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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