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Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Young adults, that is to say embryonic adults, need love..

Daffy Duck's character, like most Disney and other cartoon characters, is based on the teaching that Cain had children and Abel did not as far as we know . The teachings also demonstrate that the bible is true in every generation when it comes to the parameters of human nature so be careful how you acknowledge a child for doing his chores and cleaning all of the sheep dung in the barn. The other siblings  may not understand that they have a chance to clean the pig dung on another occasion or to do some other  chore. They may choose to kill instead. But, fortunately, Eve and Adam repented and they had another son named Seth who is also the ancestor of Abraham. The bible also teaches that it was in the realm of God's grace for men like Jacob and others to have more than one wife.  It changes in the new testament. But, the intention was to ensure reproduction and community. You can certainly reproduce with one wife and you can also have community.    Abraham received a promise that became the ten commandments that became Jesus and Jesus, as a promise of the living word, became the uniform commercial code. Daffy was very American to all of the cartoon characters (in a platonic kind of way if they were dudes) ; especially Peppy Le Piu, The hard working Greenland Hyatt Regency Hotel Officer  Speedy Gonzales and was very romantically American to the blond female duck and Minnie Mouse who was an Mexican immigrant but he ate her big, tasty pan cakes  every day with a glass of green tea and a sprig of evergreen. Bambi's mother said he should have given her a ring when she saw them in the fields with a baby  but she didn't realise he was already married. It was legal nation wide to have two wives but only if you were heterosexual and fertile. Both wives get rights of survivorship without a will.   The blond female duck  was from Costa Rica and was 8 months pregnant. Daffy was man enough.   Cruella looked at them with disdain and rejection since she hated that happiness but wanted to steal the child. Daffy got it right in the end. He loved his child and the mother.  Cruella was a young adult and she did need love though.  She carried a plastic rainbow striped spray water bottle with her where ever she went to spray a mist and remind her of God's grace.  After she had a sufficient reminder, she cut off two of her fingers and found a man who would love in spite of her obvious imperfections. But, that is what love is since everybody is imperfect and in need of love; right?  She had to test God's love and grace and the potential husband also.  It worked.    

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