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Saturday, 25 July 2015

Everybody ends up with the same very basic eternal quotient but you could supwr size it or end up eating diseased burgers that burn in your urethra for ever.

Everybody ends up with the same eternal bliss with all striving and competition concerning that certain feeling for new or  old  shiny wheels or for image ended; dead in a box or is it artificial life for 300+ years where your eyes, ego and flesh can keep holding on and doing what it does best, affecting and striving in the lives of men just so you can feel like a big Mr. or big Ms. Anyway, this is a strange truth.   But, in spite of this equal bliss, you can conceive of Heaven and hell and the media will work hard to get you going in either direction where you must choose.    There could be health benefits or you may choose to sell your health just so you can have the image and a certain bliss before that equally bestowed quotient of bliss in that certain end. The bent-cross seems to have become a more subtle and innocuous rainbow.
 In the end, who ever gets to the finish line first wins since you save more, spend less, endure less damage to your personal possessions and vehicle as caused by people seeking to feel authority over you and pay much less insurance.This is so unless you are helping your family and your family is helping you to achieve something for the family in perpetuity ( since children are not pets to be raised, then killed as a threat to your ego when they become adults or wasted for not being your spitting image or your emotional disciple of confusion) or you accept that, without any other inputs your survival of the birth canal and 9 months of gestation is a miracle and with done purpose other than a fight for feelings authority.

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