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Friday, 31 July 2015

So, as the subject of a movie plot, the last days would be like the days of Noah but who could say that North West Airlines would be bad mouthing the Americans, gay people would feel like Hitler with a desire for total nationwide control and the Mexicans would be selling pizzas in Arizona? Twister is more than a movie about tornadoes and has become a board game and a global news network.    The sad thing about the tribulation is that it does not feel like it very much when you are making ice in your kitchen or eating really good swiss chocolate in a subway walkway with wi-fi and mobile phone access.

"The reason why America feels like it's always soul searching is because it has three founding documents and one of them is English; written by a King John so how independent are you really psychologically and emotionally when you are still psychologically on the fruit loops and yet really big ?"  You could just re-write the magna carta and call it founding principles. Don't forget to mention the right to kill your neighbor and steal his farm because you needed it; especially during the 1930's. It is called the "I needed to eat more" law that is next to the "stand your ground" and the "gay marriage" law."  

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

-author unknown.

Special Presentation: M. Miller at North Sea Jazz.

Londinium TV Channel Special Music Presentation.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

It was an unusual symptom of freedom in Boston in the early years of American life as an independent state. Free blacks who lived in Boston prior to the newly formed independence respected each other's  property. Newly freed blacks who moved north tended to damage the property of other blacks in particular but whites as well.  They would even give a day's worth of cotton to damage someone's property if they felt the owner wasn't being humble enough to own it or if they just thought they shouldn't have it or because they wanted to bring the person closer.  Who could understand such feelings?

Anyway, what's it to you if someone wrote a few laws that said you had to respect your neighbor's wife and children or his donkeys?  Isn't it quite logical that such a rule should exist?  That means everybody should be respected accordingly lest the whole entire community devolves into anarchy. What's wrong if those rules suggest that you worship the one God who( or that one person up there who is looking out for us) would also help and enable you to keep those basic rules? You may have pirate genes but the bible says that Jacob was also a thief but inevitably resolved his life to have peace.   He put away childish things and chose love. See 1st Corinthians 13.       

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

In a new movie plot, it seems Jesus would have turned the benches over in the hockey stadium if you called college players "gay" and for no good reason.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 
Censorship boards set the parameters of the director's canvas.  Would people read more violent books if TV was less gratuitous? Would they watch TV any less frequently? If the price of milk or gasoline is the same at every outlet, the quality and positive socially constructive consciousness on every station without liberation agendas?  The censors for 1965 were quite liberal but balanced in Thunderball.  Buy it now.

In a Movie plot, The Legacy Of The Right To Bear Arms Is Threatened By Gay Rights. But, Gun Control May Be A Good Middle Of The Road Solution Such That Only People With Electric Vehicles And A Degree From A Military College Should Be Able To Buy The Really Big Ones.

Monday, 27 July 2015

The Radio star wins!

It was Marshall Mcluhan who identified the bitten apple as an important visual and linguistic symbol as used in Sleeping Beauty. He may have also observed as a hobby historian and civil servant that the U.S. Civil war and World War 2 were wars based on economic change and upheaval with new demands on socio-economic relationships and the various dependencies occasioned by them that some people wish would never end. This economic change was occasioned by mechanization of labor and manufacturing that made it possible for the industrial classes to make an innumerable supply of  cars and other finished goods in a few days and these products needed an innumerable number of buyers who would find themselves in a new realm of image approximation and maybe some people just thought soo many people should not be soo happy enjoying their I-phones or Volkswagen Beetles as they make them in the millions of units where supply goes up and cost and demand goes down. The Minions (see the movie)  should not be soo emotionally happy with their Volkswagens or I-phones so over-sexualise them as soon as you can so they will be ready to give their very flesh and sweat for favors at the right age and work it like and oil well to graduate from Secondary School. Forget the !@$!$ legislation or law unless it saves our own relatives maybe who may get in a spot and ink out the magna carta as much as possible since that was just stupid of the old man. He should have known he would have a relative named A. H. some day who would get it right again with a "page 3".  Make sure the Bishops understand also since we have to be together on this for the hedges eh  and money. "Videos killing the radio star" is a good song and should help to devalue the notion of the soul and inner content as well.  Then, we cut off a hand in Empire Strikes Back as the world is not enough. We need Heaven and Hell too.   They are so stupid though and should watch Bloomberg television. It's rather brilliant; in fact!
The above excerpt will appear maybe in a Dexter episode soon where Dexter has a bad dream reflecting upon how the world allowed him to exist so freely in public as if he was like normal or something and it all began when the owner of the coffee shop where he worked told him it was ok to put draino in the tea cups of ethnicish or blackish people so he kept going and going until he had a tv show.

There is nothing wrong with appreciating reproduction.

There is nothing wrong with appreciating reproduction.  You can do that by watching a bird and bee fly past your window in your old but appreciated up Chevrolet or 2014 Ford Fusion with the Shelby sticker over the Ford emblem with 18 inch oem or custom rims. You can watch your wife change when she gets home maybe.  But, just ignore the girl who tries to damage the vehicle when you are no longer making car payments and she thinks it looks too good for you not to have to pay someone for the vehicle but obviously you did and you bought it used.  In appreciating reproduction, some people used to live on farms ancestrally and could watch the pigs, cows and donkeys reproduce as they recognized their own miraculous existence. You could still watch cows, pigs and donkeys today by video some how. If the window is hot, you can open it.  In the old world where people lived in crowded urban settlements, you could look into your neighbor's window as the curtains fluttered in the breeze since there was no air conditioning and you might have seen the miracle of reproduction between that 60 year old couple and you are 91.You marvel and remember yourself at 36 but now you are 37 and viagra itself can't help you because of your habits but a slice of ginger could help if you kept your eyes on your one woman and you do, she calls you PETMAN.  In an even older world, you might have peaked into your neighbors' tents in the desert on the way to the promise land and that was a sin since you cannot help but covet since you are not being satisfied with your own water wells or the bits of  the wife of your youth unless you were a certified midwife or alchemist but you peaked just to make sure the couple was ok; you said. It had to be communal knowledge you said. But, the ten commandments told you otherwise and you should follow it to respect your neighbor and do unto others as you would have them do unto you and nor should you think people should want to be watched in their worshiping of the Lord with their wife simply because you want to be watched with yours. You are a weirdo if you do.   These days, you can just install a secret camera in the newlywed's home; especially in the shower since you don't think he or she should have all the authority of being a private copulating couple. But, wait until her father finds out since he comes from a powerful old world community although he is a Pentecostal these days.  He is also a former Seal but he put his children's identity in a different name for their protection. Leave that God-fearing couple alone!  Please also refrain from showing up in a couple of years as a divisive bunch or railing accusers in the guise of  some other denomination who might be jealous of their progress and togetherness when you tell the husband that your denomination has the whole truth with Jesus being hung on a tree or that Mark 3 isn't in the original bible and that if the wife doesn't follow you into this new denomination and your whole truth, she has to be a devil worshiper. The point is that even if every television station had a truly Judeo-Christian outlet, the large conglomerates would still advertise and sell lots of soap, burgers and pepto-bismol and frozen chicken dinners. Stay with your wife and the denomination that supported you as you moved into that promised land of wedded grace.    

The year 1570.

In a movie plot, they campaigned for gay rights using the tradition of religious freedom, tolerance and respect. This enables Muslims to open 1570 Mosques a week in the U.S.  But, new press articles indicate that they intend to use the current gay friendly  U.S. Administration to end religious freedom. If Jesus had a gay brother, he would probably not have chosen him as a disciple but he would have been friendly to and loved this gay relative.  He would have played chess or hockey with him but would not have chastised or ostracized  him as a hockey player for being gay. That would impact the gospel negatively.  Also, this just creates a very hurt and angry community of rejected gay  former Hockey school students who may not have been really  gay where hockey was the world to their families and the world was not enough as a eunuch father who offered his apparatus  for one season as an Islander.  He would have loved him, worked with him, respected him as a hotel chain owner with a wife and children and read Matthew 19 to him. Apparently  Mccain won his various senate campaigns etc after all, it is rumored, but there was insufficient time to count all of the votes. How could there be insufficient time to value what is most sacred to the State Department, the courts and the government if not the administration and the people? It is so ironic.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

New Documentary...

A new documentary will discuss a new set of cases involving conspiracy to murder with financial option- contracts that suggest someone is to die before the purchaser or some other person.  Such contracts are evidence of conspiracy to murder.  

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Wright Brothers believed in God and persisted accordingly. Enjoy Your Flight! Remember to say thank you and..bye! bye!

Documentary Of the Week: Antarctica.

In a new movie plot, a new scientific report indicates that the continents are expanding as expected. This means that there is more land and more space so that we can build more schools to begin to understand why Lord Humongous was gay, really big and wore a hockey mask in the early 80's. This is quite unique symbolism and very useful for expository discussion. It is a geological pattern for the continents to spread apart and create more land.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Everybody ends up with the same very basic eternal quotient but you could supwr size it or end up eating diseased burgers that burn in your urethra for ever.

Everybody ends up with the same eternal bliss with all striving and competition concerning that certain feeling for new or  old  shiny wheels or for image ended; dead in a box or is it artificial life for 300+ years where your eyes, ego and flesh can keep holding on and doing what it does best, affecting and striving in the lives of men just so you can feel like a big Mr. or big Ms. Anyway, this is a strange truth.   But, in spite of this equal bliss, you can conceive of Heaven and hell and the media will work hard to get you going in either direction where you must choose.    There could be health benefits or you may choose to sell your health just so you can have the image and a certain bliss before that equally bestowed quotient of bliss in that certain end. The bent-cross seems to have become a more subtle and innocuous rainbow.
 In the end, who ever gets to the finish line first wins since you save more, spend less, endure less damage to your personal possessions and vehicle as caused by people seeking to feel authority over you and pay much less insurance.This is so unless you are helping your family and your family is helping you to achieve something for the family in perpetuity ( since children are not pets to be raised, then killed as a threat to your ego when they become adults or wasted for not being your spitting image or your emotional disciple of confusion) or you accept that, without any other inputs your survival of the birth canal and 9 months of gestation is a miracle and with done purpose other than a fight for feelings authority.

It is rumored that all commonwealth countries will now allow citizens with foreign titles, especially British titles, to take seat in the Senate or the lower house. This is to end years of confusion as the head of state remains definitively,determinedly and dependently on the coin.
In a movie plot, an old woman says to an old man that she thinks the old man's son is using his authority. In some cultures, the response is " That's OK. He's my son and that's expected within reason and especially if he has the  cheek cut  I gave him."  That is the answer in the culture of the old lady. In another more gay culture, the father says, "...I will kill him and disown him since anything I have is just for me and I will use him by drinking his toilet water to see if I can read him for ideas..if he jumps when I'm done, you might have to come and mourn professionally though. You might have to come. Ok?" The only issue is the fact that there was this on going dichotomy as the old lady wanted social progress for the rights minded people but she also  wanted them to know what she went through. She and her friends worked hard so they might really know in many individual's lives and circumstances, as a result, might not progress too much maybe since it's just not fair with these I- phones and all this essay thieving.  Her grand-children seemed to want you to know as well since it's just not fair in their imagination that anyone should have happy customer service experiences unlike their parents as they imagine it.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 
Proverbs 31 is the most profound and accurate description of a woman's character in keeping with her original purpose. The other descriptions found in Proverbs, although truly the word of God, are reflections of the abherent changes to that intended  character of the woman as seen in various chapters of the book.  She should really only desire one man at a time and her eyes and head movements should reflect this. They should not treat time with him as if it was a meal or as if he was a plaything to be toyed with and disposed of at her whim like a Mr.Big chocolate wrapper. In the end, her abhorrent side can be turned into a functional piece of silicone these days apparently if that is all she is(as sold or seen on mtv and tlc at 2:00 pm on daytime television)  or at least she may have a female cousin or sister with a faithful  heart.
A new documentary to discuss cultures that worship the death of anyone who believes in a deity or who believes in someone looking after us up there will be on Cnn( it is rumored). It will also include a look at cultures south of Corpus Christi.   It will also look at a subtle racial hegemony in these cultures as favored by Ron Brown in addition to physical perfection as Mr. Brown died in a car or plane crash tragically when this was found out.   They will also look at the foods of these interesting people as some of these cultures find their origins in angry European ship wrecks where no one came to find them and their desire for recognition and compensation.
Hitler said it is the majority of the population. But, with plasma tvs and movies screens, you can make it the majority of frenzied emotion. Isn't this constructing consent?   Hitler or his Descendants must have written Wren and Stempy to prepare future generations, adulterating traditional sources of morality.

Psalms 101.

Psalms 101.

Friday, 24 July 2015

A harassing ex girlfriend showed up at her ex boyfriend's American football game in 2004. She smiled at him as he stood on the sidelines and waited to play.  He eventually decided to go to her vehicle and speak to her. She kept smiling as he approached and flirted, calling him over. As soon as he got to her Window, she rolled it down and screamed. He was not in any difficulty since her dashboard camera videoed her calling him to her Kia Rondo vehicle. Thank God.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Do you know anyone who said they chose not to accept Jesus but still wanted someone to die for their sins; maybe a younger family member? Jesus already died and to accept Jesus is more cost effective especially after you've fed and clothed your children.

Special Television Presentation: Mission Impossible

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

An excerpt...

The next day I could hardly wait to get to the telephone to call Mamma and tell her that Julie had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  When finally I got her on the line, I said, "Mom, Julie-"
"Yes," she said. "Julie has got the baptism in the Holy Spirit."  I learned that very night Mamma had been on her knees at ten o' clock, telling God, "Hey God! Give my son a saved wife."  God heard her prayer and sent His Holy Spirit upon Julie to convict her that night after we had finished our prayers and gotten into bed.  She was so impelled to go back to prayer again that she could not resist the power leading her. Mamma's prayers were getting through to God as they always seemed to do, and God was moving in His mighty and wondrous way. Glory be to God!  

Mamma had her heartaches despite her closeness to God. Six of her seven sons were in the armed forces during World War II. Joe, my oldest  brother, was not accepted for service because of an injury he suffered as a child. Tony was a member of the 101st Airborne, a paratrooper.  He was captured and killed during the Allied invasion of Europe.  Costy died from service-connected injuries. Carmen, fighting with the allies in Germany, served in The third Armored Division. He was hit ten times by machine-gun fire, was hospitalized in England, and spent a long recuperative period.  The war was tragic for Mamma, but she went on thanking the Lord, thanking God for the children who were saved.  She was not bitter or angry in any way...

"Hey God" by Frank Foglio, P.51    

Monday, 20 July 2015

As a matter of history, World 2 would not have continued for very long if the Americans agreed with the Germans in principle. I am glad the Americans did not agree.

Elmer the Morality or Safety Elephant.

So, the ease of accessibility of hell by electronic means and devices does not change our need for a minimum degree of safety principles also known as morality or moral principles and this is so in any given society.

Matthew 5.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Young adults, that is to say embryonic adults, need love..

Daffy Duck's character, like most Disney and other cartoon characters, is based on the teaching that Cain had children and Abel did not as far as we know . The teachings also demonstrate that the bible is true in every generation when it comes to the parameters of human nature so be careful how you acknowledge a child for doing his chores and cleaning all of the sheep dung in the barn. The other siblings  may not understand that they have a chance to clean the pig dung on another occasion or to do some other  chore. They may choose to kill instead. But, fortunately, Eve and Adam repented and they had another son named Seth who is also the ancestor of Abraham. The bible also teaches that it was in the realm of God's grace for men like Jacob and others to have more than one wife.  It changes in the new testament. But, the intention was to ensure reproduction and community. You can certainly reproduce with one wife and you can also have community.    Abraham received a promise that became the ten commandments that became Jesus and Jesus, as a promise of the living word, became the uniform commercial code. Daffy was very American to all of the cartoon characters (in a platonic kind of way if they were dudes) ; especially Peppy Le Piu, The hard working Greenland Hyatt Regency Hotel Officer  Speedy Gonzales and was very romantically American to the blond female duck and Minnie Mouse who was an Mexican immigrant but he ate her big, tasty pan cakes  every day with a glass of green tea and a sprig of evergreen. Bambi's mother said he should have given her a ring when she saw them in the fields with a baby  but she didn't realise he was already married. It was legal nation wide to have two wives but only if you were heterosexual and fertile. Both wives get rights of survivorship without a will.   The blond female duck  was from Costa Rica and was 8 months pregnant. Daffy was man enough.   Cruella looked at them with disdain and rejection since she hated that happiness but wanted to steal the child. Daffy got it right in the end. He loved his child and the mother.  Cruella was a young adult and she did need love though.  She carried a plastic rainbow striped spray water bottle with her where ever she went to spray a mist and remind her of God's grace.  After she had a sufficient reminder, she cut off two of her fingers and found a man who would love in spite of her obvious imperfections. But, that is what love is since everybody is imperfect and in need of love; right?  She had to test God's love and grace and the potential husband also.  It worked.    

A human being is the best android; really! They also give back and buy gadgets, vehicles and other neat stuff.

A human being is a really good Petman. They cost billions of dollars less and they are perfect in comparison. That's amazing!

Monday, 13 July 2015

He said, "...In our world, you can use anything produced academically by someone with a missing appendage or who is disabled and then you just kill them and the whole world has signed off on it. Who can argue with perfection? But, do not use essays written by anyone named King or Gandhi since that would be sacrilegious and would not agree with our notions of religion or equality but you can use anyone else." What is his name?  

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Documentary Of the Week: World Natural Heritage.

A Nuclear Nightmare, Averted A decades-old treaty offers clues to evaluating the potential deal with Iran. -

See the link below.   
This week, with little fanfare, one of the world’s key restraints on the spread of nuclear weapons came under scrutiny, as a month-long review of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) concluded at the United Nations. Negotiated over the 1960s, the NPT was signed in 1968 and became international law in 1970. As specified by the treaty, members hold a conference every five years to assess the agreement. The exercise offers insight into our nuclear age, and perspective ahead of the coming debate about a deal to constrain Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
In the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, President John F. Kennedy determined that the nuclear order of the time posed unacceptable risks to mankind. “I see the possibility in the 1970s of the president of the United States having to face a world in which 15 or 20 or 25 nations may have these weapons,” he warned the world. “I regard that as the greatest possible danger.”

The Iran Nuclear Deal, by the Numbers
Kennedy’s estimate reflected the conventional wisdom during that period. As nations acquired the advanced technological capability to build nuclear weapons, most analysts expected them to follow in the footsteps of the first five nuclear powers and build their own arsenals. Kennedy’s purpose in stating his fears so starkly was to call for imaginative, unprecedented initiatives to avoid that future.
In response to this call, the United States and Soviet Union established a hotline to allow direct communication during crises; signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, which outlawed nuclear tests in the atmosphere; and began negotiations to limit the spread of nuclear weapons. That effort eventually produced the NPT. States that joined the treaty foreswore nuclear weapons in exchange for other states, including their adversaries or potential enemies, making an equivalent pledge. In addition, the five nuclear-weapons states of that time promised to provide other members with technological assistance including nuclear-generated electricity and additional benefits of peaceful nuclear energy, as well as to work to reduce and ultimately eliminate their own nuclear arsenals.

Ever since the NPT became international law, skeptics in the United States have opposed successive arms-control agreements with arguments that have become virtually canonical. This canon begins by rejecting the concept of striking deals with sworn enemies. If the real objective is to change an adversary’s regime, or even destroy it, these skeptics say, how can the U.S. accept their commitments in agreements?
Ronald Reagan, for instance, was challenged by fellow conservatives when he began negotiating deals like the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with the nation he named the “evil empire.” As George Will wrote in 1987, “Reagan has accelerated the moral disarmament of the West—actual disarmament will follow.” William F. Buckley’s National Review editorial asked: “Why is [the INF Treaty] bad enough to be called a ‘suicide pact’?” Because “the Soviets do not intend it to contribute to a general lessening of their worldwide operations.” Reagan insisted that he was capable of brokering agreements to reduce the risks of accidents or unauthorized actions that risked nuclear war with one hand, while redoubling his efforts to undermine the Soviet regime with the other. And he did just that. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
One argument advanced by critics of the NPT noted that many nations who signed up for the treaty were known cheaters; expecting them to comply with their commitments was naive, and verifying whether they were actually doing so would be impossible. Moreover, it was delusional to presume that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the official watchdog for the NPT, would be able to identify violations in states that could hide nefarious activity in hundreds of thousands of miles of territory. The IAEA has undoubtedly found that assignment challenging, and it has failed in this regard on several occasions. On balance, however, its record compares favorably with that of national intelligence agencies whose budgets are hundreds of times larger.

Critics also argued in the case of the NPT, as well as subsequent arms-control treaties with the Soviet Union, that success in signing agreements would lead the U.S. government to imagine that the problem of nuclear proliferation had been solved and shift its attention elsewhere—that it would, in effect, make leaders less vigilant about such a high-priority threat. But four and a half decades on, the U.S. intelligence community is hugely more capable and more focused on the spread of nuclear weapons than it was when the NPT was born.

Graham Allison
The results, reflected in the chart above, are hard to deny. As of today, 185 stateshave signed up to the NPT and voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons. That is, virtually every state other than the declared nuclear-weapons states and a few outliers: India, Israel, Pakistan, South Sudan, and depending on who you ask, North Korea (Iran is a signatory). Members of the treaty include many countries that set out on the road to nuclear weapons and had the technical capability to complete the journey, but reversed course: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Iraq, Italy, Libya, Romania, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, and the former Yugoslavia. In contrast to the 15 or 25 nuclear-weapons states JFK envisaged, today just nine have nukes: Britain, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States. One state, South Africa, built nuclear weapons in the 1980s but then eliminated them during the transition from apartheid.
The NPT, of course, has been only one pillar of the global nuclear order. Others include the American “nuclear umbrella” (pledges to defend allied, non-nuclear states), U.S. security guarantees to Germany, Japan, and NATO members, credible military threats like those posed to Iran if it should seek to build a bomb, and even wars. Ironically, the U.S.-led military response to Saddam Hussein’s attempt to annex Kuwait in 1991 uncovered his secret nuclear-weapons program and destroyed it.
Still, given JFK’s nightmare that could have been, it’s worth recognizing the forces that bent this arc of history. The negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program represent a distinct case that must be examined on its own terms with careful attention to its specific facts. But the NPT’s record provides a backdrop against which to assess the latest round of canonical objections.


Graham Allison

Saturday, 11 July 2015

If something is unremarkable, doesn't that mean someone or something is positively speechless as in good or good enough? If you are speechless, isn't that a good thing with the product in front of you even if you feel  a little reluctant or spiteful in finding your words to just say "as good", "met" or "exceed" ?  If it is unremarkable, you said it certainly isn't lacking !?!  Yes...certainly.

It's Amazing How Some People Say They Can't Believe In a God But They Can Believe In Their Flights...The Wright Brothers believed in God and persisted accordingly. Enjoy Your Flight! Remember to say thank you and..bye! bye!

A father went to a grain and beans seller and forgot to get cheeses as his wife requested.

In a movie plot, a father went to a grain and beans seller and forgot to get cheeses as his wife requested. He was standing at the cash register when he asked the librarian if it would be alright to go and get the cheeses. She said "..yes...go gay( under her breath)." It was disconcerting so he decided to buy what was already in the basket, leave the seller and go home. The other dude thought of his own wife, what she said when he did not get what she requested in one trip on the last drive to the shops, decided to go to his vehicle after the purchase and then come back in to the Kroger market to buy the cheese separately. When the first grain, raisins and milk(oh my!) purchaser got home, he told his wife that he forgot the cheese and that he had to go back to the store so she accused him of cheating since there should be no reason to explain why he forgot. So, he said kindly get your cheeses tomorrow and she kept asking who she might be. There wasn't anyone but the wife. Can anyone say what a genuine cheese buying husband can do? The wife apologized later and said "..I just need to know you look good any video or photos we take for the image and I took a selfie with someone else who has more picnic baskets and free family walks and I wasn't sure if you were seeking attention from some one else because of it. But, we can break up if you want." Video killed the radio couple(star) and family maybe. In fact, she had only read the latest issue of Family Divisionopolitan but some feels like the selfie.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

Critical Observations...

Osvaldo Sunkel is a political theorist who made critical observations with respect to systems theory. He concluded that the world political system involved three tiers of states with varying degrees of influence within the international system. The most powerful states are in the top tier. States who seek redress and push for system change are in the second tier while the third tier states do their best within the world system and its various currents, cooperative engagements, programs, ebbs and flows.  This is old but not so strange news; after all.  Economically, Sunkel demonstrates that the world economy is a single system economy that can be described as a closed cage or vacuum.  He says the system is capitalist. But, the word "capitalist" is quite loaded with various presumptions that lead to distortions and certain inconsistencies.  The international economy, in fact,  works on fundamental market dynamics in spite of any socialist or capitalist theories of any kind or any other theories concerning world economic divisions of  labour or theories on Economies of scale.  The principles are a-dynamic in nature and function.  Capitalism, however, is one of the best familiar descriptors of these principles in a world with a small hegemonic vocabulary and paradigm.  But, fundamental market dynamics do not follow ideologies. Capitalism is an ideology akin to communism. Communism should be referred to now as re-distributive capitalism. It is a paradigm that suggests dependency but promoted market principles, suggesting competition and creativity as much as possible.  Communism, also referred to as Redistributive capitalism, will provide a one bed apartment for every adult who completes high school. If you want equity, you can hope to get a job and buy the unit. Then, you will be a land owner.    In between capitalism and communism, you find marxism that suggests there is enough for everyone in a free market economy but every citizen should be guaranteed a good education by the state to be civil citizens in a civil society and there should be an appropriate redistribution of wealth to ensure a minimum degree of sheltered dignity, safety and mobility or work in  a world of mechanized industrialism.  They can answer five calls a day, two days a week from home for the post office and consume on a salary of $40000.00. Nobody wants to stay home all day and the $40000.00 is there until death.  If you work for a company, they will pay you an additional top up hourly payment or fee as part of the master and servant covenant.   The citizen can also work part-time else where if they wish to finance that cool new ride or be judged in a used 2007 Camaro or something or other but who should judge you?.  Any activities or systems that attempt to operate in a manner that is extraneous to fundamental market dynamics in domestic and international markets cannot survive for very long and that extraneous system will find that it will show signs of burden and may also falter due to its counter-intuitive nature or since it will not have produced sufficient product and is not in favor, in some stages of history, due to insufficient rainbow painting on bridges etc or legalized homosexuality, homosexual weddings and homosexual divorces. It can't be that they will say about homosexuals that...hmm.. nobody does customer service better.   This does not mean that societies and economies cannot have amazingly generous social programs and in fact they should these days as cash becomes more electronic and easier to tax. Due to electronic cash transactions, government tax coffers have increased exponentially and this is also due to the lack of a competitive market in consumer vehicle energy costs( the cost of petrol/gas at the pump) with the associated tax you video game, X- box and I pod junkies having it stuck in you. But, who could pay attention except obey and buy gas to buy more food could buy a Audi hybrid vehicle with the economy mode and save the cash on gas.  In spite of the most generous social programs as needed, productivity will not subside since there will always be motive to have more and more and be your own man or at least show up at the gas station in anything you like and there is soo much choice; hence the offers to cut off a toe or two. Family background will always lead to inequalities so there is no issue about that. That will always remain and humans have varying degrees of creativity next to other potential issues in social stratification. That is why there is modular, well designed glassy and steel furniture to ensure no one gets too depressed.  But, its good to have lots and lots of consumers to keep everybody buying the things that society will not allow you to make maybe on mass because your ears do not fit the image or maybe its your extra pretty elbows.  Marx has something to say about this. He never denied the need to produce and sell; hence the need for good education so that every citizen will find his niche and have something to produce as machines encroached upon man's role as a worker.  There is  no need to fear millions of people being able to read Shakespeare. They should assign two such plays for English class in the first year of High School; like they used to. The department that creates safe and viable competitive markets in all arenas to prevent undue murders of dutiful cab drivers or doctors is important since no one is trying to show off. Cab drivers and Doctors have a duty. Did you hear about the cab driver who was bumped off for finding the most efficient and direct route to help his paying client since some cab driver down the road thought he was showing off to think of  it? He also bought a cheap watch that saves the money on a yearly $12.00 watch battery as it uses a lot of good technology. It costs the same as a Divisionopolitan collector's issue magazine, a Timex or as a Fossilizing.  They are just trying to maintain a fearful duty like the big gas man and bring some frozen pizzas home in their used vehicle.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence.
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel.


Friday, 10 July 2015

Every human is a love. You are loved.

The machines were used beyond their stylish date to save money for that cruise or to purchase a 2017 driver-less vehicle.

Who wants a driver-less car?  It was suggested on tv show called "What will they think of next?" and a great deal of research has helped to develop technology for unmanned planes that reduces the risk of the loss of life in military scenarios.  Google has spent significant funds on this research and this is excellent. They will have commercial value when you can send the vehicle to pick up groceries. There are other functions but drivers, as human beings, buy gas and groceries.  Bus drivers buy vehicles, gas and groceries.  A driver-less vehicle, if not specifically designed for military purposes, does not recognize that the purpose of the car is the human being that is driving it and that being is a consumer.  The driver-less car could help individuals who may need mobility as disabled individuals.  This is an excellent commercial function.   But, the machine cannot supplant its purpose of serving the consumer human being.  The designer of the machine knows this because he needs to make sales. Humans are buyers. If it is not this way, the machines might become self-activated with AI and in the last war, we can look at the machines or a mirror, see our own reflection and see that we are fighting ourselves; after all!  The greatest enemy is within; yah?       Military pilots and drivers are consumers as well and the risks they take are rewarded accordingly. School bus drivers are consumers also.  All consumers finance vehicle purchases for their family or they buy used Cadillacs and Corvettes, buy pizzas and cruises and we need many more of them as they also buy new 1tb laptops every five years to stay socially current and accepted. If they don't  buy new machines, people burn remotely the second-hand machines that the consumer kept using beyond their stylish date of six months.  The machines were used beyond their stylish date to save money for that cruise or to purchase a 2017 driver-less vehicle.   This is so whether or not they have a cheek cut from a year old that is not soo visible.

When Londinium was emerging as a Romanised city under Roman occupation although founded by the French, there was no church in Europe yet and Jesus resurrected 15 years prior. The centurions in Londinium used to talk about the centurion in Jerusalem whose child was healed by Jesus. It was known as a miracle.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Eat drink and be merry while being faithful to your wife and children for tomorrow we may die. Ok?
Totalitarianism may be defined as hearing the same music any where you go in the country on any radio station or paying the same price for mobile apps and cheese at every gas station no matter where you are in that free market economy.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Minor Cultures and the emotional dependencies associated with them do not run governments. It is the state and its various facets or bits. For the purposes of humorous and hypothetical discussion, if the ancestor of a white Fijian becomes a governor, we should not expect that anyone should feel they have the freedom to mistreat people where students must live in perpetual fear of their lecturers who are descendants of White Fijians. The state ensures that the state and its citizens are safe. There is need for the original union jack, melting pot or Australian mosaic culture that invites and acts as a solvent, enabling a home for all. This includes those aboriginals and natives with tribal cuts, tattoos and markings. This is the safe haven for all citizens, new immigrants, old immigrants and those unseen victims of ethnic cleansing.
It was suggested in the Matrix at Mobil station that human beings are grown to fulfill an economic function as batteries for the benefit of machines. But, machines don't eat and nor do they consume. Humans are consumers; not batteries. There is no viable economic function without humans being purposefully prized as consumers. Machines are the servants of human ingenuity and are submitted dependently to this ingenuity. There is no economic life or viability without humans and human dignity. The purpose of machines is to safeguard human dignity much like all media outlets that include page 3.   Mobil is good and Mobil needs consumers regardless of the expensive hydrogen at the pump. It's the same price as gasoline, families are disgruntled except for a brief respite provided by K mart and big gas man but it's clean hydrogen.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

The Lord is omni-present so when He watched Jaws(the movie), He probably realized that the script or screen play indicated that someone believed He was important enough to be mentioned incessantly.  They were right but when you watch it, you sometimes wonder if all of that summoning of  Yeshua is necessary in a blockbuster.  Maybe something was about to happen socio-politically that never happened before. Who knows?

Special Brief Documentary Presentation Of The Week: Planet Earth.

Special Music Presentation.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

 Seven Minutes (the movie) is quite like "Slow  West" except it fast forwards the same gun culture, gun slinging, flat lands and towns 200 years into the future.  In the upcoming prequel, the protagonist's girlfriend professes devoted love but decides to cool her ardor after an engagement and cheats on him. She decides to spend more time with her friends and asks him to understand that this is how things will be while he is asked to stay home. She breaks up eventually but decides not to let him go emotionally or reconcile after a discussion to clarify her new loose and swinging attitude while she dated other people,wanting him dead because he would not fight for her. She told lots of lies and tried to solicit the assistance of victim culture/soap opera addicts who just wanted to beat anyone up for what amounted to her stupidity.  He ended up marrying someone else who kept his baby and loved him in return.        
Whether it's oil or hydrogen, it is your gas station and you can raise or decrease the price to make people feel lousy sort of except for the smart phones they own. They have front and back cameras these days. Hydrogen does not mean cheap fuel at the pump or more groceries but it does mean clean.
Jerusalem was named before the Roman occupation. It was a Roman occupied territory but not named by the Romans.  This is also true of Cairo.  Londinium was not named by the Romans and this is also true of Calais. Calais and Londinium were named by Old French inhabitants of those territories who were not Roman subjects when the territories were named.
One thing about funerals is that if it is your funeral, you won't be there to see if anybody wiped your nose for you or if they think you or your shoes are good enough that you should get to work or live another day or if the shoes are good enough for Heaven. But, hopefully they are.

Friday, 3 July 2015

If they are not his, why are you trying to kill someone?  It is an offence to be in possession of property belonging to another with the intention to use or permanently deprive the owner of his right of exclusive use or ownership of that property (this includes essays).  It is also a deception offence to purport that a thesis or essay is yours even if you wish to claim it is public domain. This is so even if you got a C+.   It is not your work.  It is not public domain.
Quotes by James Madison

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.

To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.
Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.
Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence.
Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.
Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages.
Commercial shackles are generally unjust, oppressive, and impolitic.
The proposed Constitution is, in strictness, neither a national nor a federal constitution; but a composition of both.
The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy.
Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every expanded prospect.
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.

On Sunday and on Sabbath at bible study, they preached on Isaiah 61 and a few orphans showed up for a little help after service.  Nobody helped but they were told to come back. Maybe they came back  when they were teaching on Mark 3.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

DJ Pears Soappe And Friends Music Mix Of the Week.

There was a woman who chose bitterness over reconciliation.  There is another woman who chose bitterness while pretending that someone she never met was in a relationship with her and had used her. In the case of the second woman, the victim who was not in any relationship with her is now no longer with us. She had put an insurance policy on his life and was the first to show up at the funeral.   He was an unfortunate victim of an ego.    In the case of the first woman, she wrote by email or letter but never responded after her offer  to meet for coffee was acknowledged. It was too cold at the Luton Starbucks that day and she seems to have wanted nothing else but to refuse her own opportunity to heal and let him go because that is all he wanted.  He met someone else who was self-accepting and willing to wipe his eyes and remove a piece of lint in his eye lashes instead of running from the lint and being judgmental.  The opportunity to reconcile remained but she was warned not to harass the individual.          
In a new movie plot about a Dunce girl....she asks if you ever spent an hour with a male cousin or friend playing video games. You are male so dunce girl says "...then you are gay.... like me",  she says. But she doesn't always confess that she is gay or disclose the fact that she really is recruiting. She might be just under- socialized  and seeking a sense of authority by using centrifuge- like confusion. Their grandparents tried to befriend you and steal you away as you walked home from school. Their  daughters want to confuse you, befriend you and steal your cash.

It is the continuing policy of Londinium TV Channel to discuss everything in a light hearted manner and to let everyone know that homosexuals are human beings. It is also to share the gospel. They should be as well respected in public as any bible believing Christian. Hatred is not tolerated against homosexuals and nor should anyone tolerate anyone, including homosexuals, perpetrating crimes of anger, passions and violence. 
Warren Lyon, Editor.
Londinium TV Channel. 

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

More ozone  means more cold; more cold means more ice in the right places; more ice means more water.  This is good. Thank God for the ozone rebuilding chemical in the airline fuel.
It is being suggested that there is a new video game playable on a cell phone that actually reduces your sense of personal space.   It's the most addictive game and quite easy to play. The game logo includes lavender, white, navy blue and black.